Parenting after 35

Bedding ?

What do you use on LO's mattress besides the sheet?

I think I used some kind of mattress pad with my other 2 but it's been so long I don't really remember.

Also, some kind of waterproof pad for on top of the sheet is a good idea right?



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Re: Bedding ?

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    We were brave and just put the sheet on the mattress and that is it.  We figure the mattress is waterproof, so why do we need another waterproof layer?

    ETA: This comes from the woman who didn't buy a bedding set because I couldn't see the point of buying a bunch of pieces we weren't supposed to use (no bumper for infants or once they start standing, no quilts/comforters for infants) or would not use (I think crib skirts are stupid).  We started with several fitted sheets and bought a breathable bumper once DD was mobile enough to stick limbs out between the crib slats.

    DD1 is 3, DD2 is 1.
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    ETA: This comes from the woman who didn't buy a bedding set because I couldn't see the point of buying a bunch of pieces we weren't supposed to use (no bumper for infants or once they start standing, no quilts/comforters for infants) or would not use (I think crib skirts are stupid).  

    Wish I would have thought this in advance.  My $200 bedding was a total waste of money.  Wish I would have just gotten sheets and waited to buy the rest.  Or not - since we got soooooo many baby blankets as gifts!

    She is not in her crib yet, but I think she'll only use her sheet and crib skirt basically.  Her bumper isn't breathable (I don't think) and her comforter (my favorite part) is worthless since it can't go in with her.  At least not for a long time.  Oh well, live and learn.



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    We use a waterproof mattres pad underneath the fitted sheet.  Nothing on top of the sheet though...
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    I had been going back and forth on getting a bedding set.  I have decided it's not necessary so I'm just going with sheet and a skirt.


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    Thick blankets folded and tucked really tight so she does not spin all over the place at night.  We used to just use a sheet, but when would be upside down and sideways when we woke up.

    I did buy a waterprrof oragnic pad, but she never peed enough to soil anything.  Now that she;s older, we might need to start using it again.

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    I agree. My $200 bedding was a waste of money. I only have a sheet in the crib. My Pedi told me no bumpers :-(. I do like the quilt though but I have to move it because it cannot lay over the crib.

    We don't have a waterproof pad but it's probably a good idea to get one.

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    We have a waterproof pad we use in the crib and the basinette/play yard.  I was thinking I would need it for accidents, but it's really gotten it's use from when she spits up.  That smells awful and would hate for that to soak into hte mattress.

    ditto on the bed sets - we got a Pooh one with bumper (can't use), quilt (adorable, but just for show) and crib sheet.  We have a positioner we use at night, so we use the swaddler, put her in the positioner and then tuck a blanket around her, under the positioner to stay in place - she's never wiggled out of it. 

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    We put a waterproof mattress pad under the fitted the sheet.  We do have the crib skirt on, and used the bumper until she could pull herself up to standing.  We had the comforter hanging on the wall above her crib until she could stand, and now that she's older, she actually sleeps with a blanket and the comforter in the crib.
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    Waterproof mattress, waterproof mattress pad, then sheet.  She sleeps in her grobag sack.  :)
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