
Switching to Neosure - help

We're transitioning dd from breast milk to Neosure.  It seems to messing with her digestive system.  First it was acid reflux (mild to medium, not super bad) which is now controlled by Zantac and Reglan.  Now she's constipated and clearly uncomfortable.  It's only been about a day and a half, so no reason to be alarmed yet, but like I said, she's clearly uncomfortable.  We've tried massages/excercises.  Any experience with this?

Re: Switching to Neosure - help

  • My DS first bottle in the NICU was Neosure.  We're just now weening him off the Neosure to something else.  My son was constipated ALL the time.  But.....we were mixing cereal in his bottles and he had bowel surgery while in the NICU.  So I chalked the constipation up to those factors.  Now that he's on some solids and we're switching formula, he's no longer constipated.  Neosure is packed with iron so I know that doesn't help.  I'm sorry I don't have any advice since my DS is just now getting over it!!  I hope everything gets better!!
  • Brandon is on neosure and has both reflux (he is on zantac) and is frequently constipated. The pediatrician told me to give him prune juice when he is constipated which seems to help.
    Conceived twins with IVF January 2008. Lost baby a at 20 1/2 weeks due to premature rupture of membranes and held onto baby b. Baby b (Brandon) born at 26 weeks and 1 day on July 5, 2008. Wesley born full term on June 29, 2011. My blog Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers image
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  • Max used to be horribly constipated on Neosure... we now give him 1oz of prune juice a day (he's also on Reglan) and everything is moving along GREAT!

    It used to be glycerin suppositories a couple times a week, now we haven't done one in a couple of months!

    At his dinnertime feeding, we giev him 1oz of juice mixed in with 5 oz of formula (he usually gets a 6oz feeding) and he sucks it right up! He HATES straight prune juice though... we tried that first!

  • Ours are on Neosure and after they started taking more and less breast milk and then all formula they got really constipated also. My doc said add a tsp of Karo dark corn syrup to the bottle, every other one until something flows.

    I did this for a whole month for my daughter who is now almost 8 years old when she had to go to a lactose free formula and it stopped her up. She got really chunky from the extra calories lol.

    Good luck



  • My boys were on it for their first month (and half breast milk) and only one of my guys had any constipation issues on it. We're on the Efamil equivalent now, the Enfacare. We only switched because we got some for free. Otherwise, my guys did great on the Neosure!

  • duh.. I forgot what I did for mine when he was pedi had me take a q-tip and cover the top with vaseline and put it in his bum and twist it just a bit for like a minute. About 30 minutes later...poop!!
  • Robbie can't take it either. he won't eat much of it, then screams for an hour afterward..



  • We gave her an ounce of pear juice once a day at about 10AM. That's the only way she could poop. I felt so bad for her, I switched her to regular formula at 2 months because I couldn't take it anymore. After the switch, she was a completely different baby, a good happy baby. Although, she didn't grow as fast as she did on neosure.


  • we did half neosure and half brest milk. my dd was never really constapated so i cant really help with that. after my pumped milk ran out we did just neosure until she went to milk.

    i hope it help you

  • my baby is on neosure and i giver karo syrup in her bottle mixed with per my dr. poops everyday

    about 1/2 teaspoon  per 3-4 ounce bottle

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