

do you know if you are doing a 3DT or 5DT?

After last cycle we requested a 5DT.

So crazy - we're on the exact same schedule. 

Re: colbie!

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    We're not sure if it'll be 3 or 5DT. Based on conversations with our RE, it sounds like more of their people have a 3DT, but we'll see. It'd be nice to be pushed out to 5DT since we did a 3DT last time!

    Very crazy that we're on the same schedule - I'll find out today what time my retrieval will be. Can't wait to hear how your follie check goes!

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    I asked for the 5DT, the three day left me with a lot of moral issues I didn't realize I cared about (if that even makes sense?)

    Can't wait to get your time :) So exciting. 

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