Since we are quarantined due to RSV and not having family over for Thanksgiving I thought I could take a few Thanksgiving themed pics of the boys for their 8mos old photo email update on the 30th. But I have no idea what to do. I thought of putting them naked on a platter with lemons and some stuffing and parsley garnish but that doesn't seem like an easy shoot, plus baby clean-up time, and I'm no photographer at all. I couldn't find any turkey costumes
Got any ideas?
Re: Need ideas for Thanksgiving 8mos old photo
I have ideas, but I'm not sure they are good, but I figured I'd share them for brainstorming purposes.
Do you have bumbos? How about making construction paper turkey feathers, and sticking the feathers on the back of the bumbos.
Any fall folliage around your house, why not take them out and take pictures of them with some fall leaves.
How about giving them a football, and taking pictures of them playing with the football.
How about tracing their hands, making those handprint turkey's and sending them to your family?