
Toddler boy fashion question

All my ILs' grandkids (including my 2 DS) are having hoiday pics taken in red, black, and gray Gymboree holiday clothes.


Harry has no black shoes, so I have to buy him a pair. ?Do I buy him a pair of black dress shoes (CHEAP ones from Payless or Target) that he will never wear again, OR do I buy him a pair of black canvas Chuck Taylors from Baby Gap that he will wear again? ?If I get the Chuck Taylors, will he look cool in them or like he doesn't have any dress shoes??

Re: Toddler boy fashion question

  • Since Will has navy blue Chucks, I may be a little biased.  They look so cute.  I have gotten so many compliments on them. 

    But, if the other kids are wearing dress shoes, I would probably just go grab a cheapie pair at Target.

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • I'd buy the cheap pair at Payless.

    That's what I did for Jonathan for Benjamin's baptism.  It sucks that I spent $17 for one time wear shoes, but he looked so cute that it was totally worth it.


    Me with my littlest.
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  • FYI, I was looking for boy dress shoes at Target and found nothing. ?I was ticked off, because I'd made a special trip there just for that purpose, and they of course had plenty of girl shoes. ?I bought some from Payless for about $12. ?
  • Chuck Taylors. He will look fashionable.
  • If the shoes will be in the picture and all of the other kids are wearing dress shoes then I would get cheap ones from Walmart or Payless, if not get the CTs.  If you are not sure what everyone else is wearing I would ask, for the $10 you can probably get them for I would not want him to stand out.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • I think the CT's would look SO cute.  How about black boots?  Something he can wear with jeans later on?
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