3rd Trimester

100% effaced

Yeah, that's what my doctor told me yesterday at my appt... 3 cm dilated and 100% effaced. Poor DH is freaking out!

I tried to tell him that this doesn't mean I'm going into labor this minute... but honestly I'm a little freaked out myself.

Anyone stayed 100% effaced for more than a couple days? I know it's weird that I want to stay pregnant, but just until Friday! (Me and my silly "plans"...)

Re: 100% effaced

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    Just sit with your legs crossed all day and he should stay in there until Friday Yes.
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    Obviously everyone's different, but from what I've heard, once you're completely effaced the dilation really picks up.  GL holding out until Friday.
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    Obviously everyone's different, but from what I've heard, once you're completely effaced the dilation really picks up.  GL holding out until Friday.


    I mean... thanks! Wink

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    This is a great week to be born ;)  Just sayin'
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    I was 90% effaced and about 1.5cm dilated on Friday. My MW also stripped my membranes. AAANNNNDDD still no outside baby.

    My MW said "You could be back tonight in labor and I may not see you until the end of next week at your appointment with no progress." For some reason the "you could be back tonight" freaked me out and I started tearing up a bit. I really want an outside baby, but yet I'm scared. UGH these damn emotions.

    GL staying preggo for as long as you'd like. Smile

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