
WDW Q: Should I get autograph book before we go

Or do they have them down there?

Also, does anyone know if they have child size birthday mickey mouse ears down there too? I have been searching for them but can only find adult ones online

thanks so much!

Re: WDW Q: Should I get autograph book before we go

  • They have the autograph books there. Make sure you bring a pen. We had to buy one. We ended up not waiting in line for the autographs. DD was only 18 months and wasn't waiting around for it. Plus it was the middle of summer.
  • We brought a sharpie, and that worked out good. ?The characters need a thicker pen to write with--one of the websites we looked at suggested sharpies. ?Oh-and they sell autograph books down there, or you can bring one...either way... Here are some websites that we found helpful:



    Have fun! ?We went with DH's family, and had a TON of fun. ?:) ??

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  • Thye have birthday cake hats, not ears. ?They are really something!
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