North Dakota Babies

12 week check up


1. Since I have never met this midwife before I was quite nervous,  as soon as she came in she made me aware that she had read my whole file from my previous pregnancy so she would know what she was up against.  That was a huge brick lifted off my chest.  She knew exactly what she wanted to look for at this visit and she spent so much time with Josh and I discussing certain parts of my last pregnancy that she is worried about this time around and how we can make some things go smoother since it is 10 years later.

2. I am very happy to share that the baby had a strong steady heartbeat of 160 bpm.

3. During my pap smear, there were no signs of blood which the midwife said is a huge plus for me.

4.  The midwife cooperated with us and gave me a 30 day supply of Zofran so Tricare will cover it and we will only have a $3 co-pay (according to the pharmacist who just called to let me know). 


-My weight, therefore loss of weight, is a huge concern right now.  They do not want me to even come close to 100 pounds and I am heading there.  As a result,  the midwife is going to fight with the insurance companies concerning the Zofran and how it is a necessity in this pregnancy.  She thinks that they are looking at it as a crutch.  In addition, I need to go every two weeks to get weighed in at the office in order to see what the next step will be.  Hopefully, my body will cooperate within the next two weeks and begin keeping food because I could see that the midwife was genuinely concerned.

-Next update in two weeks.


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