How much do I let them eat before giving the bottle? Today's first rice cereal was a great one but then they won't eat their bottle because they want the cereal.
Here is how I do it. In the morning E *usually* gets up and eats at 7:30 and then has breakfast between 8:30-9 and eats again around 11-11:30. So she goes 4 hours inbetween feedings and has some cereal inbetween. At night she tends to get more hungry so she eats between 3-4 and then has cereal around 5 and has her last bottle at 6. HTH!
Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
Need help with high fat food ideas?
Chunky Monkey
duh, I guess I could have answered your question. In the morning E gets 2tbs cereal w/ BM and maybe a little banana or sweet potato mixed in. At night she gets about 1.5 tbs cereal w/ BM and 1oz avocado
Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
Need help with high fat food ideas?
Chunky Monkey
Re: re: solids??? How much?
Need help with high fat food ideas? Chunky Monkey
Need help with high fat food ideas? Chunky Monkey