
Would you think this is strange?

Since our wedding 3 1/2 years ago, I have not had a relationship with my dad.  Basically, his new wife doesn't like me, so she kicked me out of their lives and he let her.  Anyway, what would be my step-sister-in-law added me as a friend on Facebook today.  She didn't make a comment or anything, but she did add me.  I haven't heard from any of them in the entire time we've been married (despite my best efforts).  It's really weird to see her pictures that include my father--he's a stranger to me now.  *sigh* 

Re: Would you think this is strange?

  • that is very strange!
  • That is strange. I wonder if she just wanted to see your pictures...? Haha, I admit, I've added people just so I could see their pictures/what they're up to, with no real intentions of talking to them.?

    But that sucks that your dad has been so distant. =o( My dad is the same way. I haven't talked to him in years, but I figured I'd be a good person and send him a friend request on FB. He wouldn't add me, but added my sister. WTF is that!? This is when I thank my lover, John Mayer, for writing that song- "Fathers be good to your daughters/ daughters will love like you do / girls become lovers who turn into mothers / so mothers be good to your daughters too." Some men don't realize the affect their crappy parenting will have on their children's futures... and their grandchildren's futures... and the future in general. =o/?

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  • imageHasteTheDay:

    This is when I thank my lover, John Mayer, for writing that song- "Fathers be good to your daughters/ daughters will love like you do / girls become lovers who turn into mothers / so mothers be good to your daughters too." Some men don't realize the affect their crappy parenting will have on their children's futures... and their grandchildren's futures... and the future in general. =o/

    I totally agree.

    And, you are probably right.  She probably just wanted to be nosy or boost her number of friends.

  • Yeah, I find it odd given the strained relationship, but people friend everyone. I'm fb friends with my 3 cousins in law, and although we get along, we don't really stay in contact except for holiday dinners. DH's the one that's close to them.
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