Health & Exercise

finding time to workout...

Hello, first time poster here! 

I am not pregnant, we are not even TTC (probably later in the summer).  My workouts are extremely important to me; they keep me sane, make me a better wife, friend, person, etc and I love the way they make me feel and look! :)  I'm sure many of you feel the same way.  Is it hard to get back into a routine after you have a baby?  Do you still find enough time to get in a workout that makes you feel good?  I know everyones schedules and lives are different and I know my husband will understand and help me figure this out as well.  I guess I would just like some insight on other peoples experiences with it...

Thank you!!!

Re: finding time to workout...

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    I am just now considering starting to work out again.  This is my plan....

    On Tuesdays & Thurs I'll feed my baby around 7pm.  Then my hubby will put her to bed while I head out to the gym.  I want to work out about 2 hours, so that will get me home and in bed around 10pm.  It will be a late night for me, but I can't think of any other way I can do it.  Then I'll go in on Saturday or Sunday while my hubby watches her.

    The babies no doubt take up alot of time.  Some women work out with no problems.  Others, like me, it's harder for.  It all depends on your lifestyle, your baby, and your hubby.

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    I too love to workout and so its been kind of a challenge with a new baby I will say. I have been back exercising since 6 week post partum (was at the gym that day!) but have found that I dont have nearly enough time to do what I really want to do. Ideally, I need about an hour to an hour and a half, but with the baby I am only able to squeeze in about 30-45 mins. Its better than nothing though! And some days I do have to skip it...but once she is 3 months I can take her with me to the gym so I am looking forward to that!
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    I don't think it's that difficult to find the time if you are willing to sacrifice some sleep or time with the baby.  I get up at 5 to run in the morning before I go to work.  That works out best for me because I get my run in and I don't have to miss any time with DS.  I do my long runs on Saturday or Sunday and DH watches DS.  I'm usually gone for 2-3 hours.  It obviously helps a lot if you have a supportive DH who is willing to watch the baby while you work out. 
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    I don't have an outside baby yet, but I just wanted to say that having a supportive DH, as PP said, is SO important. My husband and I are both workout fiends - we love it! He knows how important it is for me to feel that awesome workout high and of course to lose all this weight and maintain myself once I do, so he's more than willing to watch LO whenever I need to.

    But that being said we're both realistic that our time will be managed much differently. He gets these workouts emailed to him that follow the theory of the 30 Day Shred, muscle confusion, which only take about 30 minutes, and also get your heart rate up (yay to cardio). So those, alternated with 30 minute runs, will be my routine. Short, sweet and brutal. :) And when LO is old enough, we'll get a jogging stroller and suddenly my runs won't take me away from the baby, but they will be a fun activity we can do together.

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    Pre-kids, I worked out about 12 hours a week. I taught boot camp, did Pilates and yoga, ran, did Spinning and did regular lifting.

    This may sound crazy, but I was so worried about finding enough time to work out that it was one of the reasons I decided not to go back to work. Anyway, as the SAHM of one, if your baby naps at all, you will find time as long as it's a priority. I had plenty of time to work out b/c it was what I did in my free time without baby--not cooking, not shopping, not cleaning (for the most part), but working out came first. 

    Fast forward 9 months and I was under my pre-pregnancy weight (which was already underweight), very fit, running 25 miles a week or so, doing all the stuff from before (except classes, it's SO hard to get to classes), but I found I was unhappy. So I went back to work PT.

    Working PT I didn't have as much time but still had enough time to get in probably 5-6 hours of working out per week. You just learn to be efficient. 

    Being the mother of two is different. Also, this new baby doesn't sleep as well. So right now I'm only working out probably 3 hours a week, maybe 4. Again, I'm just trying to maximize my efficiency with workouts. 

    Once we get a good routine, I'll go back to working out about 5-6 hours per week.

    If you have more than one, and the older one doesn't nap, or doesn't nap the same time as baby (and you stay home), I think the only viable option is to work out when DH is home or go to a gym with a nursery.

    But it can be done, and you can get your pre-baby body back! (Although this time I have extra skin---100 pound mama and 8 pound baby=lots of stretching-gross!)




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    Yes, at first you will feel all screwed up. No routine! Then it gets better. I find that having lots of options is a good thing. We have been gym members for many years, we also have a treadmill, a bike, a jogging stroller and if I dont feel like any of that, then I put in a workout video. You can definitely do it, you just have to be flexible!
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    Hi! Yes, it was hard to get back into a real routine for working out. I went for a lot of long walks right after I had my baby. I bought a treadmill so it would be easy to work out at home. That worked for awhile. Now I have started back at the gym. There is a day care at the gym where I can leave the baby for up to 2 hours. I go with another SAHM and it keeps us motivated to go.This has been the best option for me so far. The only downside is that the babies must be 6 months or older to go to the day care. Good luck to you! It can happen, you just have to be creative sometimes!
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    Thanks SO much everyone, I really appreciate it!  Y'all gave me some great insight and encouragement!  Big Smile
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