
I need help-we have a hitter

I am wondering if anyone of you have experienced 1 baby that is more aggressive and always hitting the other 2. I spoke to the pedi and he said to just tell her a firm no and move her away from the child she is hitting, I also did the we dont hit, its not nice lines. When we correct her she just laughs back at us and thinks its a joke. I would appreciate any advice you ladies may have!!




Re: I need help-we have a hitter

  • Wish I could help, but we have the same problem.  I hope someone has a good answer!  I even tried a light tap on the hand, but my son just laughs at us
  • I posted something similiar the other day.  Maggie is wicked aggressive towards Charlotte.  Hits her, pulls her hair, kicks her...  I have been telling her no in a firm voice but she looks at me like I have 5 heads.  I wish I had some advice for you...  Maybe someone will have some good advice for you:)
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  • Time out? Not sure quite how old your kids are; did they just turn 1?
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • DH was telling me a week ago about using "feelings" language instead of rule language. ?Kids that age don't understand rules but they understand feelings.


    i.e. "We don't hit other people because it makes them feel sad"

    Look, DD feels sad that you hit her.

    Do you feel angry?


    I don't know if there's any wisdom to it but it sounds right, doesn't it??

  • Mine DS is the same way, I thought having twins would automatically teach them to share etc, but it's opposite, one takes and the other just cries and lets him. I wish DD would stand up for herself sometimes and take her toy back but I am sure they will switch places eventually. It is hard to discipline at this age since they have no idea what you are saying. I just try to take them away from the situation, and scoot them apart or distract them with something that is ok for them to do play with.
  • you are doing the right thing. i have a hair puller and we have to do the same thing.
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