Working Moms

When did you tell your boss you were PG?

I'm still pretty early but if I'm going to be going to appts every month for the next few months, they might think something's up. So I just wanted to see when you ladies decided to break the big news.

Re: When did you tell your boss you were PG?

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    Four months.   Are you really going every month in the first trimester?  I don't remember going that often.  Also, it is not a big deal for me to take off and not many people notice and if they do, I just say I have an appointment and no one really cares.  Good Luck!
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    14 weeks both times.  I didn't think it was that unusual to have a dr appt once a month and no one noticed anything odd. 

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    I told at 4 months

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    With DD, I told my boss right away. I had some special circumstances that meant he needed to know immediately. I didn't tell anyone else until after we saw the heartbeat (8w4d).

    I had at least 3 appointments that I can think of in the first trimester, and that was in a perfectly normal, healthy pregnancy. For one of them, I had to fly home early from a business trip and get a co-worker to cover for me. This was before I was really telling people, and so I just said that I had a doctor's appointment and no one questioned me further.

    With my last pregnancy, I didn't tell anyone at work at first... good thing, as I ended up miscarrying, and was very glad I didn't have to deal with un-telling.

    Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)

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    I guess I don't really know how often I'm going, it's my first Smile and haven't had my inital appt yet. I guess I just thought you had to go every month? Thanks!!
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    I told our OM when I was about 5 or 6 weeks.  I wanted to wait until 13 or 14 weeks to tell our MP, but she told him when I was at 10 weeks.  Looking back, I would have told our MP sooner.  I think he felt like I was trying to hide something from him by telling our OM and not him.  Whether his business or not, I did not want that type of atmosphere at work.
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    With my first, at 16weeks. I would have told a couple weeks earlier, but he was out of the country.

    With this one, at 6 weeks, after we heard and saw the heartbeats (we've done infertility treatments so I get very early u/s). I know it's recommended to not tell anyone until the end of the first tri because miscarriage is so common... and it was hard to have to tell everyone when I lost one of my twins, but honestly I would have had to tell my boss anyways because you can't just disappear for several days without explanation and there's no way I could work.

    - Jena
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    My first appt is shortly after 6 wks so I was thinking maybe after that appt or the one after that.

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    Right after we saw the heartbeat for both of them. Around 7-8 weeks.
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    About 14 or 15 weeks. I was going to the OB monthly too, but I d idn't have much trouble to swing that. I just booked another Dr or dentist appointment before/after a few of those and took the morning off. My boss did not care where I was at midday, only that I was at my desk at MIDNIGHT KWIM?

    I would have told them earlier but had only been in the job 4 months when I got pg (just long enough to get my paid mat leave!) and I wanted to "prove" myself first, so I was working at an offsite assignment managing a team until week 14 or 15 and I waited until that was done. When I was back in the office full time and not just from 5pm onwards I told him.

     BTW it sucked working 8am -midnight in 2 locations all through first tri. I was so tired. And I got a stomach bug that landed me in hospital for 2 days (which at least covered 1 of the OB consultations because he offered to see me there after his rounds). I lost about 13 pounds so I bet no one suspected at work that I was pg. 

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    Right when I found out at 8 weeks. I asked him not to tell anyone else until I was 12 weeks.
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    I told my boss around 10 weeks, but I knew that she already suspected :).  I didn't tell anyone else in my office until about 14 weeks.
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    After the first trimester ended
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    I waited until 13 weeks. Everyone had pretty much guessed by then. I would still do the same again. I just felt better waiting to officially break the news.
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    14 weeks. ?No one really suspected anything even with a monthly doctor appointment out of the office. ?I don't think I even said it was doctor's appointments. ?I wouldn't worry about it unless you have a job where your boss needs to know where you are for sure and keeps close tabs on you.
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    I planned to wait until the end of the 1st trimester. But, I had horrible morning sickness and everyone noticed how I kept racing to the bathroom.  I ended up telling my boss at 7 weeks, the day after we heard her heartbeat at the doctor's office. 
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    I told my boss early 7 weeks.  I am a nurse and being pregnant will affect your patient assignment.  So, I told early.  Most women do that I work with.  It's been a busy baby making year for my floor! 
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    I haven't said anything yet... I just started a new job last week and want to wait until I'm out of training. I'm not going to tell my boss, I'm just going to walk into HR and discuss leave with the benefits coordinator. I was hoping to avoid it all together until I'm out of my 90 trial (July 1st... so I'll be 31 weeks) but that's ridiculous!

    I had my first appointment at 8 weeks (with an u/s), another at 12, another at 16, have the "big" u/s at 19, and then another appointment at 21. After that, I'm not so sure.

    Married to Patrick - 8.9.08 Mom to Lennon - 9.1.09 Expecting #2 - 5.20.12
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    3 1/2 months. You dont go but once a month for a while so no one should notice.
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    At about 15 weeks
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    I told at 9 weeks. I was planning to wait until the end of my first trimester, but one of the other guys in our group quit very unexpectedly, and I wanted my boss to know that I would be gone for 10 weeks so that he could decide when/how to backfill.
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    3 1/2 months. You dont go but once a month for a while so no one should notice.

    At my job, they're really crappy about giving you time off. They give it to you but not without making a fuss about it. It sucks.

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    I plan to tell at 14 weeks. Until then (and after) it's nobody's business why I might have to schedule a few hours of sick leave here and there.

    A person could have a chronic illness, eye doctors' appointments, a series of dental surgeries, psychiatric appointments, etc.  Do you feel obligated to explain why you have to take off?  The importatnt thing is that your work is getting done and that you have leave available to take.

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    It's not that simple here. We get sick days and only 5 of those a year. If you take a morning/afternoon off for an appt, you don't get paid for it. It's really dumb. I work at a small company and my boss is pyscho about leave so I'm sure she'd put 2 and 2 together (not that I care that she knows but obviously I'm scared of a m/s like we all are).
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    I told at around 17 weeks.

    No one missed me having appointments, but my job is conducive to coming and going without much notice.

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    It's too bad that you have to take unpaid leave.  Your boss doesn't sound very reasonable.  It's really none of her busines why you'd need off.  I think you should just tell her when you're ready, based on when you're comfortable sharing the news.

    If you're worried about the unaid leave, maybe you can offer to work extra to balance it out.  So, if you're gone for four hours on a Thursday, you could arrive half an hour earlier and leave half an hour later M, T, W and F.

     Good luck!

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    It's too bad that you have to take unpaid leave.  Your boss doesn't sound very reasonable.  It's really none of her busines why you'd need off.  I think you should just tell her when you're ready, based on when you're comfortable sharing the news.

    If you're worried about the unaid leave, maybe you can offer to work extra to balance it out.  So, if you're gone for four hours on a Thursday, you could arrive half an hour earlier and leave half an hour later M, T, W and F.

     Good luck!

    I don't think unreasonable is even a good enough word!Angry And not to keep going on and on about it but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let me make up the time either. I should explain I work at a car dealership and have a brand new building so they are cheap and pinch pennies anywhere they can. Thank you for your support though. Sounds like I need a new job right? lol

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    around 13/14 weeks...
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