Indiana Babies

[ tricia ]

when anna had her little one in the hospital, i remember yall posting about ODing on tylenol, but i can't remember if you said it was hard to OD on it or it was easy....

and do they make a prescription strength pain killer for babies?

Re: [ tricia ]

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    It's kind of hard to OD her on it yourself, although it does happen. For example, if you gave M some infant tylenol and Josh didn't realize it and gave her another dose, that wouldn't be toxic. (Assuming she hadn't been getting lots of other doses in the previous 24 hours, anyway.)

    Or if you used the wrong dropper and accidentally gave her a double dose all at once, not toxic if the same scenario applied without multiple doses in the previous 24 hours.

    Kids will oftentimes get into the bottle and start chugging away and there's a certain amount they can drink without it being toxic, but it's a weight-based calculation, and depends on the # of doses they've had in the previous 24 hours. (This is why the concentrated infant drops usually come in a very small bottle...and why I hate the damn supersize bottles.)

    Tylenol #3 is a common Rx pain med for kids, although I'm not sure if there's an age where they won't use it. They could also do morphine in a hospital setting.



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    So, moral of the story is, lots of factors are involved, so always call when in doubt. Happens all the time so we don't think people are bad parents. ;)

    (Well, some of them are, but I don't think anyone on this board falls into that category, hehe.)

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    good to know - and that makes an awful lot of sense about the little bottles!  of course, since it's sweet, our child hates it.  if it were green bean flavored, we might be in trouble though.

    we've been alternating tylenol/motrin every three to three and half hours instead of four (although we're more cautious with the motrin) and it's still not doing the trick.  the tylenol seems to be wearing off after about two hours, the motrin after four and she's in a lot of pain waiting for the next dose.

    99.9% sure it's an ear infection based on the revolting discharge coming from her ear and we have a pedi appt in an hour.  so i'm sure she'll get antibotics, i'm just hoping those things help with the pain ASAP or that they can give us something for it.  she's been on this tylenol/motrin schedule now since saturday morning at 2 a.m. and her fever has never dropped lower than 100.3.  i'm ready to kick this infections ass.  i want my daughter back!

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    For an ear infection they will sometimes give you some drops that provide local pain relief. Auralgan was a common one, generic name antipyrine and benzocaine.

    There's an antibiotic/steroid ear drop called Ciprodex I also sometimes see.

    Maybe check to see if you can increase her motrin dose at all. There's a dosing range that's based on weight (5-10 mg/kg), so it's possible she's at the lower end. Harder to overdose on motrin than it is on tylenol. (Although it will upset tummies sometimes, but I don't usually see that happen, even when they chug the motrin bottle.) ;)

    I have to run to school, so I will check back later!

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    possible double ear infection + ruptured right ear drum.


    amoxocillan + some kind of ear drops for the right ear.

    hopefully we'll start seeing improvement soon!


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