Parenting after a Loss

should I use Ferber for naps...

if she sleeps for only 30 minutes??? I am still really confused on this. She went down 15 minutes ago and I'm not sure what to do when she wakes up. She usually wakes up after 30 minutes on the dot and is wide awake and happy. Does this mean that's all she needs? I think trying to get her to go back down after that will mean a LOT of crying!

Re: should I use Ferber for naps...

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    we try with naps but not long - maybe 5-10 mins and if she is up then that is the end of the nap
    Janine image image image
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    if i remember, the book says 30 mins is ok for a nap.  like, if baby isn't asleep after 30 minutes declare nap over. if baby sleeps for 30 minutes, then it's a nap.

    since doing ferber liam now naps longer in the am, but then in the afternoon he takes 30-40 min naps.

    we actually started ferber with naps.

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