Boston Babies

Sleeping Positions

I have heard that it is best to sleep on your left side while pregnant to increase oxygen flow to the baby. I have a hard time sleeping on my left side but attempt to every night. The only problem is that when I wake up i'm on my belly! I'm only 7 weeks pregnant but am worried that sleeping on my belly and/or back is harmful for the baby.

 I've also been told that i'm not supposed to lay flat on my back for any reason as I could block blood flow to myself and the baby and pass out! Any one else heard of this?!

Re: Sleeping Positions

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    Yes, I've heard the same. I spent the first trimester waking myself up, worried I was "squishing" the baby, and uncomfortably rolled to my left side and tried to go back to sleep. I didn't sleep at all. I asked my OB about it, and she said honestly there are worse things you could do. If sleeping on your left side isn't working, don't do it, as long as you're taking care of yourself. The only time I could sleep on my left side was when I was on the couch. Hope this helps!


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    I think sleeping positions come more into play as you move along in your pregnancy so I wouldn't worry too much right now about ending up on your belly.

    No one can stay on one side all night (especially as your belly gets bigger and your back and hips start to feel more pressure) but they say the left side is best so that the blood flow to your placenta is unobstructed and so your kidneys are working their best. My take on it is -- it's amazing what your body will do to protect your baby... sleep on your stomach won't even be an option in a couple more week because it will be so uncomfortable and if you've rolled over onto your back or right side for too long, it actually starts to hurt, hence, you wake up for a sec and roll back over.

    There is a reason why no one talks about the great sleep you get when pregnant ;) 

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    At 7 weeks, sleeping on your belly or back will not be harmful. There will come a point where you won't be able to sleep on your belly, and the back thing is true once your uterus grows bigger and can press weight down on organs, etc. But my doctor said your body will normally adjust itself b/c you'll find you're no longer comfortable in those positions.
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    Very helpful, thanks !!!
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    Meh. Yeah, I suppose its "best". I woke up on my belly all the way into my 9th month, and she's not flat or anything  :)  So I think your OK. Just try to GO to sleep on your left side. A nice cushy body pillow seemed to help me, and I heard good things about those C-shaped pregnancy pillows too
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    Two words: body pillow. It has made sleeping much easier for me. But I didn't need it until I started showing. At 7 weeks I don't think you have to worry about your sleep position yet.
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    I concur on the body pillow.  It may very well become your best friend!

    I slept fine for the first 3-4 months.  I slept pretty much however I was comfortable, left, right, back (I've never been big on sleeping on my tummy anyway).  When your body doesn't want you to sleep in a certain position it will let you know! When I hit my 5th month I started to get leg cramps depending on which side I slept on.  Then I started getting major back pains that would last all day and all night.  Once I started using the body pillow it really helped.  I sleep with it between my legs and it helps to even out my hips.  It it bulky and makes rolling over in the middle of the night harder but I haven't had any pain in the week since I started using it.

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    I couldn't sleep without my pregnancy pillow!  It actually allows me to continue to sleep on my belly too, and I'm 8 months pregnant!
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    I am so glad that there is a post about this topic. Sleeping last night was terrible my hips were in so much pain. I was up every hour. So I guess I will be buying a sleeping pillow today. Thanks ladies
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