High-Risk Pregnancy

~~~Bedrest Mamas Sunday Check-in~~~

Here is a list of nesties who can commiserate together during bedrest. Nothing better to do, right? Share your story, progress, news, and any ideas of how to keep yourself busy. Check in will occur each day on the High Risk Pregnancy Board in the mornings.

Post back with your info if you'd like to be added to the list!


Name:  Bellisimo

EDD: 4/1/09 (but c-section scheduled for 3/26)

Since when: week 32

Reason: Premature labor at 32 wks. (2 cm. 50% effaced)


Name: jtotten

EDD: 3/29/08

Type of BR: Strict w/ bathroom privileges.

Since when: 16 weeks

Reason: Incompetent Cervix, Funneling - Have a cerclage


Name: hejst4

EDD: 03/31/09

Type of BR: modified

Since when: 02/18/09

Reason: high blood pressure


Name: banbear2

EDD: 4/8/09-C Section scheduled for 4/1 since she is still breech

Type of BR: Strict-allowed more privileges at 35 weeks

Since when: 24 weeks (12/19/08)

Reason: I lost first pregnancy when my water broke at 20 weeks due to an infection.  This pregnancy I had a shortened cervix and pre-term labor starting at 24 weeks.


Name: Cath&Brian (Catherine)

Due Date: 4/10/09 (twin pregnancy, they won't let me go past 38 weeks-doubt I'll make it!)

Type of BR: strict.  Hospital bedrest from 27w0d to 32w0d.  Home now; hopefully for a few weeks. Bathroom & Shower privleges.

Reason: Frequent contractions (I'm alternating oral Terbutaline & Nifedapine every 2 hours around the clock) and Incompetant Cervix (.8cm during contraction at 27w6d).  


NAME:  Cher (glmgrl09)

EDD:    4/12/09  Easter baby

SINCE:  27 weeks 

REASON:   Signs of preterm labor -  contractions and slightly dilated. (2cm at last visit)


 Name: xoJayBa

EDD: 4/15/09 -- Tax Day!

Type of BR: Pretty strict. Can't leave my house. Only allowed to get up to use the bathroom.

Since when: 24 weeks. Christmas night to be exact.

Reason: Placental Abruption.


Name: TrinaKay (Trina)

Due date:  April 15th

Type of BR: Light. Can move to couch and fix own drinks or light lunch. Moved to Hospital bedrest on 35w5d.

Since when:  33 weeks.

Reason:  GD, PIH, protein in urine. Possible Pre-E.


Name: teach 2004

Due date:

Type of BR: strict bedrest

Since when: was on bedrest from 30-32 weeks then let off now back on bedrest at 35wks

Reason:  30-32wks was for shortened cervix, dialation, now mild pre-e


Name:  50yrsORbust

EDD: May 8, 2009, but dr. won't let me go past 37 w (April 17)

Type of BR: it keeps changing. I go from strict to modified where I am allowed to leave the house to either a.)go out to eat or b.)go to a movie once a week.  

Since When: Oct. 26, 2008, I was just 12 weeks.

Reason: PIH


Name: KerrBearr

EDD: 4/17/09

Type of BR: can shower, make sandwich and go to bathroom. Reviewed at each appointment along with internal check.

Since when: 32wks

Reason: pre-term contractions and baby is head down VERY low


Name: Wanderlust

Due Date: May 30 (will be induced at 34 weeks on April1 18 if I make it)

Type of BR: Hospital (w/bathroom and shower)

Since When: 27 weeks 1 day

Reason: PPROM


Name:  LizMiller1

EDD: April 20th

Since: Jan 31st. 28w5d

Type of BR:  Modified

Reason:  Bleeding due to marginal placenta previa & weekend hospitalization.


Name: Libstobe

EDD: 4/21/09

Type of BR: Hospital

Since when: Was first put on at 15 weeks, taken off at 21 weeks, put back on at 22 weeks for the duration of my pregnancy.

Reason: Bleeding due to placenta previa 


Name: savannah11

EDD: 4/22/09

Type of BR:  strict, with bathroom and shower privileges

Since when: 28 weeks

Reason: shortened cervix, contractions


Name:  KimmyB111304

EDD: 4/22/09

Type of BR: not sure...she said I can get up to go to the bathroom and make something to eat...but need to be laying down or have my feet elevated at all times.

Since when: Thursday 3/12

Reason: 3cm dialiated, 75% effaced, and contractions 2-3 minutes apart at 34 weeks


Name: MarriedBestFriends

EDD: April 23

Type of BR: Hospital

Since when:34w3d

Reason: pPROM


Name: Gretchen*loves*Michael

EDD: 4/24/09

Type of BR:  home bedrest with bathroom priveledges, can shower e/o day, can come downstairs once a day to lay on couch all day

Since when: 28w 4d

Reason: pre-term frequent contrax and spotting which subsided after 36 hours in hospital.  positive FFN test.  (twin pgcy)


Name: tinideni

EDD: 4/25/09

Type of BR: Modified

Since when: 28w2d


Name: lovesweetlove07

Due Date: April 25th

Since When: Week 18 (end of November)

Type of Bedrest: Moderate. Am able to make a quick sandwich, take a shower, etc.

Reason: Have a 8.5 cm fibroid on my uterus that causes contractions. (Susceptible to pre-term labor)


Name: Britany (lilwifey2be)

EDD: 4/25/09

Type of BR: Was on watch in hosptial for 4 days with magnesium treatments and steroid shots.  Now home on strict bedrest with bathroom and once a day shower priveleges. 

Since when: 30 weeks 1 day

Reason: partial placental abruption, preterm labor, 2-3 cm dilated and 50% effaced. 


Name: Mrs S (Colleen)

EDD: 4/29/09. C section scheduled for 4/27/09. First baby, it's a boy!

Since when:  2/9 (hospital BR 1st two days) at 29 weeks.

Reason: Placenta abruption, bleeding

Type of BR:  Modified, some privelages around the house but no heavy cleaning, lifting, driving, traveling, or shopping.  Allowed 1-2 small excursions a week that keep me off my feet. Otherwise, bed/couch rest.


Name: Courtneyaok

EDD: 4/28/09

Type of BR: Modified

Since when: 23wks

Reason: Spotting/Twin pregnancy


NAME: hollyoid7

Type of bedrest: from modified to strict

Due Date: April 28

REASON: PTL at 25 weeks. I am fingertip dilated, thinning out and cervix very soft. I have been in and out of the hospital since 25 weeks. Just last week I was in there for 5 days. I got my steriod shots at 31 weeks.


Name: momto4boys

EDD: 5/1/09 - but but have never gone past 34 weeks

Type of BR: home for now because I have a home health care nurse with Matria: Monitor contractions 3 times a day and I have a Terbutaline Pump

Since when: 13w6d, went in hospital 20w0d, and came home 23w1d

Reason: preterm labor due to contractions and funneling cervix. Cervix is 2.38cm long, I am allowed to have 6 contractions an hour without getting extra meds.


Name:  Craylo

EDD: 5/01/09

Type of BR: on hospital bedrest

Since when: Friday 3/13

Reason: Pre-e


Name: DDK513

EDD: 5/5/09

Type of BR:  light/modified

Since when: 23 wks

Reason: bicornuate uterus --> high risk of preterm labor


Name: Rach*champ*3-1

EDD: May 6

Type of BR: Strict

Since when: 28 weeks

Reason: Pre-term labor (twin pregnancy)


Name: Alpacabunny

Due Date:  May 7

Type of BR:  Modified: I can get up to use the bathroom, eat and shower.  I can only leave the house to go to the doctor, but I am allowed to drive myself there.  I can get up to move around the house a little bit, but if I have more than 6 contractions an hour I have to go in to be monitored .

Since When: 25 weeks (January 22nd)

Reason:  Preterm labor at 25 weeks with a twin pregnancy.  I take procardia every 6 hours. 


Name:  Yummy Sushi Pajamas (Heather)

Due date:  May 9

Since when:  19 weeks

Reason:  Incompetent cervix, cervical funneling


 Name: birdie_1010

EDD: 5/11/2009

Type of BR: full bed rest off of work for duration of pregnancy. 

Since when: 3/16/09

Reason: Pre-term contractions and cramping due to low amniotic fluid levels.  Cervix is still long and hard. As of 3/23 I have 6.7 cm of fluid, but baby looks great.


Name:  VAannie (Annie*

EDD:  5/12/2009

Type of bedrest:  Right now, strict hospital bedrest.  I'm on day one of a two-day magnesium sulphate "wash" (and am catheterized, oh joy).  After that, they'll put me back on terb and see how I do.  I'm not sure whether I'll leave the hospital a pregnant lady on bedrest, or a mommy!  One day at a time.

Since when:  March 14

Reason:  Pre-term contractions due to irritable uterus.  I was started on terbutaline at week 29 which had more or less been working until last night.  Even on mag, my contractions are still coming (though not too strong) every 4-7 minutes.  Thankfully, my cervix is still high and closed (though a bit soft).


 Name: shertom

EDD: 5/13/09

Type of BR: Strict

Since when: 21w

Reason: contractions, shortened cervix, 2 fibroids causing these problems


Name:  Omahabridetobe

EDD: 5/15/09

Type of BR: modified-able to leave house occasionally

Since when: 2/19

Reason: preterm labor, shortening cervix (now 2.37cm.)  I was working 12 hour shifts on my feet and having contractions.


name - bnv (virginia)

edd - may 19th

BR - complete 

since - Jan 3rd

reason - incomp cervix, cerclage placed 1/3


Name:  MegDC

EDD: 5/20

Type of BR: modified bedrest (can move about the house) and will get evaluated week to week.

Reason: Dynamic cervix with pre-term contractions


Name: IWantMyCeremony

EDD: May 24th but docs are hoping I make it to 34 weeks which is early/mid April

Type of BR: Hospital

Since when: 24 weeks

Reason: baby having hydrops PPROM @ 25 wks because of too much fluid


Name: buggles

EDD: 5/25/09

Type of BR: hospital bedrest w/ bathroom privileges, released to home bedrest 2/27

Since when: 21w5d

Reason: history of preterm delivery with 2nd pregnancy at 21 weeks due to chorioamnionitis, this pregnancy: cerclage after 1st tri. but showed shortened cervix and funneling on day of hospital admission


name - littlewonders

edd - July 13 ... but we're hoping to make it to sometime in May (32w?)

BR - strict, bathroom, shower twice a week, get to sit up briefly for meals

since - 17w4d (Feb 6)

reason - TTTS (Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrom) and PTL (frequent contrax) most likely caused by invasive in-utero surgery needed to save our daughters from almost certain death caused by TTTS


Name:  MrsDeLovely

EDD: June 3, 2009

Type of BR: Light- Allowed to work, but off feet for afternoons and weekends; only driving to and from work, restricted lifting under 15 lbs.

Since When: December 18

Reason: bicornuate uterus- risk of preterm labor, contractions at 16 weeks, placenta previa and protein in urine


Name: Mrsolsenk12

EDD: 6/3/09

Since: 29 weeks 3 days

Type: released from hospital and now on semi-bedrest. Can take a shower and move to the couch. Can get up once an hour plus going to the bathroom.

Reason: Shortening cervix and cervix beginning to funnel.


Name:  Kikis7780

EDD: June 7, 2009

Type of BR: Strict- but can get up to use restroom and shower for 5 minutes

Since When: Jan 14

Reason: shortened cervix- had cerclage on Jan 15


Name: MStason

EDD: 6/8/09

Type of BR:

Since when: 25 weeks

Reason: Not sure baby isnt growing enough but they say it isnt IUGR


Name: ~PrincessBride2

EDD: 6/9/09

Type of BR: strict, but i can shower

Since when: 13 weeks

Reason: bleeding due to placenta previa and partial placental abruption


Name:  daisy22 (Wendy)

Due date:  June 9th

Since when:  24 weeks

Type of bedrest: At home. I can get up for the bathroom, quick shower once a day, and get my own drinks. I can't do anything else around the house or go anyway.

Reason:  bleeding and cramping, placenta has pulled away some. On terb as needed for cramping/contractions


Name: LNinlove


Type of BR: Strict

Since when: 18 w

Reason: Shortened cervix, with cerclage


Name: Qs2009 Leanne

Due Date: June 12th

Type of BR: hospital bedrest until delivery

Since When: 26 weeks

Reason: Cervix is at 0, dialated to 1.  (Twin Pg)



EDD: 6/13/09

Type of BR: shower, restroom, up to get food in kitchen, going to try working from home on couch

Since when: Friday 3/13/09

Reason: had cold knife cone surgery on my cervix about 6 years ago. cervix has since been measured every two weeks since 16 weeks. All was fine until last week my cervix measured 2.5 at 27 weeks. plan to go in for weekly appoiintments until at least 34 weeks.


Name: JCM (Joie)

EDD: 6/14/2009

Type of BR: Strict (bathroom and bathing only) at home trying to avoid hospital bed rest and weekly doctor appointment

Since when:  24 weeks 1 day (February 23rd)

Reason: IC due to funneling


Name: KittyCatRollerMoM (Cat)

Due date:  6/14

Type of BR: moderate, can use bathroom and shower, allowed to move to couch and get own drinks/snack when home alone. also allowed one dinner at a restaurant per week.

Since when:  24 weeks

Reason:  shortened cervix, funneling.


Name: Prima&Gee

EDD: 6/21/2009

Type of BR: modified

Since when: 14 weeks

Reason: previous ptl, PPROM, incompetent cervix, cerclage, TWINS!!!!


Name: schmoodle

EDD: 7/1/09

Type of BR:  light/modified

Since when:16w2d

Reason: history of preterm delivery (lost last pregnancy unexpectedly at 23 weeks), possible cervical issues and placenta previa.


Name: hulagirl09

EDD: 7/05/2009

Type of BR: I can go to the bathroom, take a short shower and make a quick meal and sit up to eat.

Since when: 23 weeks.

Reason: Short Cervix


Name: ShawnaDanielle

Due Date: July 7, 2009

Type of BR: Strict, bathroom and shower only

Since When: 22 weeks

Reason: Shortened Cervix


Name: krisflower

EDD: 7/08/2009

Type of BR: modified

Since when: 14 weeks 5 days

Reason: Previous preterm delivery, PTL


Name:  amber.rae.b

EDD: July 8, 2009

Type of BR: Not too sure. I am able to go to the potty, take a shower and make a small meal.

Since when: 3/9

Reason: Preterm Labor. Contractions (that I didnt even know I was having) was making my short cervix even shorter.


Name:  sparkle007

EDD: July 8, 2009

Type of BR: Hospital bedrest

Since when: 3/20

Reason: preterm labor contractions & a shortening, funnelling cervix


Name: bkb2003

EDD: 7/11/2009 (scheduled c-section 7/3)

Type of BR: Light/modified 

Since when: 19 weeks

Reason: PTL - Timeable contractions but thankfully not dilated yet, goal to get to 24 weeks and then start on anti-contraction meds


Name:  MCGMK (Michelle)

Due date:  July 15

Since when:  13 weeks

Reason:  Incompetent cervix


Name: Chocolatechip06

EDD: 7/23/09

Type of BR: Strict

Since when: 16w4d (2/9/09)

Reason: Early dilation/effacement, cerclage placed,  twin pregnancy


Name: Oscarkat

EDD: 8/1/2009

Type of BR: light/modified I can sit up but need to stay off my feet as much as possible. After two weeks they'll evaluate to see if I can work from home.

Since when: 18w4d

Reason: Bleeding due to a low lying placenta.


Name: 2BWEDN2007 (Sara)

Due Date: August 15

Type of BR: Modified

Since When: 16 weeks when cerclage was placed

Reason: Incompetent cervix with history of premature delivery at 24w


Name: pinkpinkrocky

EDD: 8/18/2009

Type of BR: strict at home bedrest with bathroom use only.

Since when: 3/16/09 at 18 weeks 

Reason: a large Subchorionic Hematoma and pre-term labor contractions.


Name: pinkpinkrocky (marisa)

EDD: 8/18/2009

Type of BR: strict with bathroom and shower use.

Since when:  March 16, 2009

Reason: Bleeding due to SCH


Name:  Jmfote09

EDD: Aug 20th, 2009

Type of BR: Modified. Can make a sandwich and move to couch.

Since when: 2/20

Reason: Subchorionic Hematomas and possible Placenta Previa


Name: MrsTeddy (Sarah)

EDD: 8/26/09 first baby, its a surprise!

Since when:  March 17 16 wks 6 days

Reason: Marginal Placenta Previa, bleeding

Type of BR Modified, some privelages around the house but no heavy cleaning, lifting, driving, traveling, or shopping.  I am allowed a few shirt excursions a week. Not tied to a bed but should spend most of day sitting with feet up.


Name: MoFinn

EDD: 9/29/2009

Type of BR: light/modified I can sit up just need to stay off my feet.  Can work from home. Allowed more privileges at 11 weeks

Since when:

Reason: Bleeding due to SCH, 4 previous m/c, and identical twins


 Name: HerHighness  (Sarah)

EDD: October 13th

Type of BR: Modified. Bed or couch always.  I can get up to pee and shower

Since when: 7 weeks

Reason: Mass in uterus found after I was told I had a miscarriage (blight ovum) by ER. (ultrasound found baby 2 weeks later with strong heartbeat)  They are unsure if it is subchoronic hematoma or if I miscarried a twin. On bed rest til mass dissapates.

Add any updates!

 QOTD: Do you have animals? How do you think they will do with the new baby?

BFP 12/23/07, M/C 1/25/08 Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: ~~~Bedrest Mamas Sunday Check-in~~~

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    No updates! Slept 10 hours last night and I'm feeling great this morning!

    QOTD: ?We have one cat, Louise, and she'll be two in July. ?(The one who broke her leg last week!) ?She's a feisty, opinionated, independent woman, to say the least. ?She's also gorgeous and can be a real snuggly cuddler when she wants to be! ?

    I think she will be real unsure of this new person when we bring him home. ?I don't expect to see much of her for a few days, but eventually I think she'll really want to check him out. ?Crying/screaming will freak her out, but I think when he's quiet, she'll hang out with him/us like normal eventually. ?My biggest concern is that as he gets older and more curious about his cat, he'll pull her fur or try to pick her up, and that she'll scratch or try to bite him. ?But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. ?:)?

    I'm AWing her out with a PIP just for fun:



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    I can't believe I haven't been doing these check-ins!  Better late than never I guess!

    Nothing new for us, just excited to have made it to 34 weeks this weekend!  My cerclage will come out at 36 weeks, and then we'll see what happens.

    QOTD:  We have a Yorkshire Terrier.  I know small dogs can have some serious jealousy issues, so we're hoping it doesn't get too bad with her.  She's been great when other people have brought over their new babies, so we're hoping she's alright with ours too.

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    No updates!

    QOTD: We have one dog. His name is Tyson and he is a rottweiler/shepherd/chow mix, about 5 1/2 years old. He is a very sweet, submissive dog, but I do think he'll be jealous of the baby...I don't think he'll be mean about it though.

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    I have two chihuahuas. One HATES everyone (JD) but me and DH. and the other one likes people (Choco) . We really thought we would have trouble with JD. He has NEVER barked at the boys or snapped at them. He barks at everyone one that comes over. We have to put them outside when we have someone over.?
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    No pets for us, we move too often. (every 6 months or so) Sometimes out of the country. I will be taking full time 24hr care of my 2.5 year old neice when baby comes. So I am trying to get her ok with the idea.
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    No updates for me except that my feet look like beach balls. Arrrgh.

    QOTD: We can't have pets in our place.  If we could and DH wasn't allergic I would get a cat.  Maybe someday we will get a dog when we have our own house. I love Beagles. 


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    JCMJCM member

    VAannie: Louise is beautiful!

    Updates:  Today I have made it to 29 weeks.  I consider each week a big deal so Sunday's I am usually a very happy girl!

     QOTD:  We have 1 dog, Nikitta and she is 9 years old. She is the sweetest most passive dog I have ever encountered so, I am sure she will be just fine with the baby.  Our friends have an 18 month old and when she comes over Nikitta loves it because they are eye level to each other so Maddie (the little girl) gets lots of kisses from Nikitta and they both love it.  We also have 2 cats, Edith & Archie.  I am not too sure what they are going to think.  They are both very sweet but it will take them a few days to check our new addition out before they will even come out I am sure.  Then I think Edith will love the baby and Archie will be a bit jealous because he is my ?baby? right now.  He even lets me carry him around in the cradle hold so, it may take him a bit more time to realize there's a new kid in town.


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    I don't know if I am on the rollcall, but I have been on bedrest for 3 weeks. This past Wednesday I was put in the hospital for preterm labor and put on mag. drip (horrible yucky stuff).
    My fiance JUST got back into town from working out-of-state!!! I can't wait until he gets up to the hospital to see me!!

    QOTD: My younger sister lives with my fiance and I. She has a Jack Russell Terrior, Trigger, who is part of our family!! He won't be the baby anymore, and neither will my sister, so I think it is going to be a big change for BOTH of them!! She won't be moving out anytime soon so we will have to work on having a baby around the dog and setting restrictions for the very spoiled couple (the dog and sister ha!).

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    MCGMKMCGMK member
    I have a 3 yr old German Sheppard/Chow mix named Maximus.  He'll do well with another baby in the house.  He ignores DS and steers clear of him when he's rolling around the house!
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    No new updates, but every day that passes is a good one :)

    I have 2 cats that I adore, Sabby (great white fluffy cat with one blue eye and one green one) & Benny (sweetest / whiniest little tuxedo kitty). I am a bit nervous to see how they do with the baby, esp considering I treat the two of them like they are my babies! I think it will be ok though it might take some time. Like someone else said, I'm a bit more nervous as to what will happen when the baby starts chasing after the cats....although we got time before that happens!!

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    Newbie over here - We are due August 12th and I begin bedrest this week (21 weeks). We lost our son on March 22, 2008 due to incompetent cervix and I had a cerclage put in at 13 weeks. At 18 weeks, the sono showed my cervix at 4.3 cm, but I have to go on bedrest anyway as we lost our son at 22 weeks last year.

    I am able to go to the bathroom, eat and shower - and that's all she wrote.

    I will be going into the hospital at 24 weeks for steroid shots...regular OB doesn't think I'll make it past 28 weeks, I'm hoping to get into the 30's at the very least, preferably 40.


    QOTD - We have a dog and a cat, I'm not really worried about the cat - but our dog, Misty, is very attached to me and very protective and we are going to have to watch her closely when baby comes home. I'm thinking that DH will bring home some of baby's blankets when he is born so she can smell them and get used to the idea of him.

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