Pennsylvania Babies

Formula samples and Playtex bottles

Hi ladies,

Ii have a bunch of bottles and formula samples that iI don't need and thought I'd post here first to see if anyone could use them, since you're all local :) I have the following:

1 sample can (12.9 oz) Similac Advance (blue can, not early shield)

2 sample cans (12.9 oz) Enfamil Lipil w/ iron (yellow can)

1 sample pack Enfamil Lipil w/ iron single serve packets (4 packets; each makes one 4 oz bottle)

7 Playtex Drop-Ins bottles - 4 oz size

4 Playtex Drop-Ins bottles - 8 oz size

$12 worth of Good Start formula checks (one for $11 and one for $1)

I also have an assortment of Playtex Drop-Ins bottle nipples, but wasn't sure if it would be weird to pass those one - however if anyone wants them, let me know!

I'm not really looking for anything in return, but if you have Similac checks or Similac Isomil samples you don't need, I'd be willing to trade for those :)

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