
Any walk in restaurant recs for Disney World

we have reservations at a few other places but just want to see if there's any good ones that we can just walk into.

We are going to do the dinosaur restaurant in DD.


Re: Any walk in restaurant recs for Disney World

  • I love the Plaza at the Magic Kingdom.  They have a ton of outdoor seating (you can eat in there or get it to go and eat it outside, from what I remember), so it's usually easy to get into.

    There's the ABC Commissary at the Studios.  That's sort of counter-service, but has a nice indoor seating area. 

    I love the Fountainview Cafe in Epcot for quick breakfast stuff. 

    Cantina de San Angel is usually easy to get into because it has a large outdoor seating area.  I tend to avoid anything that could potentially upset my colitis when I'm there, so I've never eaten there (Mexican food is a no-no unless I'm going right back home!).  If you get there early though, you could get a seat by the railing and watch Illuminations. 

    Liberty Inn is counter-service, but has a big indoor eating area.  They have good stuff. 

    Don't forget the Funnel Cake on the way out! 

    Aw, I'm jealous.  I was supposed to be going next month, but my OB wouldn't clear the trip because of some complications I'm having.  :sniff sniff: 

    Have fun!


  • We loved EVERYTHING in Disney as far as food went:)  If you go to Epcot, I think Marroco had really good food.  DH still raves about the food there.  I personally love the big turkey legs:)  Those are counter-service though. 
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