Washington Babies

TTC & Antihistamines

As some of you know DH and I have been TTC for quite some time now (almost a year), but we've had a handful of months in there that the timing just wasn't right. Regardless a week or so ago I started reading back through TCOYF and read the part that talked about not taking antishistamines while TTC. I hadn't caught that the first time I read TCOYF  because I skipped to the TTA portion (terrible I know). Regardless, I'd spoken to all of my Dr's about the meds I was on and told them DH and I were TTC and none of them thought any of the meds would cause any problems. Well lo and behold I read antihistamines are not conducive to TTC (the concept makes sense that it can dry up CF). Regardless, I feel like a complete idiot now for not knowing this. I have terrible asthma and allergies and have been taking Allegra (a level C drug) for the last 2 years!! Aaakk! So here's to taking myself off Allegra this next cycle! :) Has anyone else known about this? I get the feeling I should have known this (and thus feel like an idiot, but that is neither here nor there). My allergist STILL doesn't think it's an issue and told me I don't have to stop taking it until I actually get pg. I'm switching to zyrtec though (which has a lower amount of antihistamine in it) and will avoid taking it during O. Ok ... now I just need to be told I'm not a complete moron. :)

Re: TTC & Antihistamines

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    I've never heard of such a thing, but I hope it works for you!!  FWIW, DH & I conceived DD when we both had colds.
    ~Susan Mommy to H 08.07.06, and G 10.11.08, m/c(d&c) 08.10.05 13wks image
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    I can't remember if I caught that when I read TCOYF, but it makes sense. ?I have heard that taking Mucinex D (the formulation with?guaifenesin) can create more favorable CM. ?I've also heard that using Pre-Seed helps.
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    I had no idea!    I hope it brings positive result for you though Big Smile
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    Antihistamines might make it marginally harder, but it's not like it would be preventing you from getting PG.... do you check yoru CM?  do you notice it getting thicker around ovulation?  If you're not all dried up then I wouldn't worry about it.  Seriously.  If it were that bad, they'd sell it as contraceptive.  

     You are not a moron.  at all.  And I really doubt that the antihistamines are what are causing your problems...  If you've been at it for a year, please go see your doctor and start getting some testing done.   It might not reveal the "answer" but it could help you find something, you just never know.  

     But really, I doubt the antihistamines are really taht big of a deal.  It's jsut like the people who claim that taking Robitussin is the "answer" to getting pregnant.  Sure, maybe it can increase your CM a little bit, but it's not going to be the clincher.

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    I take antihistamines most days.  During TTC.  While pregnant.  I even get weekly allergy shots.  While TTC & so far throughout this pregnancy...
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