Houston Babies

XP: How did your 2nd labor compare to your first?

See...I've got two worries right now:

(a)  My first labor was really, really long (weeks of pre-labor coupled with days of regular contractions, then the water finally breaking, etc.  It was 30 hours of contractions less than 5 minutes apart before I broke down and got the epi.).  BUT...the epi was a huge success (felt everything - not in a bad way, no complications, pushing was super short) and I would call the overall experience really not bad at all.  I'm afraid I'm in for it this time. 

(b) My DH is in a wedding 10 days before.  The doctor has told me no way can I go (it's in San Antonio - 3 hours away).  BUT...he really needs me there for moral support (there is an issue with one of his friends and it may - hopefully not, but may come to a head at the wedding).  I keep thinking, "I'm only 3 hours away, I could make it back to Houston if I go into labor."  But then some people have told me I'm crazy for even considering it. 

Just trying to get a gage on everyone's experiences.

Re: XP: How did your 2nd labor compare to your first?

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    My second was a scheduled c-section.  hehe I'm guessing not really what you were looking for?  (the first I had failed progress that ended in a c-section)

     I have heard that 2nd babies come much faster... So you might end up with a baby on the way home!

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    mine was super fast and short...  I was induced with both...  #2 they started me after 8 and she was born by 12.... It was less than 1/2 the length of time it took for #1....   My doc says that "normally" the sencond is much faster...  No way I could have waited 3 hours...   
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    The second time around, I went into labor spontaneously on a Saturday at 9:30 am and delivered at 12:54 pm.  My first labor and delivery took around 22 hours, the second was less than four hours - that's a huge difference. 

    But they have hospitals in San Antonio, so not to worry!  Wink


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    there are good hospitals in san antonio. i would have the baby in SA vs getting stuck somewhere along i10 in BFE....

    my 1st i had no prelabor at all. i was surprised when i went in to labor because i had no warning. i went 10 days past my due date and ended up with a c after 17 hours of labor due to failure to progress.

    the 2nd time, i had a lot of prelabor and went in to labor 10 days before my due date. i labored for 3 hours and we could tell i was not going to progress so i had another c-sec.

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    there are good hospitals in san antonio. i would have the baby in SA vs getting stuck somewhere along i10 in BFE....

    my 1st i had no prelabor at all. i was surprised when i went in to labor because i had no warning. i went 10 days past my due date and ended up with a c after 17 hours of labor due to failure to progress.

    the 2nd time, i had a lot of prelabor and went in to labor 10 days before my due date. i labored for 3 hours and we could tell i was not going to progress so i had another c-sec.

    Yeah, good point.  I don't know what I'm going to do!  My gut says I'm not going to have him that early, but who knows. 

    Keep the stories coming ladies!  I think I'm starting to see a pattern :-)

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    First labor was a c-section due to the fact he was too big (9lbs 4oz) for me to deliver naturally (i'm 5'2")....

     Second labor, I started having faint contractions around 9am at work, finished up the work day with constant faint contractions, got home and made dinner, and about 8pm, they started getting more painful and closer together, drove over to my parents house around 10pm, dropped my son off with my dad and mom went with me to the hospital, got there around 11pm and Kayla was born vaginally with no drugs by 11:30pm.  I think I pushed 3, maybe 4 times.....so I was only in serisou labor for about 3 hours.....she was delivered by the ER room doc....they didn't have time to admit me to L&D

    But, like everyone else said, there are plenty of hospitals in SA.  :)  See if you can't get another friend to watch/support your man at the wedding if it is an issue....

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    Induced both times.  They broke my water both times around 8:30ish in the morning.  I had DS 1 at 11:11 am and DS 2 at around 10:35 am. 
    Mom to Alex - 8.29.06, Foster - 1.22.09, Emily - 6.24.11 imageimageLilypie First Birthday tickers
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    With #1 my water broke at home and he was born 5 hours later.  #2 I was induced due to a hurricane and after they broke my water it was about 2 hours until he was born.
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    #1 - contractions started at 6:45 p.m. and I did not deliver until 9:45 a.m. the next morning

    #2 - contractions started a little after 5:30 a.m. and I delivered at 6:46 a.m. 

    Very different.

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    My first labor took forever 2:30 a.m first contraction(didn't go to hospital until 7:00 p.m.) to  next day 3:15 a.m. baby born. The epi was too strong and I pushed for three hours. My face was so swollen from fluids and pushing. He was two weeks early, but a perfect 7lbs 14oz.

    Second was perfect. My water broke at midnight, got to the hospital a little after one. Had the epi at 2:30 a.m.-3:00ish. Nurse checked me at 9:00 a.m and was ok'd to push. He was here at 9:35 a.m., perfect three days before due date at 9lbs 7oz.


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