High-Risk Pregnancy

Hello Girls!!

I am mostly a "lurker" but I see they added this board and I think it was a GREAT idea.  I lost a baby at 21 weeks, and they never figured out the cause.  My OB was HORRIBLE and more or less told me that they didn't know what happened and sent me on my way.  I changed OB's and I am now 28 weeks pregnant with a baby girl.  I see a high risk doctor due to my BP being high, which I've had forever, and due to the loss before.  Anyone else go to a High Risk due to BP issues??  What are they doing for it?? 

Re: Hello Girls!!

  • Hi!

    Sorry to hear about your loss but congrats as well to your baby girl on the way!

    I am high risk due to HBP and GD. I am currently taking Clonidine for the HBP and have a growth u/s about every 2 weeks. I have to monitor my BP at home at least 2 times a day.

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  • Hi!!! I don't have high blood pressure but I just wanted to say Hello!
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