
infant and toddler sharing room?

Anyone do this?  We have two bedrooms upstairs and one downstairs, and while we'll keep the infant (due July) with us in a co-sleeper for a little while, I'm wondering how well it will work when we have to move the infant in with a two year old.  The only other option is to give them each their own room upstairs, but then my husband and I would have to sleep on a separate floor from our two young ones, and I'm not comfortable with that.

Any feedback will be appreciated :)

Re: infant and toddler sharing room?

  • We will be having our two share once #2 is sleeping through the night.  We're in a 1-br in NYC, but have the apartment set up as basically a studio with a huge nursery.  At first #2 will be in the living room with us in a basinette, but once he/she sleeps through they'll share a room.  We likely won't be in a multi-bedroom home where the kids will have their own rooms for a long time yet since DH is in school!
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  • Mine do. ?The baby sleeps with us because it has not worked out AT ALL.
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  • we do it.. we have a 3 bedroom and the girls still share..  we havent had any problems... bentlie use to be a super super light sleeper, the only thing I was afraid of was waking her up when I put peyton in bed for the night.. so far we havent had any problems..
  • We also have the same bedroom arrrangements, 2 up and one down.  We've tried off and on for the past 6 months to get our girls to share a room but it's not working.  Now we have DD#2's crib in our room and it sucks but neither my DH or I are ready to be on a separate floor from the girls.  Wishing you better luck than we've had!!
  • It was an adjustment, but it is working out fine now.  They don't wake each other up very often.  We moved the girls together a few months ago and it was harder in the beginning. They seem to have become heavier sleepers so that's a help.
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