
Would you ask for a steroid shot?

My contractions keep coming and I have literally been in bed ALL DAY.  My dr is super concerned that I am going to deliver any day becuase the baby is so low.  With DD I had shots to make sure her lungs would develop faster since I had pre-term labor with her as well.  I was going to call today and see if my OB thought it would be a good idea for me to get the shots now.  But talked myself out of it. But I would have thought she would have brought it up at my last appointment when she realized how low he was.  Should I call on Monday and see what she thinks?

Re: Would you ask for a steroid shot?

  • Yes, I would call. ?My doc told me that boys'?lungs?tend to be less developed than the lungs of girls at the same gestational age. ?I would actually call the on-call doctor to ask. ?They might want to you to in tomorrow :)
    L 7/06 E 8/07 L 6/10 imageimageimage
  • Yes, definitely.  My son was born at 36 weeks and was brought to the NICU because his lungs weren't developed yet and he needed help opening them/breathing/etc.  If I thought I could do anything to prevent that I would.
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  • I would call and ask.  The shots need 48 hours to be most effective.  My DS was a 26 weeker and I got the shots at 24 weeks.  I really feel like they made a huge difference.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
  • #6#6 member

    I agree. I would call tonight and ask the on call dr.  They might have you come in tomorrow since you are already having contractions. 


  • I would not wait until Monday.  I would call tonight and ask the on call Dr.  I had the steroid shot with DD at 32 wks because of PTL contrax.  FWIW, I wound up having pretty much constant contrax for the next 6 wks and delivered an 8 lb baby 2 wks early.  Good luck!
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