D.C. Area Babies

list of extra stuff for daycare?

Hey ladies,

We're lucky that for C's first year, MIL will be watching him while I work part time, but I'm starting to think about what kind of stuff I should leave for him at her house. Does any one have a list of what they usually give to DCPs? I'm thinking extra clothes, pacifiers, diapers & wipes (hoping MIL will use our CDs, but still going to stock her with disposables), burp cloths. Anything else? I know she has a ton of receiving blankets.

Also, if your family member watches your DC, did you buy extra toys and gear for them to have there? MIL had a bouncer and crib and we're going to bring her a play mat. I guess it wouldn't hurt to hunt down a jumperoo type thing for her to have, too. 


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Re: list of extra stuff for daycare?

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    That's great that your MIL will be watching him! I would say:

    1. Clothes (plenty of them)

    2. Diapers/wipes/diaper ointment

    3. Bottles, nipples, bibs

    4. Playmat, toys, books

    5. Eventually you'll need to add solid food, snacks, spoons, and sippy cups

    6. Does she have a stroller or carrier or something she can take him outside in?

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    I think emack covered them. Bibs are key for Sophie right now, as she's a drooly mess.
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    Does your DS use any sleep aides?  When DD was your sons age it was the mobile, now it is the aquarium or white noise machine.  For when DS is older, an identical lovey that lives at grandmas. 
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    A bottle brush for cleaning the bottles (if she is going to be cleaning the bottles). I don't know if you EBF or if you use formula but if you use formula, bring a can and it may also be nice for her to have the Dr. Brown's Formula Pitcher which is wonderful for mixing up a batch. If you EBF, bring some frozen milk so that she has an emergency stash in case something ever happened and you were much later than expected.
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    You guys are all AWESOME!!! I don't get to post or see a lot of stuff on this board but try to scan it whenever i get a chance. Our LO is starting daycare soon and this is EXACTLY the question I was wondering about.  All very good ideas.....and SUPER helpful!!! Thanks for posting!! 
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