South Florida Babies

cold symptoms...mixed with teething symptoms???

so we went to the zoo yesterday...we had a blast! we were amazed to see how well mady was observing her surroundings.

fast forward::::

after coming home from the zoo, i gave mady a bath, and she went for a 2 hr nap! she usually doesnt nap that long. after she woke up, i found her to be a bit congested. so i sucked out some phlegm out of her nose, gave her some saline drops and didnt think much of it. later around 1am she woke up from being so congested that it wasnt letting her breathe. it was so bad that at this point it was non-stop runny nose, some cough, and when i looked inside her mouth her bottom gums are super swollen.

the whole day today shes been cranky and she seems to be coming down with her 1st cold....yikes! no fever thank god.

but questions....

1. does a cold in a child mean that teeth will appear soon?
2. swollen red that a sign that a teeth will appear soon?

3. runny nose, no fever, some cough and sneezing...what have u guys done to alleviate your baby?

4. what humidifiers do u guys own?

---my pedi advised me to treat her with a humidifier (which stupid me never bought one, so ive been boiling water and adding vapor rub to it so she can breathe the steam) and keep using saline since no fever yet.
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Re: cold symptoms...mixed with teething symptoms???

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    Diego always got a low fever everytime that he gets a new piece out. His pedi once told me that there is no relation to any of these things (some kids get diarrhea) but I do think that they do. Just this past week he had a fever for like a day and a half and then nothing else..and surprise he has a new molar. I always use saline drops, the humidifiers and some cream that's made for babies that I rub in his chest, feet, and back. ( Its made by Diego's Grandpa, a pharmacist, in DR but its close to vicks I will say). Someone posted about something that can be used in the bath but I can't remember the name now. I know I have but never used it. I will next time he is congested. I don't know which one I have. But I suggest you get one, they really help Diego breath better. barbie
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    Have you tried putting Vicks Vapor Rub on her chest? They make the baby one now. Also, you might to start giving her the teething pellets. Ayden started with those exact symptoms and now Ayden has 2 bottom teeth, and is working on a molar and a top front tooth.


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    Get a COOL mist humidifier, that helps a lot! I got the Walgreens brand one. Also vicks baby rub on her chest, and saline drops and the aspirator to keep her nose clear. Zoe is starting her 2nd cold now :-( She had her first right when she turned 4 months old, and she didn't get any teeth, so I don't think baby colds are teething related.
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    1) Not necessarily. Most docs will tell you the two are not connected. But every time Mikey has gotten 2 upper teeth at the same time he ended up with ear infections and a bad cold.

    2) Yes

    3) saline drops for the nose and a cool mist humidifier is all you can really do. If she's coughing a lot you can try Vicks Baby Rub on her chest.

    4) We own a Vicks cool mist one that I bought at CVS.
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    The girls answered all of the questions the way I would have but I wanted to chime in and say that I hope she feels better soon!
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