Twin mamas -
How did you do a baby book/baby journal? It seems silly to fill out all the information in 2 different books, but I can understand that you might have to, so that each kiddo can keep one in the future.
I just imagine my future is going to have very little free time to fill out these books, but I think I will want to capture all that early information somewhere.
Any tips???
Re: Twin Baby Books?
I've been looking around for one and I just gave up and bought two. I figure even though it's inconvenient to have 2, it's really for the best so they can each have one. (But since I'm having 2 boys will they really care???) My plan when time is tight is to just fill one out. I can finish the other one when they go to college
After a PCOS dx, 18 months of trying, 3 rounds of clomid and 2 follistim IUIs our babies are here!