DS has been the hard baby from the very beginning--we tried every formula out there finally settling on Nutramigen which has been the best thus far but he's still not the best feeder--only eating 3-4 ounces (an occasional 5 ouncer here and there) every 3 hours or so at 4 months old. I feel like he's so scrawny for his age--about 12 pounds right now (dd is over a lb bigger). Every feeding session is just so stressful trying to get him to eat...he's not in pain it's just as if he genuinely has zero interest in eating.
So, we're a few weeks or so away from potentially starting solids and I can't help but wonder if it will be just as miserable for him with solids. Is there anyone else out there that had a difficult bottle feeder but things seemed to click better once you started solids? Or am I just naive to think that there is any light at the end of this tunnel....i'm just sooo frustrated...
Re: Give me hope if you had a difficult feeder
My son drinks 3oz 6x/day. Maybe an extra ounce or two as a snack if he's super upset. My doc said to NOT give him more than 3oz at a time because of his reflux, but to just give an extra bottle somewhere in the day if he wants it. He weighs about 10lbs (I think, and is just over 4 months old...born at 3.5). My doc said the same thing yours did...she's very happy with his gain, so I guess that's all that matters.
My other son HATES food...such vomiting/reflux issues...so that's a major struggle. He's on a feeding tube...big struggles. So odd to have one baby suck it down and the other just throw it up.
good luck. I HEAR it gets better...hopefully for a lot of us, it does!