High-Risk Pregnancy

Bedrest Rant...my own pity party!

Ok, so I am trying to not be such a complainer but after 15 days of being in the hospital and not able to leave until LO is born, I am cranky and whiny!

At first it was just the boredom but now I have a raging head cold with a cough that keeps me up all night, and have developed carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands and wrsits due to pregnancy swelling. Ugh! Anyone else have this?

My hands and arms hurt so bad! I always have said that I have a high tolerance for pain but I am being such a baby! I think it's just my frustration and disappoinntment in my pregnancy that is getting to me. I know I could have it a lot worse but I am just in one of those "poor me" modes today.

I checked in to the hospital due to my water breaking at 29w2d. Today I am 31w3d and am trying to stay pregnant until 33-35 weeks. How am I going to do it without going insane?

Any advice or support would be mush appreciated!

Re: Bedrest Rant...my own pity party!

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    I've been in the hospital for 2 weeks now and I cry at least every other day.  The only thing that keeps me "strong" is to think that the longer the baby stays inside of me the less time she'll need NICU or even no NICU time, and we hopefully don't have to be in this hospital for that much longer once the baby is born. 

    I had carpal tunnel with #1 and it was horrible.  I didn't get it with #2.  It was so hard to sleep on my side because my wrist would hurt so much.  Try getting a brace to support your wrist.  It makes a big difference.  I'm not going to lie, it took at least 6 weeks post partum prior to it going away. 

    Hang in there!

    Lisa. mommy to Emmy and Ally image
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    It is really tough being on hospital bedrest, I spent one month before my 37 week C-section.  I cried a few times when it all seemed overwhelming but I just kept thinking this was all for my LO and it was only temporary.  My other kiddos had a rough time and that was hard for me, not being home for them. 

    Hang in there, your LO will be here before you know it and you'll be back home.  Take care :)

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    Good luck! I'm right here with you (though, they are telling me that I have a chance of going home tomorrow). I definitely lose it at times. I think the hardest thing for me is that I don't actually feel sick. I feel like it would be different if I didn't have energy to get out of bed.

    I keep things going by using the internet, having decent cable tv, and goofing around with the nurses. My mom stayed with me this weekend and I convinced her to bring in my crockpot, chili, velveeta, and Fritos. We made chili cheese dip and it was AWESOME! We had nurses coming in to "check on me" and get a few nibbles. My mom also made cookies and brought them in for the nurses. I am treated like royalty now. Big Smile

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    I was in and out of the hospital so much with DD that the nurses knew me by sight, and also knew my husband. 

    I had quite the pity party one night when I was in for a 24 hour urine that turned into a 5 day stay.  I had to restart the urine test 3 times, and when I finally finished at 10:00pm one night the lab tech who was collecting it dropped it all over the floor and herself.  She strted crying, I started crying....  Now it is funny, but I was just "done."  Then one of the nurses came in and did a spot on impression of my OB.  We were all laughing so hard it hurt.

    My OB came in the next day and told me that everyday I stayed pregnant was a miracle.  He also said that one day in utero was the equivalent of 3 days in the NICU.  So every 24 hours she kept cooking was 3 days less in the NICU. 

    It sucks.  But everyday I woke up and said that she ws going to spend 3 less days in the NICU because I was able to stay in bed for one more day.


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    GL to you.  I know it's hard.  I was in the hospital for almost the entire month of May.  It helped me to have a lot of visitors.  It definitely keeps you distracted. I also became friendly with the staff so and that definitely helped.  They treated me well and keep me company at times. 
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    Sometimes you just have to throw your own pity party!  I was in the hospital for 4 weeks before DD's birth.  Wasn't allowed out of bed, had to use a bed pan, the bed was tilted upside down to take the pressure off my cervix, and was allowed a shower privilege every 3 days.  I definitely started going a little bonkers.  What helped me was having something to look forward too.  Here are a few things that really helped me.  My friends threw me a super bowl party.  Four couples came over with yummy super bowl food and even smuggled in beer (not for me, of course).  My nurses arranged for me to be taken outside for about 30 min on a gurney.  Once my husband brought our dog to visit me while I was outside.  At my doctor's recommendation, my husband arranged for a massage therapist who specialized in prenatal massage to come to my hospital room.  It was a little expensive, but so heavenly and worth it to keep my sanity.  Maybe some of these ideas might help you too?  :)

    And don't feel bad for throwing a pity party.  I'm pregnant with LO#2 and have been on house arrest/modified bed rest since June.  My doc had said that I'd be released from all restrictions at 36 weeks (this coming friday), but last week the baby was measuring a little small and I actually now have more restrictions than ever before.  I've definitely been throwing a small pity party this weekend.  My family and friends keep reminding me how great it is that I'm still pregnant and haven't been in the hospital this time.  So true and I am completely grateful for that too, but I also feel entitled to a little whining after almost six months of house arrest and now more restrictions.  I think my pity party has almost run its course and I can focus on being a brave little toaster again soon.  I guess my point is that sometimes the pity party just has to be thrown.  Bed rest sucks.  You are doing a great job.  GL! 



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