
Babies born at 25-27 weeks?

Tell me about your 25-27 weekers...I realize that all situations are different, just looking for more encouragement.  My water broke 10 days ago (at 23wks) and so far I'm haning in there.  ZERO progression in terms of inefection/labor/fetal distress, just trying to get an idea of the road we face ahead.

Thanks ladies :-)

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Re: Babies born at 25-27 weeks?

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    MCGMKMCGMK member

    I had DS at 25w 3d.  He had a lot of problems and was in the NICU for 4 months.  He also had 4 surgeries (3 were for his bowels, but I'm not sure how common that is in babies that early.)  However, he's a healthy little boy now!  The only thing "lasting effects" from his prematurity is he has to wear glasses due to to ROP/lazy eye and he's behind in his motor skills....however, he's coming along with that.

    Good luck and keep hanging in there!  This is a great place for info.  Keep us updated!

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    My DS was born at 27 weeks. He spent 66 days in the NICU. He was oxygen dependent for the majority of his NICU stay. He had bilateral hernias and had to have an outpatient surgery for that... But he is doing awesome and close to being caught up for his actual age. It was a long, tough road - but miracles happen every day. Best of luck to your sis and your whole family. Keep us updated!


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    My twins were born at 26w, 6d and they are doing very well right now. I'm sorry you have to go through this. I am sending prayers your way. ((HUGS))

    You can check out the blog I started for them ( It goes back to right after they were born.  

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    My DS was born at 24w5d. Amazingly, he didn't have any major issues or surgeries. He had laser eye surgery for ROP, medication to close a PDA and one bout of pneumonia, but other than that he just spent a little less than 4 months in the hospital growing and developing, but nothing too serious. It wasn't a walk in the park, but just goes to show you that every baby is different. I have heard of 28 weekers who had a rougher time than my DS.

    Also, my DS received the steroid shots before he was born and IMO it saved his life. He was on the vent for 3 weeks, CPAP for a month and nasal cannula until a week before he came home. He is now a happy, healthy 15 month old (11 months adjusted).

    Jacob 3.23.08 * Grace 7.22.09 * Eli 7.26.11 * Annabelle 1.18.14

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    My DD was born at 26w3d.  She spent 12 weeks in the NICU.  She was one of the healthier preemies in the NICU and had a fairly un-eventful stay.  She had PDA ligation surgery at 2 weeks old and really didn't have any other road bumps after that.  She is now 3 and has no delays from her prematurity.  Good luck.

     Feel free to check out the blog I started for her that talks about her NICU journey.


    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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    My DS was a 26 weeker.  He was in the NICU for 11 weeks.  He was on the vent for about a week then on CPAP for 6 weeks.  He really didn't have any major problems in the NICU.  He is now a happy healthy almost 4 year old with no problems.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
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    Brandon was born at 26 weeks, 1 day. He was 1 pound, 14 ounces and 13 inches long. He came home 2 weeks before his due date. He will be 1 on Sunday and is now 18 pounds. I have a blog which is listed below if you want to check it out.
    Conceived twins with IVF January 2008. Lost baby a at 20 1/2 weeks due to premature rupture of membranes and held onto baby b. Baby b (Brandon) born at 26 weeks and 1 day on July 5, 2008. Wesley born full term on June 29, 2011. My blog Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers image
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    Robbie was born at 26w2d. He was intubated for 5w, CPAP for another 3, then a few more weeks of a canula, but he came home w/o oxygen on his due date.
    Our biggest problems have been stomach issues He was born with an incomplete diaphragm (not related to his prematurity) which has caused a *LOT* of problems with his stomach and has lead to him not wanting to eat.
    Other than that, he's been very healthy. He just turned 1 and is now sick for the first time (chest cold that went to his lungs) but he's fighting it off.


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    so glad to hear you're hanging in there and not progressing toward delivery!!


    DS was born at 26 weeks.  he is doing great.  He was in the NICU for a long time (117 days) but is thriving at home.  I hope your baby stays in utero for a long time yet!

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    My LO was born 27wks 3days. On Cpap for 4 weeks or so, has been on oxygen since then. he is currently down to 3/4 of a liter on room air.  Started BFing almost 2 weeks ago and started bottle feeding a couple of days after that.  To be honest he is doing really well, no surgiers , no infections.  He did contract MRSA but they put him on anitbiotics and it all cleared up.  WOW, to be honest I think I really needed to put in down on paper to see just how lucky we are. 

    Best wishes to keeping your LO cooking as long as possible.  We are all here for ya momma

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Birth 2lbs 10oz 15in long (4/28 ) 2months 2weeks 6lbs 4oz (discharge day ! ) 3 months 8lbs 6oz (due date 7/25 ) **1 years old 19lbs** **2 years old 25lbs 33 inches tall** Daisypath Vacation tickers image
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    I had an older baby (33 weeks) but I just wanted to encourage you that with pPROM, you can make it quite awhile.  I made it to 33 weeks from 28, but I know there are other members of this board that baked their LO's longer.  Hope you continue to be Betty Crocker to your babe.
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    my little girl was born at 27w 4d on june 4. i started having pre-eclampsia symptoms at 25 weeks and made it that far before i had to have a c-section.

    i had the steroid shots beforehand, which they say helps a lot. she also got the surfactant. she was on cpap, vent, cpap, sipap, vent, sipap, and is now on the cpap again. the second intubation was due to an infection she had. she recieved medicine to close her PDA... and has already been cleared of any IVH. we have our eye exam in a few days and we'll find out about ROP. we've been really lucky.. .most of her problems are just due to prematurity... she just needs time to grow. they expect her to be in until her due date at the end of august. (about 70 days.)

    if you haven't gotten it already i strongly recommend the essential guide to preemies. some of the moms on here, as well as in the nicu, recommended it to me. i wish i could have been a little more prepared information wise when i had her. (just read the parts that pertain to you.)

    i've been blogging since i became pregnant, (high risk due to APS), and continue blogging about our experiences in the nicu.

    btw... i LOVE that you are keeping your dogs. we have a pitty and a cat, and some people are aghast that we're keeping them both. pets just make life better and families happier. (although i'm sure they are extra work!) :)


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    I delivered 6/17/09 at 25w4d and my little man is doing really well so far. he is on an oscillator so that he can gain strength and weight and has had one small bowel surgery to close a small hole and to cut out a small piece of dead bowel. they are going to be weening him of the oscillator in the next 2 weeks to cpap or maybe even just oxygen. it has been a scary road so far just because you dont know what to expect but the NICU staff have seen it all/done it all before and are amazing! Good luck! Sending prayers and thoughts your way.....keep the little one in for as long as possible!
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    Congrats on making it 10 days -- keep hanging on, every minute counts!!  I made it almost 16 days after my water breaking at 23 weeks, and I know each of those days meant the world.  I also encourage you to get the Essential Guide for Preemies -- that book became my Bible while in the NICU.

    My son is now 7 1/2 months old, but he should be about 4 months, since he was born 25 weeks 2 days.  He had a Grade 2 brain bleed at birth, which head ultrasounds showed us had resolved completely by the time he left the NICU.  So far, the developmental specialist sees no impact from that on his development.  He was on a ventilator, then oxygen, etc.  He was in NICU for 79 days, one surgery to repair an inguinal hernia.  He had PDA, which has now resolved on its own without surgery.  At one point in the NICU, his kidneys started to fail, but they figured out it was dehydration and he needed IV fluid for two days.  No problems with kidneys since.  We had one scare that we thought could be NEC, but it wasn't, he just became senstive in his digestion due to his hernia.   Believe me, each of these things was terrifying at the time.  79 days in the NICU felt like an eternity, and i'm still not over the trauma of his birth and the whole experience. 

    On the bright side, he is now a joyful little boy who laughs constantly. He's been blessed with no ROP or eye issues, and only has mild reflux, which is treated with a dropper of Zantac three tims a day.  His latest developmental assesment was incredibly positive.  I of course still worry that something could go wrong or will develop over time, but i also remind myself that I have beautiful son no matter what problems we may have to overcome. 

    Please know that there are many of us with success stories, and we all hoping you will be the next one. 

    (if someone can instruct me how to put pictures in a post, I'd love to add my Nicholas's smiling face! I'm not very Bump-literate yet) 

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    My DD was born at 26w2d on 5/17/09.  I actually went into labor 12 days prior to that and also had a severe subchorionic hematoma during my pregnancy which most likely caused the pre-term labor.  I was on strict hospital bedrest and in labor and delivery 4 times over the span of the 12 days I spent in the hospital before she was born.  I got the steroid shots which helped with her lungs and was on antibiotics since my water had broke.  When I first went into labor, she was breach but managed to turn herself around by the time she was born and I was able to deliver her vaginally. 

    When she was born, she was 2 lb 1 oz and came out screaming.  They whisked her right to the NICU at the Childrens Hospital that was connected to the hospital where I have birth. They had her on a ventilator for only a very short time, then the CPAP and she was on a high flow nasal cannula less than 24 hours after birth.  She had a PDA ligation surgery when she was 9 days old but other than that, she's been doing really great.  She came off the oxygen about 2 weeks ago and has been thriving and growing and eating well.  She took her first bottle yesterday.  She'll be 8 weeks old on Sunday and we're hoping she comes home in the next 4 to 5 weeks.  She weighs 3lb 13oz. 

    The best advice I can give is ask questions!  Good Luck and I hope your babe cooks for many more days and weeks. 

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