Okay, I already know I'm gonna get flamed on this one, but for some reason I still feel the need to ask.
Do you think at any point it's okay to tell someone that they should rethink their name choice?
The reason I ask is because my SIL/BIL finally decided on a name for their baby, and the entire family feels they're not thinking about what the child will have to go through with the name Apphia. It's probably not going to get spelled right or pronounced right. And any name that some kid can get pee out of is never good. (Even though it's Ah-fee-uh)
Please tell me that it's our hate for SIL, and that this is actually a great name.
Re: Other people's Naming choices
I believe this is definitely one of those cases where I'd have a hard time keeping my mouth shut on an opinion. I mean, there are ways to express your thoughts tactfully, but I definitely think some re-evaluation needs to be done on this one.
Perhaps you could ask her what her motivation was behind choosing that particular name and take it from there?
I'll keep my fingers crossed that she's just got a sick sense of humor and threw that name out into the ether as a distraction. Otherwise, I'm sad to say I believe your SIL may be on "the cr@ck".
Piper, 4/10/10
Connor, 3/16/15
Morgan, EDD 9/22/16
It's terrible.... but like others say, you can't really say much.
Maybe you can offer to pay for therapy when the kid comes crying to you later in life?
Terrible name. My BIL at one point mentioned if he ever had a daughter he wanted to name her Abernathy. Weird.
Unfortunately, I don't think its ever acceptable to openly question someone's name choice. I mean, maybe bring it up once, but def not repeatedly beat it into the ground. No matter how wacky.?
I think it's horrible too. But as other pp's have said, you should keep your opinion to yourself. It's their decision to make/live with, just as you have the right/responsibility to name your child as you wish. Not flaming, but how would you feel if other people told you that you should change LO's name? I know not everyone will love our LO's name but I appreciate them keeping their opinions to themselves.
We practically had an intervention when dh's sister named her kids. DH's dad was so upset he actually wrote them a letter to better get his reasoning/feelings across.
She still picked the names she picked and now it's like 'a rose by any other name...' we are so used to the names and the kids suit them.... not that they don't still suck but we're all over it....
But the other day she started to suggest names to DH for us and I was like "don't even tell me, I won't hear this from her..." she's nice but we really are going different routes with our name selections!
Normally I wouldn't say anything, but family is family.
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010
This. Our LO's name is an "unusual" Scandinavian name and we really, really love it. It wasn't picked willy-nilly, it was something we took time & consideration to pick out, and we're sure it's the right name for this child. I'd be p!ssed if my entire family felt like I was torturing my kid just because I was giving him a non-American name. I don't think anyone should say anything to her.
The only time I have given non-solicited baby name advice is when the parent decided to go for a yooneek spelling. I still wasn't mean about it (like "you're going to screw your kid for life")... just pointed out that it was the yooneek female version of the boy name and I wasn't sure if she was aware of that. She stuck with the spelling anyway, and I haven't said a word! I would never, ever tell a parent their name choice will traumatize their kid, or sounds horrible, or will get their kid beat up.... unless that parent is someone on the Baby Names board seeking the honest opinions of others!
That's my thought exactly. What I think of another person's name choice is as irrelevant as what they think of ours.
They're not Greek. It actually comes from Philemon. Paul writes to Philemon and addresses two others in the beginning of the letter, one being a woman named Apphia.
Yes, I think you should keep your mouth shut on this one. Naming your child isn't a "majority rules" situation. It's their decision.
Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)