Trying to Get Pregnant

Since we're all prospective parents (poll)

What's the worst thing you ever did as a child? (let's say age 12 and under)


1. My mom has hypothyroid and somehow when I was 3 I went and swallowed her whole bottle of pills. Apparently I came out and announced, "I tooked my pills" That was followed shortly thereafter by an ER visit and ipecac syrup.

2. When I was 12, my parents took the motocycle out for a ride on a nice summer day. My best friend and I took the car keys and went joyriding. We had to sit on pillows. That's right, I was TWELVE. 

 Ahhh, the things we can all look forward to. 

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Re: Since we're all prospective parents (poll)

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    When I was about 4, I was supposed to be napping, but instead I took a marker and made a mural on the guest room wall. When I was 6, we went to Disneyworld, and I got up early to get ready. I wanted to "look pretty for Mickey" so I twisted a comb into my hair like a gillion times and it was stuck so bad my mom had to cut it out. I was trying to curl it, and now we joke that that's how I ended up with curly hair.
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    I faked sick for an entire month of middle school. I really didn't want to do this report. I was apparently very good at faking. I think the first time I faked sick was when I was 8 years old.
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    1. I got drunk at my grandparent's Christmas party when I was 3 years old.

    2. When I was about 8, I stole $20 from my mom's purse to buy slap bracelets (when my family didn't have $20 to spare)

    3. I forged my mom's signature, badly (then blamed it on her "broken arm") on a note to my teacher about why my homework wasn't done, in third grade (but got caught... duh)

    4. I stole my grandmother's salt shaker on Easter so I'd have my own salt for my easter eggs. My mom found it like a month later when she was making me clean my room

    5. At the age of 10, our older cousin taught me and my same-aged cousin how to "Five Finger Discount". She and I went on a "shopping spree" in Great America (a theme park), until we got caught (although, the security guard let us go with a warning... but we never ever stole anything ever again!)

    Incidentally, I got in quite a bit of trouble up until the age of 10. Then things went really sh*tty in my family and personal life, and it stopped. From there on out I was pretty much a model kid. And even the trouble I did get into was pretty mild (or I was smart about not going overboard and getting caught).

    Mama's Clone - 07/18/12

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    Kdodge- it was your lamp cord cutting that inspired this post.
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    When I was 3, my mother had a canary named Jeremiah.  Normally the cage was up high, but she was cleaning it out so it was on the kitchen table.  She left the room for a minute, and I went over to "pet" the bird.  He started flapping around, and I caught him and squeezed him tight.  Too tight.  By the time she came back, the poor bird was gone.  She cried.  The next day she went out and got Jeremiah II. 

    She still brings this up every year at Thanksgiving. 

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    When I was in 6th grade, our elementary school had a section of woods. So, me and about 5 other kids hid in the woods after recess was done and played spin the bottle.

    We went back in after a while, said we didnt hear the bell ring. My teacher called on me to answer a question and I wasnt paying attention and he said "what are you doing, thinking about what you were doing out there?" then i was like oooh shiiiit!

    We got a 'Stop and Think' which was like a note home to our parents...they had to go in for meetings. My mom called the boy's mom who I kissed and they talked for like 4 hours. 

     But that's really the most trouble I got in, aside from being a smart ass. 

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    I wanted to "look pretty for Mickey" .


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    I scarfed down an entire bottle of Flinstone Vitamins because I really loved the way they tasted.  Poison Control anyone???

    I also touched the grilled cheese griddle right after Mom told me not to because she said it was hot and I wanted to know what she considered "hot"...

    I scrubbed my hair with Ivory soap in the kitchen sink because I wanted Blonde hair and I thought I could wash out the color.  I didnt tell my parents what I had done but it must have looked pretty bad cuz Mom made Pops take me to an emergeny Supercuts haircut and the hairdresser found chunks of soap in my hair Embarrassed

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    I stole money out of my Aunt's purse.... in church of all places. I think I was in the 4th grade.

    Last 2 years of high school, I intersepted(SP?) my grades in the mail. Steamed them open, recreated them on the computer and put them back in the envelope and in the mail box. My dad never found out. lmao, I love it.

    ETA: I forged my dad's signature on a few notes and progress reports.

    When I was a little kid, I lived at the end of the street and it was nothing but boys my age. Um... I let them touch my boobies. One showed his penis and we got in trouble... on man I was grounded for a while, I was 5.

    TTC #2 since Sept '16
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    (Former username: xxbblueangelxx)
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    When I was 4, my family went to the beach.  My brother who is 3 years older than me and my mom asked me if I wanted to go for a walk with them.  I said "no".  They left.  Like 10 minutes later I decided that I wanted to go too.  I told my dad I was going to the water to get water for my sandcastle.  I took off down the beach to find my mom and brother.  Apparently I was gone for hours.  My parents freaked, called the police and beach patrol.  I had the entire beach looking for me.  I was fine.  I knew where I was.  I had no idea what the big deal was when I came sauntering back.

    Yep, I've been super independent since day 1.

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    I wanted to "look pretty for Mickey" .


    Lol. Thats a direct quote.
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    I wanted to "look pretty for Mickey" .


    Ha ha I love it!!

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    1) I refused to take the bus to school. So I would steal the extra car.

    2) I would ditch school and if a family member came over to the house I would pretend I wasn't home. 

    3) I would write my own notes to the office and if they called our house I would pretend to be my mother. 

    Lapband wife wanting a baby since 2008. 162lbs lost...30 more to go.
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    I dont remember how old I was but the first party I can remember having someone burst a balloon and I tried blowing up the burst balloon and I swallowed it.  I had to go to the er.

    When I was 9yrs old I stepped on a nail it took 2 nurse and my mom to hold me down to give me a tetanus shot.

    (I hate needles then and I hate them now)

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    oh, another one!

    When I was 10 and getting my ears pierced for some reason they did one ear at a time. First ear was good to go. It was done. Onto the second ear...oh wait, no. I decided to slap the lady in the face when she got close. oops.

    Needless to say, I walked out with only one ear done. I got the other one done a couple days later (at a different place of course!)

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    When I was 7 or 8 we went on a family vacation to the beach. My little sister was about 4 at the time & while we were still on the interstate she said she had to go to the bathroom. So I proceeded to talk about the rushing water at the beach, waterfalls, etc. She started crying, telling me to stop but I wouldn't & she wet her pants. Mom was not happy.
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    I have nothing to contribute because I was an angel. Angel
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    Let's see...

     I made a habit out of stealing those sparkly jelly roll pens and lip smackers.  I never got caught...but guilt got the best of me and I stopped.

     I accidentally hung our dog from the garage door.  She didn't get hurt, my mom got her down in time...but she refused to walk on a leash for years.

    While getting stiches taken out I kicked the doctor in the face.  He happened to be a good friend of the the family, told my mom he wasn't coming back into the room until she got me under control.  Let's just say he wasn't gone long.  My mom has one mean evil eye.

     I prank called 911 once.  They called back and my dad answered.  Oops.

     My best friend and I were home alone and stole a wine cooler.  We shared one, but thought it was gross and threw the rest out.  Such rebels.

     My brother wins the bad kid award in our family though.  One year my parents were out of town and we had a babysitter.  One night he decided to take the car for a spin....without a drivers license.  The next night he was supposed to be grounded, but snuck and and didn't come home for 2 days.  Needless to say his ass was grass when my parents got back.

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    I grew up in a fairly small town and I was a farm girl so I learned how to drive young....well kinda. My grandma let me take her car and park it in the garage and i kinda nicked the side and scraped a little and took off a small chunk of the frame. The bad part is, I told her she did it (because she had a poor memory) and I would have gotten away with it but my dad totally knew I was lying.

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    In high school I kept a six foot python under my bed.  My mom walked in on me playing with it one night, wrapped around my neck and waist, food mice in a bucket.  I had to get rid of it the next day.

    If we can add siblings... my older brother was growing a pot plant in his room.  Mom watered it for a week, until she mentioned to my dad about "the nice fern" John had growing in the basement. 

    My brothers were WAY worse than me... I can count at least two full scale fires that brought in the fire department.  And yes, my dad was the Fire Chief. 


    I'm going to make an AWESOME big brother.

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