Blended Families

Spinoff. Priceless advice you get from your MIL.

On anything. Doesn't have to be about kids. Just anything that cracks you up or makes you pull your hair out. Post here.  I'm in one of my moods. I need a good laugh.

Re: Spinoff. Priceless advice you get from your MIL.

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    Not from my mother in law, but BSC Grandmother........

    Put earwax on a pimple and it makes it go away.......

    EW!!! not trying that!!! :-)

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    caffeine fueled MIL -

    When then 2 year old SS discovered he liked mochachinos, buy him his own.  I kid you not.  DH and I about fell over when she showed us "his."  We put a stop to that before we had a holy terror on our hands.

    Stay at home mom to a house of boys: two amazing stepsons, 12 and 9, and our 4 year old.
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    I suppose this is considered MIL advice: When I found out I was pregnant with my first child, MIL's reaction was "Don't get horrendously fat." - said in all seriousness. I'm typically about 5'7" and 120 lbs.; never been in danger of being fat in all my life. Too funny! Of course, her reacion also included her saying she really hoped she was having a girl (*she* wasn't having anything!).

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    I normally lurk but I wanted to play too.

    Just because you are an Avon consultant and actually wear the stuff doesn't mean I need to give you the opportunity to make me over.  There is nothing wrong imo of not wearing makeup.  And for the record your orange and blue eyeshadow is not flattering.

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    This is not from my exMIL but from a strange woman who is a family friend.  She said to give the baby whiskey for a cough and to help him sleep at night, oh and to put wine on the baby's gums for teething.  Indifferent 
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    was just passing through the forum but had to comment.


    My MILs great advice:  Wearing socks will lower blood pressureHmm

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    I just got married in October, most of it was wedding related.  We HAVE to play the chicken dance, and have a garter toss (nevermind there was literally ONE single guy at the wedding).  The other stuff isn't really advice but her circumventing my rules with SDs.  They aren't allowed to chew gum in the house (you'll know why in a second!) when we were visiting, she said I was being mean and when DH and I ran out to the store, she gave them a handful of gumballs.  Guess who got to grin like crazy when she found huge wads of gum stuck to her furniture? Mmmmmmm hmmmm!

    Mostly MIL is really cool though.  I'm sure when we TTC we'll hear all kinds of parenting advice, which is kinda nuts cause DH is the only kid that turned out decent and that's after 9 years in the military.Confused

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    My MIL just keeps telling me to have babies and not worry about school because God will take care of everything....
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    My MIL just keeps telling me to have babies and not worry about school because God will take care of everything....


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    Usually a lurker, but had to share this: After DS#1 was born, my grandmother told me to give him whole cows milk and to mix in raw egg. To top it off, she also told me to start teaching him to use a shot glass as a cup at 3mos. old.
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