Babies: 0 - 3 Months

So, talk to me...

Back by popular demand: The "Talk to me" thread.

Tell me something. Anything you want. Get some stuff off your chest. Cry. Laugh. Confess. Reveal. Humanize.

We spend a lot of time together, and at the same time, a lot of time alone. Everyone needs an outlet. Use this thread as your own.

Talk to me.


Also, I won't call this thread flame-free.. There are no flaming restrictions here. However, if you use this thread (or the contents therein) to flame someone for their revelation, it will be remembered. The Bump never forgets, so only dish out what you are ready to take.

Jack Anderson 2.28.10 Our amazing little man. image

Re: So, talk to me...

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    I was really starting to deal with my new life as an arthritic old lady until I drove 2 hours to visit my bestie and got out of the car and could barely move. Had trouble getting Jack's car seat out of the car and yep, I sure did stand there in the middle of the street and cry.

    I also may or may not have eaten 4 cookies and a reese's peanut butter egg.

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    I really want some more tattoos.

    I need a haircut.

    I hate living in Maryland.

    I found out I have to go back to work May 25 when i thought it was June 1. I have to go back June 1 because I went out in Feb instead of April.

    I love DH so much right, he has been great the past couple of weeks and really understanding of everything I am going through.

    They approached DH at work about making a reality show about his job. I am not supposed to tell anyone but I have to share. I will give details if it goes through.

    I want to breastfeed my baby and its not working so I have to pump. Pumping makes me depressed even more so I am not doing it. I am scared my milk is going to dry up but I am still not pumping, go figure...

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    Oh MrsR.. I am so sorry. :( What a horrid thing to deal with. I am hoping they will find something to ease your pain soon.

    How are you dealing with weaning from EBF?

    Jack Anderson 2.28.10 Our amazing little man. image
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    I was really starting to deal with my new life as an arthritic old lady until I drove 2 hours to visit my bestie and got out of the car and could barely move. Had trouble getting Jack's car seat out of the car and yep, I sure did stand there in the middle of the street and cry.

    I also may or may not have eaten 4 cookies and a reese's peanut butter egg.


    lol @ eating PB egg & cookies... allegedly. <.<   >.>   Anyways, I've been wondering how you've been doing with your arthritis. :( That sucks. They didnt give you any meds to take?

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    Part of me wants 2012 to happen so I don't screw things up with him. I know however that it would be the most tragic thing in the world to miss all those years.

    BrittAny Nicole
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    I bought a onesie tonight from carters that says mommys new man. And I want more than anything to put it on lo during my exs visitation Saturday. Quick backstory he is a total douche who won't help pay for daycare or child support till he is "served" as he says. And I could go on and on
    image Ticker
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    I bought a onesie tonight from carters that says mommys new man. And I want more than anything to put it on lo during my exs visitation Saturday. Quick backstory he is a total douche who won't help pay for daycare or child support till he is "served" as he says. And I could go on and on

    Do it! I grew up with a crappy dad!

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    I wish I could find "the answer" to

    *successful BFing


    *mothering, etc.

    I read, research, ask others and everything is contradictory. I just want "the answer"! I know it is whatever works for me and my DD, but "the answer" would be so much easier.

    We are all in the same boat and I am just so jealous of those who have found "the answer" for them and their LOs. I was going with she's young and you are just figuring each other out, but time is passing and she's getting older by the day (DUH!) and I don't know if I have the energy to try it all to find "the answer", but I need some new solutions.

    Thanks for listening...rant over!
















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    I think I have a Bump addiction. I am on it ALL the time. I also watch porn.

    Annie! YGPM

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    I bought a onesie tonight from carters that says mommys new man. And I want more than anything to put it on lo during my exs visitation Saturday. Quick backstory he is a total douche who won't help pay for daycare or child support till he is "served" as he says. And I could go on and on


    I say do it! But then again, I'm a little jaded/biased on that topic too. Wink

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    I want to breastfeed my baby and its not working so I have to pump. Pumping makes me depressed even more so I am not doing it. I am scared my milk is going to dry up but I am still not pumping, go figure...

    Sad  I know how you feel about being scared your milk is going to dry up but still not pumping.


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    I feel really guilty about ignoring my dog the last 2 weeks.

    I can't stop worrying about everything:  money, the baby, getting my garden in order, taking enough pics of the baby, blah,  blah, blah...

    I'm horny.  (which is a weird emotion to have right now, seeing as how I haven't been horny in about, hmmm, 7 months)


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    I feel like I'm just existing instead of living. There are so many things that I want to do, but at the end of every day I realize that I've done nothing. It makes me so disappointed with myself.
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    THANKS ANNIE!! I gotta finish a quiz but I'll be back soon! 
    Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    This is my first week back to work and I am having a really hard time being away from DD.  I cry every morning on my way to work.  Today I had tears streaming down my face while I was holding a dog during an appointment and ha to pretend it was allergies.  I know it will get easier (I hope), but only seeing DD 3-5 hours a day is breaking my heart.

    photo a42489fa-98a3-436b-b31b-266d7d204e5d_zpsde5f201a.jpg
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    Doing okay w/the arthritis. Some days are better than others and DH has stepped up big time and is trying to make life easier for me. I love him so much.

    Still trying to stay off meds so I don't have to give up BFing. We'll see how long that lasts.

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    i just found out today (while on maternity leave) that they are combining my elementary school with another - and they need to cut about 25 teaching jobs next year - and there are about 75 non-tenured teachers in our system (i'm one of them) and contracts do not have to be turned in until may 15th (last day of school for us is may 21st) so my job is now on the line... with a new baby - and new house... great huh

    and with my lack of sleep and this new added stress i went out to walmart and got - kit kats, stuff to make brownies, and cheetos - i'm stress eating tonight - and i really don't care!

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    I want more than anything to EBF but my boobies are failing me!!! I'm doing everything I can to get my supply up including taking Fenugreek which is now making me smell like a walking Aunt Jemima bottle!!! And I'm making so little that it hurts everytime I BF so bad that I cry!! But I'm so damn stubborn I refuse to give up yet!

    also DH and I had sex last night even though it had only been 3-1/2 weeks and now I'm bleeding again but I feel it was worth it and would do it again and plan to as soon as the bleeding subsides again! Why do I have to be such a horny woman??
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    This is my first week back to work and I am having a really hard time being away from DD.  I cry every morning on my way to work.  Today I had tears streaming down my face while I was holding a dog during an appointment and ha to pretend it was allergies.  I know it will get easier (I hope), but only seeing DD 3-5 hours a day is breaking my heart.

    ((hugs)) I can't imagine how hard that is.

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    If my child doesn't STTN soon I am shoving him back up my vadge. 
    {Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}
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    yeah! I was sad I missed the last one.

     I feel so fake with the in-laws. We used to have a good relationship, but their pushy opinions and judgemental views have changed that.The hardest part is that I'm known for being real with people. I have compromised myself to try to keep things clean, I don't want to d that anymore.

    I also really need to wash my hair.

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    I bought a onesie tonight from carters that says mommys new man. And I want more than anything to put it on lo during my exs visitation Saturday. Quick backstory he is a total douche who won't help pay for daycare or child support till he is "served" as he says. And I could go on and on

    Serve 'im up! Anybody who doesn't support their children is lower than low, in my opinion. He needs to deal with the consequences of his actions.

    Also, your son is beautiful

    Jack Anderson 2.28.10 Our amazing little man. image
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    If my child doesn't STTN soon I am shoving him back up my vadge. 


    lol. Dont do it!!!! Hopefully it'll get better soon. Big Smile

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    I bought a onesie tonight from carters that says mommys new man. And I want more than anything to put it on lo during my exs visitation Saturday. Quick backstory he is a total douche who won't help pay for daycare or child support till he is "served" as he says. And I could go on and on

    Do it! I grew up with a crappy dad!

    Or at the very least my lo will be wearing one of his many I love mommy shirts. Thanks ladies he just has worn me down and at times I want to throat punch him... No not just times pretty much anytime I hear his voice
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    It drives me crazy to take my DD over to my in-laws house (right across the street). For one, she's a fussy baby and my SIL's son is 2 weeks younger than DD...he's an angel baby....hardly fusses, never cries, piece of cake! Ainsley is loud, demanding (lol), and can go from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds. I feel like they think I'm not doing a good job as a mother to her and thats why she's the way she is. I feel like they are constantly comparing the two grandchildren to each other....our DD is the bad one and my nephew is the good one. 

    I also feel like every time I take her over there all they know how to do is hold her like she should be sleeping and stick her pacifier in her mouth. I make a point to have her fed and happy before we leave the house...that way she should be awake for a good hour or so and they can interact with her. As SOON as I hand her to my MIL or FIL they hold her cradled like she should be sleeping and stick her pacifier in her mouth whenever she makes the slightest peep. Hello!!!! She's 6 weeks old - interact with her - talk to her - play with her arms & legs.....don't just stick her pacifier in her mouth and try to rock her to sleep. 

    Glad I got that off my chest :) 

    <a href=""><img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie Pregnancy tickers" /></a>
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    I hate my body. Beyond hate it. There are times that I wish I FF so that I didn't have to eat. But then I feel so guilty/ashamed for thinking things that I go and eat junk to make myself feel better. I am a mess.

    I feel like the lame little sister of people here on the bump. The one that comes into a post and comments and everyone gives her the side eye and ignores the comments lol. Sure it's stupid but I feel like no one knows me. 

    I really want a break from LO  right now. She has been attached to my boob or screaming since 4. I can't handle much more. I got super frustrated with her a while ago and had to put her down and walk away. I felt like a horrible mom. I should be able to deal with this stuff.

    I wish I could say what is bothering me the  most but I can't make myself do it.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    M/C Dec 2010 - 5w5d Missing my sweet angel baby.
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    I feel like I'm just existing instead of living. There are so many things that I want to do, but at the end of every day I realize that I've done nothing. It makes me so disappointed with myself.

    Oh Madame, I feel like this all. the. time.

    Yesterday I saw a job listing for a Disney Cruise worker. I had always wanted to work for a cruise line, but put it off because I was in school. Then I met Bun. Then I got pregnant. I will never do it now.

    But I'll also never get the kitchen floor mopped, and I should feel much worse about that one. Do I? No. But I know I should.

    Jack Anderson 2.28.10 Our amazing little man. image
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    I think I have a Bump addiction. I am on it ALL the time. 

    Me too!!! I can't help myself. I try to walk away but I can't.

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    I don't trust DD with DH. Not that he would EVER do anything to hurt her I just worry that something will happen while he is taking care of her. I'm trying but I can just never give him full control of her. Either I'm calling on the phone to check in while out or at night I wake up with him, like I don't need the sleep or something.. I dunno I just fear something horrible happening like accidental suffocation. And if that were to happen I don't know if I could ever forgive him.....
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    I wish I could find "the answer" to

    *successful BFing


    *mothering, etc.

    I read, research, ask others and everything is contradictory. I just want "the answer"! I know it is whatever works for me and my DD, but "the answer" would be so much easier.

    We are all in the same boat and I am just so jealous of those who have found "the answer" for them and their LOs. I was going with she's young and you are just figuring each other out, but time is passing and she's getting older by the day (DUH!) and I don't know if I have the energy to try it all to find "the answer", but I need some new solutions.


    <a href=""><img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie Pregnancy tickers" /></a>
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    I missed this thread last time, and I want to get in on it. I feel lost among my bump friends.... I feel... ignored? I mostly blame my bump hiatus back in November, but i still felt it back even then... like my comments or jokes go unnoticed.

    Also, I have an addiction to buying baby things. 

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    I hate my body. Beyond hate it. There are times that I wish I FF so that I didn't have to eat. But then I feel so guilty/ashamed for thinking things that I go and eat junk to make myself feel better. I am a mess.

    I feel like the lame little sister of people here on the bump. The one that comes into a post and comments and everyone gives her the side eye and ignores the comments lol. Sure it's stupid but I feel like no one knows me. 

    I really want a break from LO  right now. She has been attached to my boob or screaming since 4. I can't handle much more. I got super frustrated with her a while ago and had to put her down and walk away. I felt like a horrible mom. I should be able to deal with this stuff.

    I wish I could say what is bothering me the  most but I can't make myself do it.


    I know how you feel. I always feel like the people who post a lot are like "I wish she would stfu." lol But I know who you are and I remember always thinking how cute you were in third tri when I felt like a whale. :)  

    Also, earlier I was like I'm about to beat my head on the wall if my baby doesnt stop crying. I felt so stupid and terrible for not knowing what she wanted and how to help her.

    And, (lol) I am really sick of my boyfriend at the moment...well, for the past...year. Thats what I really didnt want to post on here but did because you cant make yourself post what you dont want to. So go for it! :):)

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    My whole life has been defined by something that ended almost a decade ago.  I was a dancer.  I'm not any more.  I still miss it every day.  I still miss the "me" I was then.  I still don't know how to redefine myself.  

    It's worse now, with a baby.  I still don't feel like a mom.  I look at him a lot of the time and feel like I must be babysitting--that he can't possibly be mine.  And the body issues are worse than they've been in a long time.  I know I'm healthier mentally and physically than I was then (even with the extra weight), but it doesn't help when I stand in front of the mirror. 

    ...But now for some fun things.  I have 2 dogs.  I currently have on neon orange nail polish on my toes.  I have an entire closet for shoes.  My dining room is literally covered with towers of books.  My son's middle name used to be my middle name.... 

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    I feel like the lame little sister of people here on the bump. The one that comes into a post and comments and everyone gives her the side eye and ignores the comments lol. Sure it's stupid but I feel like no one knows me. 

    I wish I could say what is bothering me the  most but I can't make myself do it.

    I know you. I have since 3rd tri. I think you're great. And my opinion is pretty much the most important, right? Wink

    And...I hope you know that if you need to spill, you can. Sometimes there are things buried deep down that we don't say out of fear.. but the thought of not sharing the contents of my heart is so much more frightening to me.

    Jack Anderson 2.28.10 Our amazing little man. image
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    I want to breastfeed my baby and its not working so I have to pump. Pumping makes me depressed even more so I am not doing it. I am scared my milk is going to dry up but I am still not pumping, go figure...

    Sad  I know how you feel about being scared your milk is going to dry up but still not pumping.


    I'm kind of opposite. I finally moved to EP, but I secretly wish I would dry up. It is just so hard and BF didn't work for us. However; I keep pumping and I take fenugreek, because I know it is best for LO

    I'm so confused!

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    It drives me crazy to take my DD over to my in-laws house (right across the street). For one, she's a fussy baby and my SIL's son is 2 weeks younger than DD...he's an angel baby....hardly fusses, never cries, piece of cake! Ainsley is loud, demanding (lol), and can go from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds. I feel like they think I'm not doing a good job as a mother to her and thats why she's the way she is. I feel like they are constantly comparing the two grandchildren to each other....our DD is the bad one and my nephew is the good one. 

    Oh, boy have I been there!! Sorry you have to deal with that =(

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    I missed this thread last time, and I want to get in on it. I feel lost among my bump friends.... I feel... ignored? I mostly blame my bump hiatus back in November, but i still felt it back even then... like my comments or jokes go unnoticed.

    Also, I have an addiction to buying baby things. 

    I wish, during your hiatus, you could have seen how many people asked about you, and why you left. I don't know how many times I said, "She's gone. Hiatus. No, I don't know why. She's okay though. I know. I miss her too."

    It would have made your heart full, I think.

    Jack Anderson 2.28.10 Our amazing little man. image
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    I feel like the lame little sister of people here on the bump. The one that comes into a post and comments and everyone gives her the side eye and ignores the comments lol. Sure it's stupid but I feel like no one knows me.   

    I feel ya. 

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    I hate my body. Beyond hate it. There are times that I wish I FF so that I didn't have to eat. But then I feel so guilty/ashamed for thinking things that I go and eat junk to make myself feel better. I am a mess.

    I feel like the lame little sister of people here on the bump. The one that comes into a post and comments and everyone gives her the side eye and ignores the comments lol. Sure it's stupid but I feel like no one knows me. 

    I really want a break from LO  right now. She has been attached to my boob or screaming since 4. I can't handle much more. I got super frustrated with her a while ago and had to put her down and walk away. I felt like a horrible mom. I should be able to deal with this stuff.

    I wish I could say what is bothering me the  most but I can't make myself do it.


    I know how you feel. I always feel like the people who post a lot are like "I wish she would stfu." lol But I know who you are and I remember always thinking how cute you were in third tri when I felt like a whale. :)  

    Also, earlier I was like I'm about to beat my head on the wall if my baby doesnt stop crying. I felt so stupid and terrible for not knowing what she wanted and how to help her.

    And, (lol) I am really sick of my boyfriend at the moment...well, for the past...year. Thats what I really didnt want to post on here but did because you cant make yourself post what you dont want to. So go for it! :):)

    Aww that makes me feel good. :) I am glad I am not the only one who doesn't know what to sometimes. 

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    M/C Dec 2010 - 5w5d Missing my sweet angel baby.
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    I hate DH's oldest kid right now. One is 5 and one is 7.  We have them for spring break and I'm going crazy. I took a shower about a hour ago and came out to a screaming baby. The 5yr old came up to me and said: "Deagon thumped the baby" I didn't loose it right away but I called him out on it and he said he did I asked him why and he said because he wanted to. I pulled down his pants and spanked his little smart ass.

    Go ahead and effen flame me for spanking a kid. I don't effing care right now.

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