Special Needs

Starting testing for ECSE

I have never posted over here, never really sure where my DD fits in.  She was born with a brain injury and started having seizures at 11 hours old, was in the NICU for 7 days and on seizure meds for 4 months.  We are very lucky that she has no major issues, only issues are development delays and even those are not that bad.  She was a late talker and is behind her peers at preschools in some of her learning and is hard to understand a lot of the time when she talks.  EI was involved since birth but she aged out of EI in June.  We took her in early for her Early Childhood Screening with the school district and she qualified for the Early Childhood Special Ed testing.  We had the initial meeting last week and are now scheduled for the full round of tests.  The occupation therapist was concerned with how she walks, speech is of course the main concern.  I am still waiting on the DAPE person to call me and they will also oberve her at preschool.  So far, the 3 scheduled dates start at the end of Oct and go through the 2nd week of Nov.  Hoping to have the final meeting with the school district before Thanskgiving so we can get her started on therapy if she qualifies as soon as possible.    I'm really hoping she qualifies for at least the speech therapy.  No real point to my post other than looking for anyone with a similair experience who has been through all this testing - it just seems so overwhelming.  I now my DD could be dealing with a lot more than being tested for a "Developmenta; Delay" so I am grateful for that and will do whatever needs to be done to get her the help she needs.
Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 

Re: Starting testing for ECSE

  • Options
    It sounds like you're on the right track! I'm surprised that they didn't automatically screen when she turned 3 for ECSE, with my 5 y/o it was a seamless transition from B-3 to ECSE (I'm also in MN, I guess it works differently in different areas), we never had to do any additional testing until his triennial when he turned 5. Good luck with everything!
    3 boys (15, 8, 6), 1 girl (4)
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