Two Under 2

Strollers: Pros and Cons of SBS vs Tandem

I started looking at all of the options out there for double strollers but was overwhelmed b/c I am not sure what the pros and cons are to having side by side vs tandem (I think that is what it is called).  I would think that the tandem would be easier in malls, etc, but the side by sides are nicer once the kids are old enough to interact.

 Thoughts?  Why did you choose one over the other?

Re: Strollers: Pros and Cons of SBS vs Tandem

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    I have both...

    Tandem is good with the infant carrier, fitting through doors (sort of, its long so that can be a PITA), i only use this one until DC is out of the infant seat.  

    SBS is good at the zoo, amusement park where both kids can look, sucks because they can hit each other, sometimes harder to fit through doors, my SBS is lighter, fabulous for travel (airport( 

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    I don't like sbs. I prefer tandem. I feel like the sbs ALWAYS take up too much room everywhere...........

    I also have both and have used my sbs "maybe" 3 times. 

    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
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    We have both and I almost always use the SBS (once they outgrew the Double Snap n Go). I hate how far out in front the tandems are; the SBS is closer to my own body/personal space. Plus whoever sits in the back often gets frustrated and kicks the kid in front. ;)
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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    I definitely prefer SBS! We only used the tandem until DS2 was out of the infant seat. I hated it! My SBS is extremely easy to maneuver, lightweight and so easy to get in and out.

    The only negative I have seen is that they have such easy access to each other. DS2 steals toys from DS1, it is hard for DS2 to fall asleep if his brother is bothering him and DS1 tries to steal DS2's snacks (that he can't yet have). So that is definitely something to think about. Most of these things won't be an issue as they get a bit older though, well except the toy stealing - I am sure that will continue :)

    ETA: I also completely agree with the pp that said: "I hate how far out in front the tandems are; the SBS is closer to my own body/personal space."

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    Logan David 03.27.08
    Jacob Riley 05.18.09
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    I bought a SBS because I really liked how light and easy to collapse the Peg Perego Aria Twin was.  I got mixed opinions from moms who already have two on this question.  Some said tandems are hard to push - they get weighed down easier and their toddler really dislikes them.  They also seemed harder to collapse when I was testing out strollers.  The biggest issues with SBS seemed to be width and fitting through doors and aisles at places like the mall. 
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    I prefer a SBS (we have the Bumbleride Indie Twin).  My friend with a tandem said her kids hate to sit in the back seat, and ditto the pp- I've also heard people say they're harder to push around.

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    I have a SBS. I preferred it because they tend to be more lightweight and easier to maneuver. Also, the main thing we use the stroller for is walks. For that, both kids tend to want a "view."

    I think a high end tandem like the Phil and Ted's would be a good choice if you're mainly going to be shopping in crowded spaces and need something that doesn't take up much room in small stores. Other than that, most of the people I know IRL who have doubles seem to prefer SBS's. 

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    i have both! They each of their pros and cons


    SBS - great when we went to disney and it is really light weight. Sucks to go shopping with though.

    Tandem - really really heavy but very durable. Easier to get around stores.


    I find no matter what stroller i use one twin is always picking on the other

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    My H works at an aquarium so he sees strollers a lot.  His one request with a double was that we get a tandem, not a SBS.

    I agreed and personally think the SBS are just too wide.  I love my tandem and don't have any issues with weight, views or personal space.

    That being said, I don't think that one is better than the other - it is more about personal preference. 

    DS 3.12.08
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