3rd Trimester

New Moon Anyone?

I know there are a handful of you out there that loathe any posts relating to Twilight, but for those of us who can't get enough.....

Did anyone go see New Moon on opening night?

It was my least favorite of the 4 books but I loooooooved the movie.  I had a pep talk with my soon-to-be baby girl and she was kind enough to let me sit through the movie.  I honestly don't think I could have sat still that long if I were watching anything other Stick out tongue

Re: New Moon Anyone?

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    Saw it yesterday! SOOOO good. Baby let me sit through the whole thing as well and he was super excited!

     I did get fired up when people would laugh at non-jokes. Sometimes I wonder why people go opening day if they aren't even into it.

     I think I'll go again this week :) 

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    I went at 930 this morning with my sister.  I loved the movie as well :)
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    I am going tomorrow. I am excited to see movie but dreading how uncomfortable I am going to be.
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    It was my least favorite of the 4 books but I loooooooved the movie.

    This! 100% I did have to pee 2x and our theater was 10,000 degrees, but it was so good. Dh has decided he is Team Jacob , I said I am Team Both. YUM

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    I am (and I think 99% of the audience I watched with) Team Taylor Lautner.
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    I thought it was good, but this book was my least favorite. I cannot wait for the next two movies. One thing that I wasn't that impressed with was when Edward takes off his shirt. In the book all they talk about his Edward's amazing body. He has no muscles what so ever. I think the main reason i have been attracted to Edward is because of the book though.
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    One thing that I wasn't that impressed with was when Edward takes off his shirt. In the book all they talk about his Edward's amazing body. He has no muscles what so ever. I think the main reason i have been attracted to Edward is because of the book though.

    I have to agree.  After watching all of the Quilettes with their shirts off throughout the movie it made Edward pale in comparison at the end.  I am still a big Edward fan though *sigh* 

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    I am Team Both. YUM


    Yes  Party!!!

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    I thought it was good, but this book was my least favorite. I cannot wait for the next two movies. One thing that I wasn't that impressed with was when Edward takes off his shirt. In the book all they talk about his Edward's amazing body. He has no muscles what so ever. I think the main reason i have been attracted to Edward is because of the book though.

    My best friend and I saw it last night and we were cracking up at how it looked as if the directors told Taylor Lautner to hit the tanning booth and steroids, and Rob Pattinson to go all heroin chic and they'd paint his abs on for him. Hee! Despite being muscle-free, I am team edward. <3

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    I saw it last night too!  I was so proud of myself for sitting through the whole thing without getting up to pee.  I was tempted a few times, but I made myself hold it.  I never finished reading the book, but the movie was so good.  I do have to say though, that when Edward took his shirt off, I leaned over to my friend and said "Eww!" haha!

    I'm not a die hard fan, but this one left me hanging and I can't wait for the next one!

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    Ahhh going to see it tomorrow after church!! Can't wait!! I agree its not my fave book but this movie will hold me over till the other 2! lol!
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    I am going tomorrow. I am excited to see movie but dreading how uncomfortable I am going to be.


    You will forget all about being uncomfortable when you see Jacob Black for the first time without a shirt...haha I know I did Wink

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    We went last night.  Much better than the first movie!  I'm Team Edward in the books but I'll move to Team Jacob for the movies.  Edward looks like a cracked out rock star.

    On another note, I could not get over the number of parents who brought toddlers to the movies!  It was an 8pm show and these kids whined like nobodys business.  Who could blame them?  They were tired!  There was a 2 yo in front of us that was miserable for the last hour and it just pissed me off that his sucky parents would not take him outside.  Or have left him with a sitter where a baby belongs!  I felt so bad for that poor kid.

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    i can't wait. i'm going tonight and dragging my poor dh with me. how wrong is that? i just hope he doesn't ruin it by poo pooing it the whole time. i would have gone with my girl friends but i had to work when they all went. so annoying!
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