
Did your preemie came early because of PROM?

If so, I hope you can share your story with me. My water broke yesterday at 34weeks, my doctor is hoping baby stays put for another 2 weeks. It will still be a preemie but I understand chances of complications are lessen. I am hoping this is the case!


Re: Did your preemie came early because of PROM?

  • Yes! I pPROMed at 34w4d. I was on hospital bedrest with antibiotics and constant monitoring until they began my induction at 35w3d. She was born at 35w4d and had zero complications or issues---other than the fact that the hospital introduced bottles immediately which ruined our chances of BF'ing and I am still stuck to the pump.?

    34 weeks is much different than 35 weeks and 36 weeks is even better. I know how had it is to be on bedrest but every day in there will help both of you out so much. If I had to do it all again the one thing I would fight for is the use of syringes or other methods of feeding besides bottles. New preemies need so little milk that this is a viable option and can save your BFing relationship. Best of luck!!!!!?

  • My water broke three weeks ago at 34w6d.  I was sitting on the couch and LO kicked really hard. I knew immediately and looked at DH and said "My water just broke."  By the time we got to the hospital two hours later, I was at 4 cm, where I sat for 18 hours. Apparently, though tests confirmed my water had broken, I still had a bag that hadn't ruptured, or it hadn't broken all the way. We are still a little confused about that part. :o) 21 hours after I felt the pop, DD was born weighing 6lbs.15oz. She was in NICU for five days, but was on oxygen for less than 24 hours. Her problem was eating enough without falling asleep. We are home, and she's conquered the whole eating thing. It is crazy to think that technically, I should still be pregnant.
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  • Yes!  My water broke at 28 weeks, I stayed in the hospital on bedrest for a little over 5 weeks and made it to 33 weeks.  Other than the antibiotics and fluids (IV) DS was a feeder/grower.  He did amazing in the NICU.  We had to just wait for him to learn to eat, which he did on his own schedule at 37.5 weeks.  I had 2 rounds of steriods, and at 33 weeks he was able to breathe room air at birth.  pm me if you need anything.  my blog has his story...good luck!
  • imageMarriedBestFriends:

    Yes! I pPROMed at 34w4d. I was on hospital bedrest with antibiotics and constant monitoring until they began my induction at 35w3d. She was born at 35w4d and had zero complications or issues---other than the fact that the hospital introduced bottles immediately which ruined our chances of BF'ing and I am still stuck to the pump. 

    34 weeks is much different than 35 weeks and 36 weeks is even better. I know how had it is to be on bedrest but every day in there will help both of you out so much. If I had to do it all again the one thing I would fight for is the use of syringes or other methods of feeding besides bottles. New preemies need so little milk that this is a viable option and can save your BFing relationship. Best of luck!!!!! 

    Thanks for the advice! I am glad everything turn out nicely for you and your baby girl. Congrats :) And thanks for sharing your story!

  • imagetsoyster:
    My water broke three weeks ago at 34w6d.  I was sitting on the couch and LO kicked really hard. I knew immediately and looked at DH and said "My water just broke."  By the time we got to the hospital two hours later, I was at 4 cm, where I sat for 18 hours. Apparently, though tests confirmed my water had broken, I still had a bag that hadn't ruptured, or it hadn't broken all the way. We are still a little confused about that part. :o) 21 hours after I felt the pop, DD was born weighing 6lbs.15oz. She was in NICU for five days, but was on oxygen for less than 24 hours. Her problem was eating enough without falling asleep. We are home, and she's conquered the whole eating thing. It is crazy to think that technically, I should still be pregnant.

    My nurse was just telling me that historically, baby girls do much better as premature babies than baby boys, hopefully that would not be my LO's case but I can tell that your cutie one managed to do just great, her weight was awesome!! And she looks adorable, congratulations and thanks for sharing your story with me :)

  • imageclyoungsey:
    Yes!  My water broke at 28 weeks, I stayed in the hospital on bedrest for a little over 5 weeks and made it to 33 weeks.  Other than the antibiotics and fluids (IV) DS was a feeder/grower.  He did amazing in the NICU.  We had to just wait for him to learn to eat, which he did on his own schedule at 37.5 weeks.  I had 2 rounds of steriods, and at 33 weeks he was able to breathe room air at birth.  pm me if you need anything.  my blog has his story...good luck!

    Gunner is such a handsome baby boy! The more I read about your stories, the more reliefed I am, such strong and healthy babies! I will definitely read your blog and keep in touch through PM's casue probably you have a lot of advice in your hands. Congrats and see you around!

  • imagelili_ana:

    Yes!  My water broke at 28 weeks, I stayed in the hospital on bedrest for a little over 5 weeks and made it to 33 weeks.  Other than the antibiotics and fluids (IV) DS was a feeder/grower.  He did amazing in the NICU.  We had to just wait for him to learn to eat, which he did on his own schedule at 37.5 weeks.  I had 2 rounds of steriods, and at 33 weeks he was able to breathe room air at birth.  pm me if you need anything.  my blog has his story...good luck!

    Gunner is such a handsome baby boy! The more I read about your stories, the more reliefed I am, such strong and healthy babies! I will definitely read your blog and keep in touch through PM's casue probably you have a lot of advice in your hands. Congrats and see you around!

    Of course every baby is different, but at 34 weeks your little one will be in good shape.  I saw many at your LO's gestational age come and go well before we did.  Looking at him now, you wouldn't even think he ever was that early.  Keep positive, hold on as long as you can and just remember, each day is 2 less in the NICU. That's what they kept telling me.  Make sure you update us!

  • My son was born at 32 weeks due to PROM from Pre-E.  I had him about 4 hours after my water broke b/c I was 8-9cm dilated.  But there are lots of moms who were able to keep the LO inside for a bit longer.  My DS spent 27 days in the NICU and was considered a feeder/grower with a bit of reflux.  But that was the only issue.

    Best of luck to you!

  • I ruptured at 23w1d and carried (on hospitalized bedrest) to 27w3d.

    Best of luck!

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  • My water broke at 30w5d.  DD was born ~36 hours later at 31w0d.  When born DD needed a little bit of help with breathing (CPAP).  She was mostly a feeder grower and came home at 36 weeks.

    At my hospital they induced and delivered after 34 weeks.  It's great that your hospital will let you go longer.  

    Good luck!

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  • I responded on HRP, but in case you didn't see it:

    My water broke at 34 weeks and DS was born less than 12 hours later.  They got one steroid shot in before he was born.  They tried to stop my labor with mag, but Benjamin was having none of it because after 4 hours of mag, I was 5 cm dialated.  So, DS was born and weighed 5lbs 11 oz.  He was in the NICU for 9 days.  He had trouble BF, so I EPed for 8 months.   He is in perfect health at 17 months. 

    Hang in there girlie!  Can't wait to see pictures once she arrives (in 2 weeks hopefully!)

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  • Thank you all for your thoughts and words of encouragement.

    While seeing your little one's pictures, I  definitely get me hopes that beautiful, healthy babies come out either at 6, 7, 8 months. Our own little miracles. My congratulations to you all as moms because your patience, strenght and your support to LO was a big big part of their success, and by your side your DH's deserve their own recognition. My DH is being wonderful, he has been a full time nester this weekend, getting everything ready in the nursery which wasn't quite there yet. I will make sure to follow your steps to become a fantastic preemie mom. I will be keeping in touch with my updates. Everything is going good so far, no more contractions, baby's heartbeats are great, my pulse is a little high today but hopefully it will come back to normal.

    Thanks for welcoming to this board :) 

  • DS was early due to PROM. My water broke at 32wks 3 days. and I delivered DS via c-section three days later. I was in such shock and knew very little when it was happening, that I don't know why the doctor didn't try to wait longer but I did make it three days.

    DS was 4lbs 11 oz which was about a pound larger than the doctor expected. He was in the NICU for 23 days. We almost went home after 12 days but had a set back eating after his circu was preformed. He never had to be on oxygen and over all did very well. We did come home on a apena monitor which was a pain but we didn't have any issues with it.

    GL hope all goes well.

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  • My water broke while I was just laying on the sofa (similar to the previous poster) at 34w2d.  It was at 7:45 pm, and the girls were born via c-section at 12:03 and 12:04 am that night.  They were 4 lbs., 15 oz. and 4 lbs., 5 oz. each.  They spent 11 days in the NICU as feeders and growers.  They had no breathing issues and I never got the steroid shots.  

    Good luck.  You're right about where I was when I had them, so any extra days you get are putting you in a really great position.   

  • I ppromed at 23 weeks due to a placental abruption.  I stayed pg for another ten days til 24.5.  the goal was to get to 34 weeks bc I was told that babies do so well at that point it outweighs the risk of a long stay without amniotic fluid.
  • My water broke at 27 weeks 3 days on 8/10.  I went into labor on own, after being in the hospital for 10 days on 8/20.  She's still in the NICU but doing great.  She's a feeder/grower and is taking more than half of her feedings by bottle now, so we're really close to her coming home.  
  • My water broke at 6am when I was sleeping; I was 33w6d. We got to the hospital and I .wasn't hooked up to the monitor right, so they didn't think I was contracting, so I was never checked for dialation (plus everything went reaaaaaaaaally quickly). They moved me into a room and initially were going to try to keep her in another week or two, but at that point the OB decided that it was safer to deliver her within the next day or so in case my water broke due to infection. They kept monitoring me and since I had gotten in, Ellie's heart rate never dropped below 150, and was up to 190 at some points. They did a biophysical profile and it came back at 0 out of 8 - REALLY bad. That's when we moved to emergency c-section and she was out by 12:30pm.

    The part that you really care about :) - Ellie was in the NICU for 16 days. We had never gotten a steroid shot, but apparently if the baby is under stress in the womb, his/her lungs will develop more quickly. That appeared to be true for Ellie, she never needed any help breathing. She was also off her isolette pretty quickly and we basically spent a full week waiting for her to get the hang of eating. Once she caught on, we were out of the NICU within 2-3 days.

    As for the PP's post about BFing...if you are patient and keep working at it, it *can* be done. Of course, each baby is different, but my DD also got hooked on bottles and binkys in the NICU and is now almost 100% breastfed. We have to give her 2 bottles per day fortified with formula and vitamins, so I do pump for those, but as of last night, she is taking all her other meals by breast.

    Since you are on bed rest right now, I would suggest talking with a lactaction consultant in advance. Once your baby is born, start pumping right away and pump every 3 hours. Collect all the colostrum you get - the easiest way I found to do this was to use the little rubbery cup from the top of the pump (the thing that moves up and down). Get an extra one of those and put it in the mouth of the collection bottle. Use a syringe to collect the colostrum - the NICU should be able to get one for you. Pump for 15 min at a time until your milk comes in.

    Besides pumping as soon as the baby's born, you should also try and get skin to skin time as soon as possible and try to put her to the breast as soon as the nurses OK it. I think that is a huge part of what made Ellie comfortable with both the bottle and the breast. We also used a nipple shield for the first few days. And it does take time and patience...this past week has been huge for us and she JUST as of last night started taking all of her meals that way. But breast milk is sooo good for them and if you can get her to breastfeed, it's way easier than pumping. Good luck!

  • My DD was born at 35 weeks.  I woke at 4am to go to the bathroom and my water broke (slow leak) around 4:15am.  My contractions started, but I wasn't sure if I was in labor.  My DH timed them and decided we should go to the hospital--everything from then on went so fast.  I had barely gotten changed into a gown and the nurse checked me and said I was ready to go.  I had to breathe until my doctor arrived and had my DD at 6:34am.  She was 5lbs 12oz.  She went into the NICU b/c she was "grunting" (working a little hard breathing).  She was discharged 4 days later.  I have to agree with others about breastfeeding and having the NICU use other feeding methods.  It (BF) was a difficult process b/c she was NEVER awake, but by her due date she was EBF and we're still going strong.  I placed a lot of guilt on myself and was so confused as to why my water broke early, but now I just feel blessed to have a healthy, beautiful baby.  Hang in there, your in good handsSmile

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