
New to board...gave birth at 25 weeks.


Not sure where to go, but heard this was a good way to get support from. 

On Friday, April 23rd I gave birth to my son. I was only 25 weeks and 5 days.  The whole labor and delivery just went so fast and had no idea why and what happen that cause it.  And yes, this was my first and I was scared.  In a good note, my Dr got him out on time via C-section and he?s now in NICU.  So far, the nurse and neonatologist both said that he?s doing good at his age.  He?s bigger than most 25 weeks baby (2lbs, 3 oz, and 14 inches long).  

Overall, I?m bless that my labor and delivery went good, but of course I?m worried about my baby being in the NICU.  At times, I?m not sure what the nurses and neonatologist are saying and just keep asking if this procedures are normal to have for preemies.  Anyways, just want to introduce myself to the group.

Re: New to board...gave birth at 25 weeks.

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    Welcome and congratulations on your baby.  You have come to the right place.  There are a lot of mothers here that know exactly what you are going through so feel free to ask anything.  Also don't hesitate to ask the nurses and doctors questions while your at the hospital.  I'm sure they will be more than happy to answer your questions no matter how silly the question may seem.  Some times I would even ask the same question a few times to different nurses just to hear their different answers.  Thats what they are there for. 



    My twins Benjamin and Olivia



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    Welcome to the board and congratulations on your baby.  He is a really good weight!  My son was born at 26 weeks and was only 2lbs 1 oz and 13 inches.

    Feel free to ask any questions, everyone here is wonderful.

    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
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    Congratulations on your baby!!  The ladies here are extremely supportive.
    EDD: 01/08/10, Born 8 weeks early on 11/16/09 at 32w3d due to pre-eclampsia and partial abruption
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    Congrats on your baby boy. He really was a good size! My 30 weeker was only 2lb 9oz. I hope your NICU stay is as uneventful as possible.
    A small start at 2lb 9oz, 60 day NICU stay, and 6 months of O2 My 30 weeker is growing up! <a href="
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    Congratulations! My son was born at 26 weeks, 1 day and weighed 1 pound, 14 ounces so that is great that he is over 2 pounds. He is 22 months old now. Please feel free to ask any questions. This board is great.
    Conceived twins with IVF January 2008. Lost baby a at 20 1/2 weeks due to premature rupture of membranes and held onto baby b. Baby b (Brandon) born at 26 weeks and 1 day on July 5, 2008. Wesley born full term on June 29, 2011. My blog Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers image
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    Welcome and congrats on your baby! Definitely ask questions. Ask about everything - what are they doing, what is this going to do for him, how can I be involved in his care, etc. They can't forecast the future but they should give you all the details of everything they're doing right now.

    NICU time is very difficult and we're here to support you if you have a bad day or have any questions about what's going on. Ladies here have a lot of NICU knowledge about a variety of issues, so don't hesitate to ask about a condition or procedure. Odds are, someone here has gone through the same or similar thing and can shed some light on it. Hugs!

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    Congrats - lots of prayers to you and your LO!
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    Congrats on the birth of your son! What a little fatty!!! My 26 weeker was 1lb 4ozs! I wish I had found this board while DD was in the NICU, the women here are amazing. If you have any questions, please let us know...most likely someone here has gone though it and can give you some kind of advice and/or support. I will be keeping you and yours in my thoughts and prayers
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    Welcome, mama!  I also had my DD at 25 weeks.  This board is a lifesaver.  Come back often with questions, updates, or just venting.  We know what you are going through!
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    Welcome, and congratulations on the birth of your son.

    My babies were born at exactly 25w5d as well. We spent 95 and 99 days in the NICU but today they are thriving and doing wonderfully. Hang in there and ask anything you need to here - we've all been there.

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    Congrats!  DD was born at 27w3d and was 2lbs 3oz, 12.5" and she was considered a good size for a 27weeker!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Told you this would be a great board with lots of good energy and knowledge. =) 
    Lisa. mommy to Emmy and Ally image
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    i know how hard it is! i'm so sorry you had him early- but it sounds like he's so big! that's a long way toward being healthy in and of itself. (my dd was 1lb11oz at 27w4d!) :) 

    there is so much going on, and it's so emotional, it can be overwhelming. i definitely recommend the essential guide to preemies to all new preemie mommies. it had TONS of info that was helpful to get our feet on the ground and at least have some idea of what was up around the nicu at first.

    this board and these ladies are amazing! they've helped me through so much during my daughter's nicu stay and since then. feel free to ask any questions and i know we'll all try to help!

    congratulations on your little man! and yay for a good delivery! :) 

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    Welcome and congrats! Ask any questions you may have.


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    Welcome and congratulations! I ditto the recommendation for 'Preemies; The essential guide for parents of premature infants' it's an awesome book and helps a ton.

    Best wishes

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    I hope you can find some good support to help you through your NICU journey and all that you will face as a new preemie parent.  I have a preemie parenting blog dedicated to helping new parents understand what's going on in the NICU and what to expect.  I recommend you visit my blog and browse around to see what questions you have that can be answered.  Some articles I recommend to you are:

    Trauma of Delivering a Preemie

    NICU Nurses Good and Bad

    NICU Glossary

    Overwhelmed at the NICU

    NICU Survival Tip #1

    NICU - The Layout

    You can also join Preemie Babies 101 on Facebook.  Best wishes you you and your family, and especially your tiny baby.  I hope he continues to grow stronger every day!

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    Congratulations on your little boy!
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    Update: May 3rd-  

    My son is doing well in the NICU.  So far the nurses and Drs said that he's PDA has closed. They are starting to feed him my breast milk but he's having trouble digesting due to immature digestive system.  However they are monitoring him day to day to make sure.  As for myself, I'm taking in one day at a time.  At night, I find myself touching my belly and I get emotional that I'm not pregnant anymore and my baby is at NICU.  I know that it's normal to feel this way and all I can do is just pray and count my blessing.

     Thanks you in advance for everything. 



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    Thanks for checking back in!

    I wish I could give you a great big hug!  I remember so clearly the feelings of loss associated with my pregnancy ending so early and helplessness associated with not being able to help DS as he lay in his isolette.  Hang in there...participate in his care all they'll let you.  You'll feel better some days and worse others, but all in all it does get better and your love for your LO will be felt through the walls of that isolette!





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