
Someone tried to snatch my friend's little boy yesterday.

Yesterday, my friend took her 2-month old and her 2-yr-old boys to Walmart. She got what she needed, and made her way back out to her vehicle. While her oldest son was sitting in the big part of the cart, she took the baby (who was strapped into his carseat) and turned to put him in the car, when she turned back around, she watched in horror as a man wrapped his arm around her 2-yr-old and pulled him out of the cart. She immediately started screaming and hitting the man as hard as she could until the man dropped her son, she then threw DS in her car as quickly as possible and locked the doors before falling to the ground. Another couple heard her screams and came over to help. They did call 911, but the man got away. My friends was able to memorize the man's license plate and the make/model of his vehicle, one or both of which was apparently stolen. Walmart's surveillance camera's caught the whole thing on tape and also showed that the man/men had basically been stalking the parking lot all day, probably waiting for this opportunity to present itself.

As soon as she shared her experience, I LOST it. I sobbed.  I cried off and on all day over this. I'm absolutely terrified of this every.single.week. I take my kids to Walmart with me by myself every week and deal with this anxiety for the same reason- I have three kids, and only two hands. It's so easy to start to feel safe in a small town or think that these things will never happen to you. I start to back off because I don't want to live in fear and because it's HARD. It's hard and it's exhausting and it's time consuming to be THAT cautious all the time. And then something like this happens. Her DS could have been gone. Just like that, in the blink of an eye- she watched a stranger grab her child and he could have been gone. That could have been anyone. It DOESN'T just happen to other people. It DOESN'T just happen in big cities. It can happen to you, it can happen to me. Anyone, anytime, anywhere.

Just wanted to share as a reminder to hold your babies tight. Don't take your eyes off them for a second. So what if it's hard? So what if it takes a minute longer? It's worth every minute we have those sweet things next to us.

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Re: Someone tried to snatch my friend's little boy yesterday.

  • OMG-- how scary. ?Glad everything is okay!
  • OMG, how scary. I'm so sorry that happened to her and its a good eye opener for everyone to always be aware of our surroundings. I hope they catch the freak.
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  • OMG.  Wow.  I don't know what else to say.  Glad to hear everything turned out okay.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • That is my nightmare (and I'm sure everyone else's).  I am so happy your friend's little boy was OK.  I agree it is so hard to be "on guard" all the time and still carry on with all your daily activities. 
  • Thank the Lord he's ok!  How scary.  I am so, so, so glad he's safe.  I hope they catch that poor excuse for a human being. 
  • OMG!  I feel sick to my stomach. 
  • OMG!  That's so bold of someone to do that with the mom right there!  I remember when I lived in my old house a child was nearly abducted right around the corner from where I used to live walking home from school.  She fought off the guy who was trying to drag her into a car. 

    I used to walk home as a kid.  I don't know if it was just safer where I grew up, but things just aren't the same these days and I would NEVER let my kids walk home alone the way I did. 

  • Thank goodness he let him go and the poor little guy didn't get hurt.  This is so scary.  I have anxiety about things like this.  I am constantly taking precautions when I am out with ds, and sometimes I think I am being a little nuts.  Then I hear about something terrible like this, and I don't feel so crazy.
  • How is the 2 year-old?  How did he react to all this?

  • Good lord!  How horrible!  I am so glad she got her baby back! 
  • OMG. How terrifying!
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • imagejoseysbride:
    OMG!  I feel sick to my stomach. 

    This.  What a nightmare.

  • He's doing ok, according to her. She said he hasn't really said much about it, he isn't asking any questions or anything, didn't really understand what all the fuss was about. I think everything happened so fast and sort of behind him, that he wasn't really aware of what was really going on. She is being SO much stronger than I would be able to! I needed to go to Walmart with the kids last night and I felt completely paralyzed after she told me what happened. I couldn't go. She, however, went back this morning by herself with the boys, just to face her fear and get it over with.
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  • Holy crap!  That is super scary. People are so sick.
    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • How awful!

    When DD was 6 months old I parked at a store. There was no other car around mine. Stupid, I know. When I came out I noticed a white van parked next to my car. No one else around it. The windows were tinted very dark. It was parked so close to the side where I put DD in that I could not get in on that side.

    I called a friend on my phone and said, "talk to me until I get us in the car." She told me to just put DD and the bags in the back and slowly pull the car to the fire lane at the store. DD was still in the carseat carrier at the time.

    I pulled to the front and went to buckle DD in and watch as the van pulled away.

    Scary stuff. DH has been trying to get me to want a gun ever since then.

    Thank goodness everything turned out okay with your friend!

  • OMG, that is awful. I am so glad that she was able to protect her son. I hope you can keep us updated as far as if they catch that piece of sh!t.
  • Omg, that is so scary. I'm so glad he is ok. Seems your friend did all the right things.

    See, this is what pisses me off about parents who criticize you for being "paraniod" when you just want to be safe. Did anyone ever think that maybe the reason the rates are lower for kidnappings now than 20 yrs ago is not b/c there are fewer predators, but b/c parents are taking more precautions now than they did 20 yrs ago... so that these things don't have as much opportunity to happen? Every story like this is a warning. You don't have to live your life in fear, but just take note and be prepared, whether it's kidnapping, heavy furniture, hot faucets, or whatever. I would much rather be the parent who learns from the tragic story than the parent who became the advocate b/c their kid WAS the story.

  • I'm sick to my stomach after that story.  I'm so glad everything is ok. 
  • Jesus.  I will definitely be more vigilant.  I admit I've been lax lately, but no more.

    I am beside myself for your friend.  My God.



    Me with my littlest.
  • Wow, I am glad she caught him.People make me sick, and I think they should just be shot when they are caught.  I am always freaked out about stuff like that. I feel like with all my kids, I might as well be wearing a sign that says "victim here".  That's why I get them in the car first, I don't even buckle them anymore since they are older, or if I really have to, keep them with me to unload, usually in the trunk area. I see parents all the time yacking on their phones, unloading while their kids are just sitting there in the cart, at the rear of the car alone. It really pisses me off and often delays me because I feel the need to watch out just in case. I think part of the problem is where I live, it's such a "good area" I think a lot of people around here take it for granted.
  • omg I have chills and tears. I don't know how your friend is keeping it together.
    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • That is absolutely terrifying. Your post gave me chills. I am so glad her little boy is OK, but that is horrifying.
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  • tammy79tammy79 member
    That is so freaking scary. Story like this makes me want to never leave the house with the kids by myself ;(.?
  • OMG so so scary.  This is one of my big fears - I literally pull the cart up to the door of the truck when I'm putting the kids in so they are right next to me (backwards if that makes sense).
  • This is one of my worst fears. Sometimes I catch myself being more relaxed and it scares me to death to know I had my guard down because there are complete wackjobs out there just waiting (obviously by the OP) to take advantage.
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  • It wasn't even like she walked away from him for just a second, the cart he was in was up against her thigh while she turned around to snap the carseat into her car. He was *right* there. The guy was just that quick.

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  • OMG I'd be sick to my stomach. :(
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