Alabama Babies

Slow day...let's do a poll.

1. What was your favorite Christmas movie as a child?

2. Did you/will you buy your LO a first Christmas ornament?

3. What is your favorite cookie to leave for Santa?

4. What is one Christmas tradition you want to do with LO?

5. Are you taking LO to see Santa this year?  

6. Does Santa leave unwrapped gifts under the tree Christmas Eve or does he wrap them up?  

Re: Slow day...let's do a poll.

  • 1. What was your favorite Christmas movie as a child? A Charlie Brown Christmas

    2. Did you/will you buy your LO a first Christmas ornament? We did...we bought it this past summer while we were in Gatlinburg at the Christmas shop...had it personalized as well...we are also going to buy her one Hallmark ornament a year and keep them put up to give to her one day when she moves out and has her own tree

    3. What is your favorite cookie to leave for Santa? well Santa will tell me what he wants I suppose but a couple of faves are no bake cookies and white chocolate chip macadamia cookies

    4. What is one Christmas tradition you want to do with LO? read The Night Before Christmas every Christmas eve 

    5. Are you taking LO to see Santa this year? Yes

    6. Does Santa leave unwrapped gifts under the tree Christmas Eve or does he wrap them up? we'll do a little of both...that's what my parents did for me and it worked well :)
  • 1. What was your favorite Christmas movie as a child? How the Grinch Stole Christmas

    2. Did you/will you buy your LO a first Christmas ornament?  I will

    3. What is your favorite cookie to leave for Santa?  sugar

    4. What is one Christmas tradition you want to do with LO?  buy a new onrament for him each year

    5. Are you taking LO to see Santa this year?  yes

    6. Does Santa leave unwrapped gifts under the tree Christmas Eve or does he wrap them up?   all Santa gifts are unwrapped

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  • 1. What was your favorite Christmas movie as a child?I loved A Muppet Christmas Carol....still do...:) Also the original Miracle on 34th Street. 2. Did you/will you buy your LO a first Christmas ornament? My mom always bought us ornaments every year and has done that with her grandkids-I would continue that with my own LO someday. Those baby ornaments are so sweet :)3. What is your favorite cookie to leave for Santa? We left sugar cookies, usually. And a carrot for reindeer.4. What is one Christmas tradition you want to do with LO? if/when I am blessed with two children, I would let them open one gift on Christmas Eve-just from each other. I did that with my brother growing up.5. Are you taking LO to see Santa this year?  When I have a LO, I probably won't do this too early. I was shy and always cried, I can't help but think my own kid one day may do the same. lol.  I was not a fan of Santa or the Easter Bunny...haha.6. Does Santa leave unwrapped gifts under the tree Christmas Eve or does he wrap them up?   Growing up, they were unwrapped, because the one from my parents were wrapped up. That's how I knew which ones came from Santa.  :)
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • 1. What was your favorite Christmas movie as a child? The Teddy Bear's Christmas, A Garfield Christmas, Charlie Brown Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas

    2. Did you/will you buy your LO a first Christmas ornament? I will.  I also found an expectant parents ornament that I got our names put on with 2009 :-)

    3. What is your favorite cookie to leave for Santa? We never left cookies for Santa growing up.

    4. What is one Christmas tradition you want to do with LO? I will do an advent calendar, which was one of my favorite things growing up. Not sure what else...

    5. Are you taking LO to see Santa this year?  N/A

    6. Does Santa leave unwrapped gifts under the tree Christmas Eve or does he wrap them up?  Santa wraps them up for us and puts our names on them with white mailing labels, lol.  Sometimes he'll move our stockings from the fireplace to a certain location in the room and put all our gifts there.
  • 1. What was your favorite Christmas movie as a child? How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Miracle on 34th street (I still watch this one every Thanksgiving night)

    2. Did you/will you buy your LO a first Christmas ornament? we did have one for him last year and plan on getting him one each year

    3. What is your favorite cookie to leave for Santa? Santa has always been a fan of chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin

    4. What is one Christmas tradition you want to do with LO? we are starting this year of putting a book in his stocking every year and Rian and I will each buy each other a book for our stocking-  a reading tradition.  We will also start giving him Christmas pj's on Christmas eve :)

    5. Are you taking LO to see Santa this year?  yep-  didn't get to go last year b/c of germs so we are sooooo excited about this year!

    6. Does Santa leave unwrapped gifts under the tree Christmas Eve or does he wrap them up?   All presents are wrapped-  I always loved the element of surprise and not knowing what was there! Although, it is more work on Santa's helpers!!

  • 1. What was your favorite Christmas movie as a child? I always love to watch Home Alone...not really "Christmas", but I love it!

    2. Did you/will you buy your LO a first Christmas ornament? Yep, already did while at Christmas Village.  It's just a plain ball with pink polka dots and it says her name and 1st Christmas 2009

    3. What is your favorite cookie to leave for Santa? chocolate chip and a glass of milk!

    4. What is one Christmas tradition you want to do with LO? hmmm...some of you have already listed good things!  We've always been allowed to open one gift on Christmas Eve...and I would like to read a book too.

    5. Are you taking LO to see Santa this year?  Yep, I think the Saturday after Thanksgiving since she'll already be dressed for her Christmas pics that day

    6. Does Santa leave unwrapped gifts under the tree Christmas Eve or does he wrap them up?   Santa's gifts are unwrapped...he's too busy to make everything and wrap it too! :)

    Allie ~ 01/26/09 ~ 7 lbs, 9 oz ~ 20.75 in. & Amelia ~ 03/16/11 ~ 8 lbs, 1 oz ~ 21 in.

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  • 1. What was your favorite Christmas movie as a child? Frosty the Snowman. When I was 3, I laughed so hard at the cop swallowing the whistle that I swallowed the jingle bell that I put in my mouth. I still get picked on about the incident.

    2. Did you/will you buy your LO a first Christmas ornament? Yes, I am holding off until she comes, but I already have it picked out so someone can go get it for us when she gets here.

    3. What is your favorite cookie to leave for Santa? I guess it depends on what he wants. I don't remember what we did as a kid.

    4. What is one Christmas tradition you want to do with LO? I remember Dad reading the Christmas Story on Christmas morning as a family devotional. I kinda like it now, even though I didn't when I was a kid.

    5. Are you taking LO to see Santa this year?  Not so sure. Depends on when she gets here. I am worried about the germs with her being less than and month old. And I don't know that I will want to get out then either.

    6. Does Santa leave unwrapped gifts under the tree Christmas Eve or does he wrap them up?   Santa's gifts are unwrapped, bikes and things can be hard to wrap when they get older.

  • 1. What was your favorite Christmas movie as a child?  It's a wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th street, White Christmas (I'm one of those people that likes old movies)

    2. Did you/will you buy your LO a first Christmas ornament?  I will next year.  I think I still have mine that my parents bought me as a child.

    3. What is your favorite cookie to leave for Santa?  SUGAR!!! my grammie and my mom made them every year and we got to decorate all of them.  Had to save some for Santa.  They are TO DIE FOR, so yummy!!!  Now my mom makes them w/my nephew and he's into this tradition.  I love it and I know my grammie would love it....

    4. What is one Christmas tradition you want to do with LO?  same things my parents did - cookies out for Santa, one gift on Christmas eve (my mom always picked which one we could open b/c ironically they were matching pjs for my sis and I to wear to bed, he he and she still does that w/us today)

    5. Are you taking LO to see Santa this year?  nawh, I'm too old for that.  LOL.  I'll take her next year.

    6. Does Santa leave unwrapped gifts under the tree Christmas Eve or does he wrap them up?   I think the only unwrapped gift I got as a child was a bike.  My parents wrapped all of the gifts from Santa or them.

  • 1. What was your favorite Christmas movie as a child? A Christmas Story

    2. Did you/will you buy your LO a first Christmas ornament? I'll buy the LO a "first Christmas Ornament" next year

    3. What is your favorite cookie to leave for Santa? Sugar Cookies

    4. What is one Christmas tradition you want to do with LO? On Christmas day we stay home.  No hussle and bustle of running around from house to house.  I don't wanna take the LO away from their toys on Christmas.  Therefore, the grandparents will be coming to our house.  That's what my parents did when I was little and it made Christmas morning very special. 

    5. Are you taking LO to see Santa this year? Not this year

    6. Does Santa leave unwrapped gifts under the tree Christmas Eve or does he wrap them up? He always left the big ones unwrapped, i.e power wheels, bicycles, etc. 

  • imagestar21gazer:

    1. What was your favorite Christmas movie as a child? Emmett Otter's Jug Band Christmas.  It's an old Jim Henson special.  I need to find it on dvd.

    2. Did you/will you buy your LO a first Christmas ornament?  Already done.

    3. What is your favorite cookie to leave for Santa?  Anything with chocolate in it.

    4. What is one Christmas tradition you want to do with LO?  I would love to go to Chattanooga and do the Polar Express train ride.  We will also have the unhealthy yet delicious breakfast of chocolate gravy with biscuits.

    5. Are you taking LO to see Santa this year?  Nope

    6. Does Santa leave unwrapped gifts under the tree Christmas Eve or does he wrap them up?   Wrapped unless it was something big.

  • 1. What was your favorite Christmas movie as a child? A Garfield Christmas
    2. Did you/will you buy your LO a first Christmas ornament? Yep! Haven't found one I like yet though
    3. What is your favorite cookie to leave for Santa? Hmm, never left cookies for him, so I don't know quite yet
    4. What is one Christmas tradition you want to do with LO? We always helped my mother bake cookies, candy, do fun crafts, etc. Oh, and homemade ornaments
    5. Are you taking LO to see Santa this year? Yes, he's already been to see Aubie Claus, I hope he doesn't get confused, lol
    6. Does Santa leave unwrapped gifts under the tree Christmas Eve or does he wrap them up?  Unwrapped on the, my sister, and brother each had a designated piece of furniture, lol.

  • 1. What was your favorite Christmas movie as a child? Maybe not as a child, but as I got older I loved National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

    2. Did you/will you buy your LO a first Christmas ornament? Yes. I'm looking for a nice german glass "first christmas" ornament.

    3. What is your favorite cookie to leave for Santa? haha.. I haven't done this since I was a kid. I do love white chocolate chip though.

    4. What is one Christmas tradition you want to do with LO? My family always has a Norwegian themed meal on Christmas eve since my ancestors on my mom's side came from Norway. It is something I hope to continue with my own family as we get older.

    5. Are you taking LO to see Santa this year?  I hadn't decided.. but probably.

    6. Does Santa leave unwrapped gifts under the tree Christmas Eve or does he wrap them up?   Santa's gifts are unwrapped. Everything else is wrapped.

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  • 1. What was your favorite Christmas movie as a child? Hmm..prob the Grinch

    2. Did you/will you buy your LO a first Christmas ornament? she received some

    3. What is your favorite cookie to leave for Santa? we never really did this, may start though!

    4. What is one Christmas tradition you want to do with LO? Night Before Christmas

    5. Are you taking LO to see Santa this year? yes 

    6. Does Santa leave unwrapped gifts under the tree Christmas Eve or does he wrap them up?   he leaves them unwrapped on the couch all of the wrapped ones are under the tree from everyone

  • 1. What was your favorite Christmas movie as a child? Rudolph and Charlie Brown

    2. Did you/will you buy your LO a first Christmas ornament? Yes

    3. What is your favorite cookie to leave for Santa? I don't know that I had a favorite...

    4. What is one Christmas tradition you want to do with LO? We started the Elf on the Shelf last year...making cookies...going to a Christmas Eve service

    5. Are you taking LO to see Santa this year?  Yes, if he's ok with it.

    6. Does Santa leave unwrapped gifts under the tree Christmas Eve or does he wrap them up?  Unwrapped
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