LGBT Parenting

Weekend Recap? (Posted here for blue!)

How was your weekend? What are you looking forward to most this week?

Re: Weekend Recap? (Posted here for blue!)

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    Friday L went to spend the night at a friend's in-law suite to work on her dissertation (she is going to be doing this a few times a month to give her long chunks of time to write.) After the kids went to bed, I stayed up way too late watching stuff on DVR that L won't watch (Tori and Dean, anyone?!?)

    Saturday I took the kids to sports class, foolishly decided to take them to Cheeburger Cheeburger due to my craving, and then to Costco. Post nap, L came home and we went on a walk/scooter ride to the library (keeping up with those scooters is damn good exercise!)

    Sunday we went grocery shopping for the first time in forever and then went to the Cheesecake Factory for brunch and to the mall so I could return some things. L and the kids took a nap and then we went for another walk/scooter ride. I thought we were in the clear with thunderstorms at bedtime, but they rolled in at 10:30 - just as I had fallen asleep and woke everyone up. Grumble.

     Most looking forward to:  Dinner with 2 friends tomorrow night. One of them was my freshman year roommate who lives 45 minutes from me and yet I haven't seen in nearly 2 years - plus she is pregnant!  I am also looking forward to hopefully finding a new school for the boys for next year (we are going on 2 tours this week.)

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    We had a really tough weekend with LMC.  We almost called her therapist and SW to intervene/come get her. I settled on calling my poor mom, sobbing and hyperventilating. I know it kills her to hear me like that but I needed to talk to someone. 

    She was less awful yesterday so we went out for lunch, playing and errand running. We bought some new flowers and DW and I planted while they napped. That was relaxing, just what we needed.

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    My weekend was good.  Saturday K decided to have a garage sale.  I helped a bit but mostly hung out w/ Baby Two. Yesterday  I spent the day feeding/pumping aaalllllll day.  K went to a school thing and saw a short concert by Flo Rida - lol!

    This week I'm most looking forward to figuring out my daily routine w/ Baby Two. :-)

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    duchess - sorry to hear about the tough behavior :(

    We had a really nice, mellow weekend.  Saturday the weather was beautiful so we went to an earth fair that my parent's were working at. Sprout made a bird feeder and got his face painted, we went on a nature hike, and we had lunch while listening to some music. After nap Sprout and DW spent the afternoon/evening working outside on the yard while Rosebud and I cleaned and played inside.  The day felt so productive, it was wonderful!

    Sunday was a rainy mess so Sprout and I played inside, did workbooks, and made cookies while DW and rosebud went to brunch.  He LOVED having the one-on-one time and was so pleasant, it was great.  Then I did something i've never done...after i put the kids down for nap, I took one too! lovely!  In the afternoon we visited with DW's Bubby and had a quiet evening at home.

    It was a treat to spend quality one-on-one time with each kid and its is way easier than two! lol.  so how crazy does that make me for wanting three??

    eta: this week i'm most looking forward to the birth of our friend's baby girl! She's being induced on friday!!

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    I graduated last friday for Medical Asst, and went out for dinner following day to celebrate and after all that excitement me and baby slept all day on Sunday.
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    yay! now I can see everybody's responses! Big Smile

    ours was okay. we did something on Friday, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was...

    Saturday we were going to do a bunch of stuff around the house and run errands, but that ended up not happening. well, we did make it to the grocery, but that was it. we have an issue with one of the storm drains on our property, so we had to call in service and they're coming back out tomorrow to try and figure out exactly what's going on. the joys of home ownership.

    Sunday we went to church and then did some running around. we went out to lunch and got my wife some new batting gloves and got filters for my fishtank at work. that kind of fun stuff.

    this week I'm looking forward to getting my new camera lens! it should be at my house by Wednesday or Thursday and I'm excited to get it and play!

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    This weekend was the last days of my vacation.  Friday night we hung out after a busy day including pedis and a doctors appointment for Ella. She got one shot and only gave out one little cry and then was smiling again.  The look on her face is always oh that was it.  I think she went through so much at the hospital that shots are no big deal. 

    Sat we had breakfast with our favorite neonatologist it was really yummy and E did so great.  She loves sitting in her high chair looking around.  In the afternoon we went to a sheep shearing festival with my parents.  It was fun, so sunny and I got a fried potato on a stick!  YUM

    Sunday we went to a birthday party for a friends child.  It was E was great as usual and it was great to see our friends who we don't get a chance to see all that often.

    Today I am back at work and sad and missing my baby and my wife!  Only 39 more day until summer vacation. This summer I am living it up since last summer I spent in the hospital.  So I guess this week I am looking forward to summer!

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    Late to the post because our computer is in the basement, which still aggravates my allergies (former owners kept their cat down here while they worked) after being cleaned FOUR TIMES.... We're working on it...  But in the mean time, I'm not down here much, and my ipod only lets me read posts, not reply.  Anyway...

    We had a fun, full, exhausting weekend!

    On Friday, C treated (a very hormonal, emotional) me to dinner at one of my fave guilty pleasures...Friendly's (omg - the honey bbq chicken sandwich and a sundae...yum!).

    Saturday we went grocery shopping in the morning, and got some odds and ends done around the house - organizing Henry's room, some cleaning, etc.  Then my dad came by with his truck to bring me to Home Depot to get some plywood for my upholstered headboard project!  (Headboard is now 1/2 done - wahoo! I've been wanting to do this project for years and now am finally doing it since I know I'll be spending lots of time in bed soon with Henry!).  After that, we finally made it to Newport!!!!!!  It felt so amazing to get a little change of scenery, have a delicious seafood dinner and just do something fun, just for us.  I feel like I've been living in one giant To-Do list for months now, and having a special date in one of our favorite places was just what the doctor ordered.  It was so much fun just strolling around Newport and thinking about how the next time we go - our little boy will be with us Smile

    Sunday we tackled the errand list in the morning.  It was very tiring for me, but it felt great to get things done, especially since some of the errands were things I couldn't do without C during the week (like exchanging something heavy at Ikea).  Then I worked on my headboard project in the afternoon and C did more cleaning and unpacking - there are now NO MORE BOXES anywhere but the basement!!!!!!!!!  (There are about a million in the basement - but that's another story, LOL.  At least now there are none in the main living space of the house.) 

    By Sunday night, I was exhausted.

    This week, I am most looking forward to making more progress.  With the due date approaching very fast, and the house really starting to come together, I'm excited about feeling even more "ready" for Henry's arrival as the week goes by.

    sahm ~ toddler breastfeeder ~ cloth diaperer ~ baby wearer

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