Working Moms

The Second Shift? A POLL for FT working women

I see so many posts from FT working women where they also do the majority of daily household tasks/childcare. They might complain about it, but they still do it.

So I am curious. 




Re: The Second Shift? A POLL for FT working women

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    I do 40%; he does 60%.  I work more hours.
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    DH has a really weird schedule so when he's home is questionable.  But when he is home, he is always 100% willing to jump in and do whatever is needed. 
    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
    ~Benjamin Franklin

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10

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    my dh does more cooking and 'big' cleaning (like mopping, etc).

    I do more little stuff (loading dishwasher, etc) and child-related things like baths, bedtime, etc.

    So overall it's probably 50/50, but he's more like 75%housework 25% kids and I'm the reverse.

    My two PCOS miracles! Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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    I'm the primary breadwinner, and I do by far most of the child care and housework.

    I don't know how I got here, but it's about to stop, I can tell you that. I've hit the wall on doing it all.

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    I do more work at home, but he works more hours at work. 
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    For us it varies. We kind of just both do whatever needs to be done. The only divide is, he tends to care for the bills and I do more cooking. But still 50/50.

    Childcare is always 50/50 although we both tend to do some different stuff - like I tend to do baths, he gets them dressed and fed in the am.

    I always find it odd when people tell me my husband should be cloned because he is so involved with caring for our boys or doing so much around the house.  Uhm, because he is a responsible human being?

    As if men doing 50% of the housework/childcare is somehow a *choice* and they get extra kudos for it.  But for women, it is simply expected that we do it. No extra points for scrubbing toilets.

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    well...I have a fat a$$ but I'm not sure how because I don't sit on it! :-) We both work 40 hours a week & DH is in school part-time (6 credit hours online this semester). It might be more 60/40 or so now but he does a lot. He'll help me with anything I ask for sure. And he adores his little girl so he plays with her if I need to do something while she's awake. He plays while I cook, I do bathtime (with one child that is still fun!) while he loads the dishwasher, we do bedtime routine with DD together. I go to the gym while he does schoolwork after DD is in bed and then I come home and do a few things. He's great about pitching in on weekends or picking up a task at night if he doesn't have a lot of school work.
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    I'm the breadwinner, I do 75% of the work and I don't complain about it at all. I get nightly foot rubs, small gestures of kindness and tons of love so I'm totally content.

    I remember what life was like when I was single and guess what, I did all of it then too. The grocery shopping, cooking dinner, cleaning up.  I have never really thought about it until I've read posts on these boards and then that article in Parenting magazine about women being "mad" at their husbands for not doing more around the house.

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    DH travels for work so I put that I do 75%. When he is in town he totally kicks it into gear and helps with dishes, cooks, and does drop-off/pickup duty. He knows I get stressed doing it myself.
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    I assume this is a spin off from my post earlier?

    Even if I were to work FT, DH would work more hours than me. He also travels for work, and I don't. We have a housecleaner. I do the bill paying, laundry, grocery shopping, cooking and the kid-stuff. DH does the dishes (usually), cat stuff, yardwork, hot-tub stuff, home improvements, and car maintenance. He's always stressed over not getting his stuff done, both at work and at home. His current stress is about getting the deck painted. he's been working on it for 3 weeks now. He worked both days on the weekend while I spent time with the kids.

    If I go out after work, and he picks the girls up and gives them dinner (mind you, dinner I pre-made for him to heat up), they don't get baths, and the place is a disaster when I get home. he has no patience and then complains about how he's not qualified to be a parent. 


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    I do everything but his bathroom during the school year.  When he's on break we split everything 50/50.  He tries to chip in while he's in school too, but he's a full time student and a full time employee.  I offered to do everything while he's in school so that he has the time to study his butt off and graduate asap.
    April is National Grilled Cheese Month. How are you celebrating? image
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    LOL @ the 1st choice! 

    My husband helps me alot, but I do the most by far!

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    I do about 75%, but I'm ok with it.  He helps me out with the stuff that I need help with and is good about splitting up chores at the end of the day so that they get done faster.  He's also really good about doing the things I hate, like mopping the floors.  And, the things I do are actually things I enjoy doing, like cooking and grocery shopping.  I don't mind doing more baths than him b/c it's just more time I get to spend with my kids.  ;-)

    It's taken us a long time to find our balance and some weeks it can be a little out of synch, but for the most part we're happy with our division of labor in the house now.

    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
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    I'm 75% HW, but more like 60% DD. 

    What is special snowflake?  maybe i am down on my bump lingo!

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    AlisaS-- your post only got one star ;)  i think there are some lurkers (haters) out there!
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    I am on maternity leave right now so I am doing more stuff inside the house but under a normal schedule, we try to split the work in half.   He does yard work, which takes a lot of effort due to the lot size and FL heat. He also does bills.

    I do all the laundry and quick cleaning when needed (we have a cleaning service). We share responsibilities in the kitchen and with DS.  I take care of DD 99% of the time because she just wants me and I nurse. We will see how things go when I go back to work.


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    We share childrearing responsiblities, but as for housekeeping, it is 99% me and 1% DH (and I am being generous in the percentage for DH), only because DH is incompetent in this area.  His cleaning skills and cooking skills are HORRID.  I have caught him "washing" a dish using no soap and his bare hand.  No sponge or liquid soap.  FAIL. 

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    I would say it's about 50/50. I do more in the house, but he does everything outside. Plus he always helps out to get EVERYTHING done before we have people...about 1-2 times per month.
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    Hmm, we are pretty 50-50 on the childcare when he is home, although he tends to care for DD more and I get the baby more (he's more at ease with the older age and I have to remind him that I need time with her too).  But he travels a great deal so I probably overall end up doing more of the childcare.  Housework it depends -- he will do dishes and laundry and is pretty good about that.  But he forgets to remove stickers from DD's clothes and spray her stains so I end up having to redo a lot.  And I do the majority of the cooking because he doesn't cook much.  And I do all the weeding in the yard.  He is much better about tidying up than I am.  I do more of the grocery shopping but he will go if I instruct him what to get, although never sure what he'll return with.  He takes care of setting up automated bills but I pay all the non-automated ones.  Dang, I do more than I thought.

    DD -- 5YO
    DS -- 3YO

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    DH manages our finances, cooks every night and weekend mornings, takes out the trash and does dishes sometimes.

    I take care of the laundry, meal planning, dishes, grocery shopping, child care coordination, scheduling and going to doctor appointments (although DH has taken a child to the doctor on a couple of ocassions), and research (preschools, vacation stuff, etc).  

    We both do bath/bedtime with the boys every night.

    We have cleaning people that come every two weeks and the lawn service comes weekly during the season so we don't have to worry about any of that stuff.

    Even with all this sharing of responsibilities we each feel "put upon" from time to time.  We just have to remind ourselves that with both of us working FT and having three kids under three there is PLENTY of stuff for each of us to do.  It also explains why the home projects never get done.Tongue Tied


    My twins are 5! My baby is 3!

    DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi

    DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame

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    DH manages our finances, cooks every night and weekend mornings, takes out the trash and does dishes sometimes.

    I take care of the laundry, meal planning, dishes, grocery shopping, child care coordination, scheduling and going to doctor appointments (although DH has taken a child to the doctor on a couple of ocassions), and research (preschools, vacation stuff, etc).  

    We both do bath/bedtime with the boys every night.

    We have cleaning people that come every two weeks and the lawn service comes weekly during the season so we don't have to worry about any of that stuff.

    Even with all this sharing of responsibilities we each feel "put upon" from time to time.  We just have to remind ourselves that with both of us working FT and having three kids under three there is PLENTY of stuff for each of us to do.  It also explains why the home projects never get done.Tongue Tied

    HA! Plenty of stuff to do is right! The "Honey Do" lists for both DH and I seem endless sometimes.
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    When DH is home it's 50/50, but he works longer hours than I do so naturally I do more overall.
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    I work part time, but I would still say our household tasks (groceries, laundry, childcare, meal planning) is about 70/30, with me being the 70%. DH's chores are outside--lawn cutting, weeding, landscaping, dog poop cleanup duty, and in winter, snow removal. The majority of the indoor work (house cleaning, groceries, errands, dry cleaning) falls to me. Every now and then, DH will pick a big chore and do it on a weekend, whether that is mopping floors or cleaning grout in the kitchen, etc. I have learned which tasks I can delegate--cleaning floors, mopping, etc--and which ones I cannot--buying birthday gifts for kids' parties, picking up groceries, etc. He is awesome at doing bigger jobs, say painting a room or currently, finishing our basement, but the small, everyday tasks....not so much.

    He is able to build a shed in our yard in a weekend, but cannot fathom why I sweep the kitchen floor on a daily basis.  

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    I'm the primary breadwinner, and I do by far most of the child care and housework.

    I don't know how I got here, but it's about to stop, I can tell you that. I've hit the wall on doing it all.

    I feel your pain, sista!

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    We don't keep score so I don't know for sure, but I think it's pretty even.  Some weeks I'm too exhausted and he does it all.  Some weeks he's too exhausted and I do it all.  Most weeks we split it.  Some weeks it just builds up... 

    Whoa!  Who changed the default pic to some pregnant chick??  Not cool! 

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    I work PT, so I didn't answer the poll so or I would have skewed the results. When I'm not working and he is, I do 100% of the childcare. The rest of the time, we split everything 50/50 (except feeding). Housework is about 50/50. Usually we're both doing something, or both sitting around doing nothing at the same time.
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    DH is a SAHD for now. He is looking for a job. Honestly, with the hours I am working right now, I don't feel bad that he does most of the housework. When I am home, we split babyduty. I will fully admit to not doing a whole lot around the house. Grocery shopping and baby shopping are mine because he can't seem to shop.
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    I put 75% me because hubby works 12+ hours daily.  However, when he is home, we're 50/50 even.

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    I work more hours that DH and don't get home till after 6. He feeds him dinner and gives him his bath before I get home. i hate missing doing that stuff, but i like just getting to play for an hour before bed.

    We both do housework, but right now i'm studying for boards, argh, and so he's doing some of it and the house is just a disaster. I don't care at this point as long as we're bathed and have clothes to wear.

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    DH works a longer day and has a longer commute than I do, so I tend to do a bit more during the week.  He has every other Friday off, so he uses that time for outdoor or bigger chores - lawn/garden care, sweeping the house, etc.  He also does most of the cooking on the weekends, since I handle dinner during the week. He would cook during the week, but I am too hungry to wait for him to cook after he gets home!
    DD1 is 3, DD2 is 1.
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    i voted 50/50, it may not be 50/50 everyday but it evens out.  we both put Carson to bed/give baths depending on who is working out that evening.  dh does most of the cooking.  i feed Carson, dh does dishes, we both take out trash, i do the wash.  i do the heavy duty cleaning - his skills in this area scare me.  we both do whatever it takes.  if there is a day where i feel like he is slacking i tell him, period, i have a hard time keeping my mouth shut.
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    I put 50% but I think its more 40/60 with me doing 60.  I do daycare pick up and drop off since DH works so far away.  I do way more of the kid related stuff but he does way more with the cooking and stuff like that.  A lot of other stuff is pretty even and sometimes I do more and sometimes he does more.  I think it all really does balance out for us.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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    My husband will help when he can but it is difficult for him to have time for much because he works 6 days and about 80 hrs a week. He has 2 jobs and I have a FT job so most things fall on me which I actually do not mind because its taking care of my son so it makes me feel good to do that.
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