Stay at Home Moms

I think I'm spending too much $.

What do you do during the day that doesn't consist of spending $? 

I'm starting to get into the habit of going to the store and buying stuff I really shouldn't be buying just because I convince myself that we "need" it.  And when I think of getting out to the house (I hate being cooped up all day long), I think of going to the store....and buying things.  It's a vicious cycle.

It's a very bad habit that I need to break asap.

Re: I think I'm spending too much $.

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    I do this all winter. ?It sucks to be cooped up in the house!! ?Sign up for a gymnastics/parent child type of class whenever your baby is old enough. ?yes, they are expensive up front, but they are an awesome way to meet other moms and babies. ?Playdates are cheap and fun! ?It's easier in the summer/spring/early fall because you can go to parks, zoos, etc. ?We go to Starbucks quite a bit, which is a pretty cheap way to kill an hour, as is the library, Jamba Juice, etc.
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    What do you do during the day that doesn't consist of spending $? 

    I'm starting to get into the habit of going to the store and buying stuff I really shouldn't be buying just because I convince myself that we "need" it.  And when I think of getting out to the house (I hate being cooped up all day long), I think of going to the store....and buying things.  It's a vicious cycle.

    It's a very bad habit that I need to break asap.

    I did the same thing when DS was first born. It was just a way to get out of the house. Now I am much better about it. I started a log for grocery and other spending. We just got back from Target- which is a terrible place to go if you are trying to save money. I kept putting stuff back because I talked myself out of it. However, we had to go to pick up some furnace filters which were on sale. I just have gotten better about not making a trip to the store our thing to do each day. We'll go to the library or the high school and take a walk- that way we have something else to do and not spending money.

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    I have DD signed up for parks and rec classes. They are relatively cheap ($14 - $25 month each) and it keeps us away from the shopping. I also love to read, so we go to the library at least once a week. I live on the border with another county, so I go to two different libraries, and that keeps DD interested. The weather here is finally starting to turn nice, so if we are bored we will probably be going for a walk, or to a park and exploring some trails.

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    This was me when Emily was that age!!!  :)

    Thankfully, a friend in my Mom's Group teaches Music Together and we all signed up for her 3-month class when the babies were 5 months old so we could meet up once a week somewhere other than places where we would all spend money.  We also started going to our local Library and Book Store Story Times, taking walks around Lake Merritt and having brunch dates at each others houses (potluck-style).  Being busy kept me out of the stores and I was so much happier spending time with my friends.

    When Emily was 9 months old and could truly go 3-4 hours between feedings, I joined a local Health Club so I could start working out every day, as well as spending an hour to shower & get myself dressed for the day, which was heaven!  :)


    eclaire 9.10.06  diggy 6.2.11

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    I joined a local Health Club so I could start working out every day, as well as spending an hour to shower & get myself dressed for the day, which was heaven!? :)


    Me too!! ?My gym has been a lifesaver and gave us somewhere to go everyday of the winter (and I could get dressed by myself which is fabulous)?

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    Personal policy: ?I always review each thing in my cart at the checkout before paying, "Do I really need this?" ?Sometimes half the things go. ?I am that annoying person ahead of you in line putting things to the side. ?I guess it is a bit obnoxious but I avoid buyer's remorse that way and stay out of trouble. ?I don't have room in my house for lots of extra, and am always glad I didn't get those things. ?

    I have put off the gym for a while, the reasons stated above make it soooo tempting, but we couldn't really afford it this year. ?Instead, I really forced myself to get out and walk, barring brutally cold weather we did it through the winter too. ?Now as the weather is turning I am spending so much time walking/chasing I feel like I'm getting my excercise(not as good as a gym I know).?

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    I definitely did the same...and still do at times, especially when the weather is crummy.  Target is right near my house, and it's a great place to kill an hour, but also an easy way to drop 50 bucks on nothing I really need!  Plus, now that DD is a little older, I have to really watch how many clothes I buy her.  $5 here and there adds up!

    We joined the community center, because I can work out there for up to two hours while DD is in their child watch program.  (Actually, I often work out for about an hour and then go take a shower so that I don't have to try to work in a shower at home during naptime.)  Yes, the membership costs a bit ($63/month), and childwatch is about $1 per time ($12-15/month, typically), but we can go there as often as we want, and they have a great indoor pool for kids.

    We have a zoo membership, and I LOVE IT.  During the spring/summer/fall months, we probably go at least once every couple of weeks.  Again, it costs money ($70/year), but I think it's well worth it for as often as we go.

    I'm also considering a season pass to the nearby amusement park, now that DD is old enough to ride the kiddie rides.  And there is also a water park there, so we can use the pool.  My sister goes and takes her kids, so I'll have someone to go with.

    All of those things do cost something, but at least we can go as often as we want.  As for free, we started going to the library when DD was a little over a year old.  And starting at around 18 months, the local libraries have weekly story times and other activites for kids.  There is a play area/climbing stuff at the mall.  We have another nearly vacant indoor mall that was great when DD was learning to walk, because she could go all over the place with hardly any people around.  Of course, with the weather getting nicer, we do lots of walks and trips to various parks.

    I think it gets a little eaiser to come up with things to do once your child gets a bit older.  We still do a lot of shopping--we just try to keep it to window shopping!

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    We do story hour at the library, which is free. 

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    I also recommend the zoo pass. We go about 2x/month and it's totally free (I pack a lunch for me and DD) except for a quarter to feed the ducks. I wish I'd done it when she was a baby so I could just take a quiet walk while she snoozed in her stroller. Totally worth the money if you live in a nice area where you can take advantage of the weather and get a lot of use from your pass. It makes for such a nice day.
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    I make a list of the errands that need to be done for the week and do one each day. As far as buying stuff I don't need... if its not on my list... it doesn't go in the cart. If something is on sale that I keep around the house on a regular basis, I may buy it. As far as not spending money, I take my dog and DD to a park so the dog can run around and I go to a cuddlers group which is free and you meet up with other moms and a nurse runs it, so you can ask questions about DC.?
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    This is such a vicious habit.  I live in Australia now, and because the selection in their stores is so crappy, and it's such a pain to drive to Target, which is equally crappy, I spend zero.  Days go by and we don't get in the car and don't spend money (except maybe a cappuccino or lunch for me or cookie for DD).

    What we do:

    go to the gym (membership already paid so I don't count this!)

    go to the playgrounds

    go to the library

    walk into town to window-shop ONLY

    go to the beach

    go to playgroup

    play in our backyard while I clean up the garden

    Break the cycle!! :)

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    Walking, the beach, parks, library...I know I sound like a dork for thinking this, but I would shop online like I would put all the stuff I wanted into my cart only to close the window, disgusted at how much it all costs! That would break my urge to shop blindly.  Or you can leave your checkbook at home & go to the store, so you won't be tempted to buy something.  Try getting into a hobby like reading, write some snail mail to friends/relatives, putting the baby book together so that you get your mind off of going to the store.
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    Or you can leave your checkbook at home & go to the store, so you won't be tempted to buy something. 

    This is a great trick.  When we're truly just shopping for something to do, I will leave my purse in the car.  Just grab the stroller and diaper bag and go!  No money = no spending.

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    We had this problem early on...we would end up at Target and we all know how dangerous that is for the wallet.

    I found that our local library has free events for babies and kids, so we do those activities on Mondays and Tuesdays. ?We take walks around the neighborhood. ?I joined a mom's group and we have frequent playdates or other activities, so I try to go to something with them nearly every day, or I have people over to my house for playdates. ?I found the mom's group on ?It has definitely been a lifesaver.

    I have also just gone to the grocery store or the mall but not brought my wallet in, or just brought in $10 in cash if I needed to grab sometihng to eat.




    M/c #1 - 10/30/07 - 5w3d, DS1 - born at 36w, M/c#2 - 12/7/09 - 5w, M/c #3 - 1/13/10 - 4w6d, 
    M/c #4 - 3/16/10 - 5w1d, DS2 -  born via VBAC at 40w3d, M/c#5 - 11/5/12 - 7w2d
    BFP #8 - 5/5/13- Looks like a sticky one! DS3 - born via epi-free VBAC at 39w1d

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