
Lots of!

I have an appointment with the mother/baby wellness center this week at my hospital but I'm looking to see if anyone has suggestions in the meantime.

My son is a lazy feeder...he'll latch on and eat for maybe four minutes (sometimes less) then completely conk out. I have tried stripping him down to his diaper so that he's not warm and snuggly, tickling his feet, etc. but he just doesn't seem to want to eat much at a time.

I am feeding about every 1.5 hours for an average of 7 minutes on one side. He won't take more than that. We also have latch issues because I have flat nipples. I have a nipple shield which has been my saving grace. He has eaten so much better since I bought it.

Anyone have advice on how to get him to eat longer? He has lost 10% of his birth weight which the neonatologist said is the absolute limit.  If he hasn't made a substantial gain by tomorrow I am afraid they'll want me to supplement with formula.

I really want to make BFing work but I am just so frustrated and I know he is too when I try and force him to eat.

Any suggestions or advice?

Re: Lots of!

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    1. Your milk probably isn't in yet. Should be in the next few days. There's not much TO eat from your boobs right now, so don't worry too much about him not eating a lot.

    2. DS is still a one-sider for the most part unless he's super hungry.

    3. Don't worry about losing weight too much; I'd get a second opinion from another neonatologist - and he's got 2 weeks to regain. I wouldn't be anywhere near thinking about supplementing yet if I were you. (Granted, my DS was a preemie and a special case).

    4. Newborns sleep a lot. Unless he's showing no interest in eating, I wouldn't stress too much for another day or so. When your milk comes in, then you'll have a clearer picture of whether any of this is actually a problem.


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    Thank you!

      The nurse mentioned that newborns don't have the ability to recognize their blood sugar dropping and won't wake up to eat. I've been trying to wake him but he still will only eat for about 5-7 minutes.  So I've been worried that he needs to eat but can't wake himself up.

    I feel so lost right now Tongue Tied
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    Hey - just wanted to let you know I've been there, too.  My milk did not come in for over 2 weeks and DD lost over 10% of her body weight.  We did have to supplement with formula, and I felt like a huge failure.  Well, we supplemented with formula and I pumped my milk for TWO MONTHS, during which time I could not get DD to latch.  I kept fighting, and we are still BFing at 18 months.I guess what I want to tell you is that there is no one path to breastfeeding.  Even if you are having trouble now, there is no reason you can't make it work at a later date.  So, if you have to supplement, please don't waste time feeling bad. Just get a good lactation consultant, and keep working at it.  It might even take 2 months, like it did for me.  Once DD figured out how to latch, she never looked back.
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    Aw, hon. Hang in there--it will get better! He's so little still.

    Once your milk comes in and he starts getting rewarded for his work, this will get 100 times easier. DD had jaundice and was early, which meant for a SUPER sleepy baby and lazy eater. Sometimes we literally had to use a cool cloth on her to keep her awake to eat. This got lots better at around 1-2 weeks old and now she's a fabulous eater and has gone from 8lbs at birth to over 11 now!

    We did have to supplement during the first week because of the jaundice, which worried me to no end at the time. If you end up having to supplement, what I recommend is to always, always offer the breast first and then pump for 15 minutes when LO is receiving the supplement. I did this and was rewarded with a great supply. We've been EBFing since she was around a week old and all has been great (no nipple/bottle confusion).



    image Lucy, 12/27/2009
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Thank you!

      The nurse mentioned that newborns don't have the ability to recognize their blood sugar dropping and won't wake up to eat. I've been trying to wake him but he still will only eat for about 5-7 minutes.  So I've been worried that he needs to eat but can't wake himself up.

    I feel so lost right now Tongue Tied

    The beginning is always hard and confusing. Don't beat yourself up over it! If he's getting the appropriate # of wet and poopy diapers, trying to eat at least every 2 hours or so, etc. he'll do fine. I think waking him to eat is appropriate if it's been longer than 2 hours and you're concerned about him gaining weight.

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    I just wanted to add that if *if* you have to supplement, try to syringe feed or use a supplemental nursing system for now.  Your LO is so very young.  The last thing you need is nipple confusion, if you can avoid it. 
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    Thanks for the encouragement everyone! I figured I wasn't alone here, but it really does help to hear that others have been there.

    We've had a really good day today which is encouraging.  I'm seeing a lactation consultant tomorrow and I already feel better going into it.

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