North Carolina Babies

Birthday invites

For DS's first birthday we are having a family/close friends cookout at our house. We were thinking about putting on the inviation something like "because DS is so blessed we request that in lieu of gifts donations be made to needy children in Nicaragua" everyone that will be at the party knows about our mission work in Nicaragua, but I dont know if this rude to put on there (I sort of think it is) or how to word it. What do you think?

 Also I know even if I put this on there the grandparents are going to still going to buy gifts, would you open these at the party or wait and open them later?


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Re: Birthday invites

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    I would probably just say something about not wanting any gifts and leave it at that.  If someone asks you directly what he needs, you can say that he doesn't need anything, but you'd love it if they'd make a donation to X organization in DS's name instead.

    As for gifts, I'd wait until after the party. We're having Nate's birthday party this weekend, and I asked friends to not bring gifts.  I told my parents that we'd open gifts from them & other family members at their house after the birthday party.

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