2nd Trimester

Laugh one more time... I dare you!

I am so sick of everytime I tell someone I am getting ready for a baby they laugh and tell me that you're NEVER ready. Well no DUH, I get that part, you don't know whats coming til you're there.

Would they prefer that I just sit on my rear end and not research or look into anything? I'm going to start telling them I'm not worried about it, I'll never be ready so what is the point in getting a crib, diapers, clothes, PSH... I'll figure it out when the baby is here, because THAT makes more sense.

Ugh... One more I tell you girls, ONE MORE TIME...

Re: Laugh one more time... I dare you!

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    Yeah, that is kind of obnoxious.  Of course you're going to do things to get ready for baby while you're pregnant and I'm sure those people did too.  I freakin strongly dislike those with (and without) kids who think they know everything!! Grrrrrrrrr
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    I hate this too!!! DH is at a temp job and finds out in April if they're going to keep him or let him go. So family keeps asking and apparently it's spread to our whole family and friends that I'm worried about money in the future, especially with LO on the way. For some reason everyone feels like calling me just to tell me that you can never have enough money for LO so I should just not worry about it. Why do you people ask if you don't want to hear the answer?

     Ugh people sometimes...


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    Huge pet peeve of mine too! It's such a crappy comment too.  I mean think about it, it doesn't give you any way to actually respond!  It's just like a warning:

    "Ha ha you will never be ready!"

    I just tell people it should be pretty easy.  And they look at me like I'm crazy.

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    Seriously! Every time I say anything about being uncomfortable (like having to sit up very straight or lean back so LO doesn't crush my lungs), my mom laughs at me and tells me it's just going to get worse. Well DUH but that doesn't make me any more comfortable now! It's like people feel the need to talk down to me because it's my first. All I hear is how I have no idea what's in store. I'm aware of that, thanks. As if I'm not stressed enough about bringing a baby into the world.
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    It's annoying but the other side of it is after you have the baby.  My sister just had her first and said - no one ever tells you ___________!  I wanted to slap her - people do tell you - you're just too stubborn to listen :)
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