Indiana Babies

andrew update 31 week

Andrew is beginning his 31st week of gestation.  Andrew continues to do well.  The weeks are going quickly and his homecoming doesn't seem so far away!

Thanks to his healthy appetite, the rate at which Andrew is gaining weight has picked up.  He now weighs 2 lb 12 oz, which is a 6 oz increase from just one week ago.  We can't wait until he breaks 3 lbs!  The doctors adjust the amount of milk Andrew gets nearly every day so that it is appropriate for his increase in weight.  (Today he received 23 mL every 3 hours.)

I had the honor of giving Andrew his sponge bath on Friday night, while Ryan video-taped the occasion.  I'm sure Andrew will appreciate that when he's a teenager :-)  After his quick bath (I worked fast so he didn't get too cold), the nurse said he slept perfectly for about 3 hours. 

And another first - Ryan changed Andrew's diaper.  I think Andrew is teasing Daddy already, because the nurse said it was Andrew's biggest blowout ever.  HA!

Not much else is happening.  We're being patient while Andrew grows - - a good position to be in - - and in the meantime continue with our twice-daily visits, "kangaroo care" (Google it if you're curious), and reading him books.

Thank you for your continued prayers!

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