
Funneling Cervix anyone?

Hi Ladies, I was diagnosed with Incompetence Cervix due to funneling (T shaped funneling) on Monday and placed at home on strict bedrest.  I was also given my 1st dose of Celestone on Monday and my 2nd and final does yesterday afternoon.  I will receive a weekly abdominal and transvaginal u/s by a Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist and also see my OB right after that appointment.  My OB said he is hoping I carry the baby to 32 weeks and then expects my water to break without contraction and most likely deliver by C-Section. 

 I was wondering if any of you had similar circumstances that I am currently having and could share your experience with me.  I would love to know how long you were able to carry your baby and how your baby did after birth. I would also like to know what I should expect when the baby goes to the NICU.  I found out that the hospital I am going to deliver at has the only Level III C NICU in N. Texas so that give me a bit of reassurance.  

 One more thing, I don't know what my cervical length currently is and that question is at the top of my list to ask the Maternal Fetal Specialist on Monday.

 Thank you in advance for any guidance and experience you can share with me. I am terrified!

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Re: Funneling Cervix anyone?

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    I had a funneled cervix thta was down to 2.3.  It had been 3.5 only the weeek before.  I too was givne the steroid shots and a had a negative FFN test and my doctros were pretty confident I could maek it to 32 weeks.  I was put on strict bedrest as well.  However at 29w5d, I started having pain which I know realize was contractions and went to the hospital. I was monitored there and was having a ton of contractions they couldn't stop and my water broke so that was it.  I had a c-section.  It was very unexpected and all happend very fast.  Went to the hostpital at 6, had babies at 10.  They are in NICU of course but they ar edoing as well as can be expected for their prematurity.  Hopefully they will be hoen in 6 weeks.

    It is very scary.  I hope you can hold on at least until 28 weeks.   


    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I had DS at 25 weeks due to incompetent cervix and funneling.  I had my son 10 days after I found out about it.  He had a hard time in the NICU.  I'm pregnant for #2 and had a cerclage done at 15 weeks.  I'm on strict bed rest as well to avoid another premature baby.  I hope you are able to carry as long as possible!!!!!
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    My cervix went from a 3.8 to less than 1 cm in just 4 days. It was also funneling. I was admitted to the hospital in Abilene that day. I was 25 weeks. A couple of days later I had a positive FFN test and transported by ambulance to Harris Methodist in Fort Worth. I have been here ever since. They didn't think I would make it to 28 weeks and here I am at 30! Every woman is different and apparently I have been going against the odds. Just really adhere to the strict bedrest and hope for the best! That's all you can do. Good luck. Also, what hospital are you delivering at?
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    My cervix went from a 3.8 to less than 1 cm in just 4 days. It was also funneling. I was admitted to the hospital in Abilene that day. I was 25 weeks. A couple of days later I had a positive FFN test and transported by ambulance to Harris Methodist in Fort Worth. I have been here ever since. They didn't think I would make it to 28 weeks and here I am at 30! Every woman is different and apparently I have been going against the odds. Just really adhere to the strict bedrest and hope for the best! That's all you can do. Good luck. Also, what hospital are you delivering at?

    So sorry to hear you are on hospital bedrest.  I have been on home bedrest and I can't imagine how much harder it is to be at the hospital.  So happy you have made it that far though!  What an accomplishment!!

    Just in case you are interested, we have a bedrest check-in on the third tri boards every day around 1.  Here is the link to todays if you want to check it out.  We usually try to have a question starter, but are there to talk about anything.  There are quite a few on the list who are stuck at the hospital.  Good luck hanging on as many more weeks as you can!!

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    At 22 weeks my peri. found I was funneling with only 1.5cm of cervix left (I have a cerclage placed post-1st tri). I was admitted to the hosp. right after that which is where I currently am. I got anti-biotics, betamethisone and am currently taking terbutaline. So far, I've been here in high-risk perinatal since mid-January and am now 27w3d. Since I'm currently stable (my cervix and funneling hasn't changed) the MD here will release me this Friday to continue this at home with weekly checks.

    So, I made it this far and hope to do another 10 weeks or so. Bedrest can definitely increase one's chances to some extent.

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    I have IC and had my son at 24w5d due to IC and funneling.

    We discovered my issue between 21.5 and 22 weeks when my cervix was measuring 2.5 cm. Concerned, my doctor ordered follow-up u/s every 10 days.

    On 3/13 I had a fFN test because I lost my mucous plug and knew something was going on. It was positive so I was ordered on modified bed rest at home.

    At my first 10 day follow-up u/s on 3/17 I was measuring 1.8 cm and funneling on the inside of my cervix. Outside was still closed. I was admitted in Boston for bed rest  that same night and had my first steroid shot and the second 24 hours later. I made it 6 days before I delivered DS.

    I started having contractions at 4 AM and had DS 1 hr and 53 min later via emergency c-section. It happened so fast and we had so many complications (prolapsed cord, DS flipped transverse with my contractions and went into distress) that if I hadn't been in the hospital already he would have never made it. The steroids definitely saved my son's life. A baby as early as yours is now would never have a chance without those shots so I am glad to hear you are getting them.

    I hope you make it full-term!

    Jacob 3.23.08 * Grace 7.22.09 * Eli 7.26.11 * Annabelle 1.18.14

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    Thank you ladies for your responses.  It really means a lot to me to hear from someone who is experiencing/experienced the same thing. 

    My bedrest is going pretty well so far.  I will keep you posted.  Thank you again!

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