
BRU coupons?

Anyone know if BRU is handing out any coupons at the register this weekend?  Mine usually gives coupns for your next visit when you make a purchase and I could really use some right now.  DD was at the dr's yesterday and it is officially new carseat time.  I want to get her the Graco Natilus and those aren't cheap.

 And yes I know Wal-mart sells them cheaper, but they are out of stock in my area.



Re: BRU coupons?

  • I just got a stack of coupons this morning at the register. 15% off a single baby item, I believe.
    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • AMazon has them for the same price as Walmart with free shipping
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  • thanks ladies!  maybe I'll pick one up with the cupon today and order the other from amazon.  I'm so nervous about keeping her in the comfort sport for much longer, she's over the weight limit by 4 pounds and the height by 1 1/2 inches!
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